I find myself in an embarrassing situation

by | Sep 27, 2024 | California, Mario Murillo Ministries | 104 comments

I find myself in an embarrassing situation. Heartbreaking is more like it. I used the word embarrassing just to get your attention.

We must have a breakthrough right away! No, we don’t need money. We need something else. And we need it badly.

Without this breakthrough, I will face something very devastating: we can lose a massive harvest!

Some of you may wonder how it is possible for a thousand souls to come forward at one time. Not only do I know it can happen—I am bracing myself for it to happen.

There is a great threat that we will be overrun by the masses who want Jesus. We are living out Matthew 11:12 which says, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”

Try to imagine how many crusades I have done in 55 years. Well, at no time have I witnessed what is happening right now in California. The hunger on the streets boggles my mind!


Normally our teams will be out on the streets for about three hours. But in Tulare, they have been on the streets for six hours every day. So many people want prayer. Multitudes yearn to hear more about Jesus.

Maybe it is the times. The anger, division, addiction, and despair has broken people. WE HAVE NEVER SEEN HUNGER AND OPENNESS LIKE THIS.

But the real crisis is how great the interest is about the Tent. Tens of thousands of lost souls know about the Tent going up October 27-30 at the International Agricultural Center in Tulare, California.

Almost everyone we have invited is wide open to attending the crusade. So far, we have invited 50,000 people. But that doesn’t include what we are about to do.

Millions will see our promotions!

Eight massive billboards just went up on Highway 99. A million people a week will see them. Our television commercials, set to begin in a few days, will play hundreds of times on NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox News and many other secular outlets.

On top of that, we are planning a massive outreach to one of the largest homeless camps in California. It is near the site of the Tent. We will feed them and provide them with so many necessities.

Last year we faced a crisis in Los Angeles. The souls that came forward outnumbered our workers 5 to 1. 

Los Angeles: As far as the eye can see souls are getting saved but the workers were overwhelmed and it took everything we had to minister to them all. The situation looks to be much worse in Tulare because of the massive response on the streets.

Imagine my standing there with a flood of souls wanting to be saved and lacking the workers to minister to them. What a tragedy!

That is why I am sending out this general alarm. We need to do two things.

We need to pray the way Jesus told us to pray. Matthew 9:37-38, “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’”

From the depths of my heart, I am imploring you to pray. If you have even the least love for this ministry—I beg you to join me in this Jesus-prayer for workers.

I am crying out to God to speak to many people to join me. There are people out there who are supposed to help and have not yet answered the call.

Stop and pray, now!

Ask God to make a way for you to come to Tulare. At the very least join me in fervent prayer that we will get a massive surge of volunteers.

Remember my warning: What we are about to see taking place in Tulare will be a crusade like no other we have ever seen before!

Living Proof California

  October 27-30 

International Agricultural Center Tulare CA

This will be not only the largest but the most strategic crusade. It happens right before the election. You will never be the same.

Use the link to volunteer now. 


My final personal appeal to you.


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