Treating Casually Creates Casualty

By lisagreatenebeli on February 8, 2025

The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about how familiar people are with God and how casually they treat Him. Many treat God so casually they decide whether they want to obey God or not; they choose how they want to treat people created in God’s image; they decide if they want to raise their hands, sing or not in church; shoot they decide whether or not they even want to pray. The spirit of familiarity has bred a generation of people who have treated God causally.

This morning I was reading 1 Samuel 6:20 “Who is able to stand before the Lord, this holy God?” The people were struck by the fear of God and recognized the power of God, which is what produced this statement they said about God. A church that does not operate in the power of God not only produces a powerless people, it creates a casual Christianity that keeps us familiar with God.

The Holy Spirit said to me moments ago, “When people treat God casually they become a casualty.” I had to look up the definition of casualty and what I found is this, “A casualty, as a term in military usage, is a person in military service, combatant or non-combatant, who becomes unavailable for duty due to any of several circumstances, including death, injury, illness, missing, capture or desertion.” We have many casualties in the body of Christ, because we have treated God casually.

Friends, familiarity with God has bred a generation that does not honor God, does not obey God, does not worship God, does not respect God’s word or His ways, or His commands. We have become so comfortable with God we think God approves of everything we do and say. Our treatment of God casually has created many casualties. We must repent for treating God so casually, He is God, we are not.

Mouthpiece Ministries

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