Today is the day of atonement on the Hebrew calendar. Under the Old Covenant, this was the one day of the year where the high priest would go into the holy of holies and make atonement with blood for the nation of Israel. This day was significant on so many levels for the nation. Today is that day for Israel as a nation historically.

Today is the day, Lou Engle and the Million Women March is happening in Washington, DC. Today, many women and men will gather on the Washington Mall to pray for our nation, make declarations about who we are as a nation and will activate the Esther Ekklesia for our nation. Today is a significant day on the calendar for America as a nation.

This morning from 4am – 7am, the Holy Spirit kept speaking the name Eliashib to me. Over and over again for three hours I heard this name, Eliashib, Eliashib, Eliashib. I had no idea who this was, so I got up and looked up the name, Eliashib. Eliashib is the high priest during the days of Nehemiah in the rebuilding of the wall. His name is found in Nehemiah 12 and his name means God restores. Armed with information, I still needed the revelation as to why the Holy Spirit was saying this name to me.

In prayer I was asking the Lord what about Eliashib and He said, “Eliashib is the high priest whose name means God restores.” I said, yes. He went on to say, “On this day of atonement, today is the beginning of the restoration of this nation called America. Restoration begins today, so now pray and say, the restoration of the nation begins today.” I smiled a huge smile, the days of waiting are over, the days of restoration are beginning today, our sins have been forgiven, the high priest of our nation is Jesus the Christ and His name means salvation, America has been saved, America is now going to be restored, walls will be rebuilt, safety will return, Babylon has fallen and the God who restores has begun His plan for this land. Today is the first day of the restoration of this nation, called America!!!!