Any Areas or Promises in Your Life Feeling Dead? – by Steve Porter

Home Forums VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words Any Areas or Promises in Your Life Feeling Dead? – by Steve Porter

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    Ron McGatlin
    “Then He asked me, ‘Son of man, can these bones become living people again?’ ‘O Sovereign Lord,’ I replied, ‘you alone know the answer to that.'” (Ezekiel 37:3 NLT)

    New Life for Dry Bones

    Did you know that God is in every area of creation, even in those things that appear lifeless and dead? Just as a physician uses CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) to breathe new life into patients in cardiac arrest, God is always standing by, ready to breathe new life into anything lifeless when we ask. He is there in our spiritual springtime and in the cold, winter months. And He is even closer, hovering nearby in our darkest hours, according to Psalm 34:18 where it says: “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

    The Ezekiel passage above asks the question, “…can these bones become living people again?” The word living does not only mean to come back to life after being physically dead, it also applies to brokenness, a dying dream, a losing struggle, and times of hopelessness and despair in any area of our lives. To live means to be refreshed, rejuvenated, revived, or to be given the promise of life. It also means to be restored or renewed—or simply to be made whole again.

    Just as the wind breathed new life into the dry bones from the Ezekiel passage, God wants to resurrect our spirits as well. He wants to welcome us into His living presence and impart that same resurrection life to us, breathing new life into the dead places in our lives. And while some may come along and say, “God can’t use us,” God is saying otherwise, and His is the last word on the subject!

    “Therefore, prophesy and say unto them, thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O My people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.” (Ezek. 37:12 NKJV)

    From Darkness into Life

    Here God makes us a promise that He will bring us out of the darkness, opening our graves and allowing us to live again! We just have to listen and obey God’s Word. Are there areas of your life that need a touch of Heaven? Ezekiel promises us that God is always watching, always ready to breathe new life into these dead and lifeless areas of our lives. When we face obstacles, we must realize that delays are only temporary. In fact, we must keep in mind that God is in charge, and He may be slowing things down a bit in order for us to heal before breathing new life into our personal struggles, so that we will truly fully receive the power and love of God.

    To be resurrected means far more than just bringing someone back to life. To be resurrected by the power of God makes us stronger, more mature and more powerful than we were before! Did you hear that, child of God? Stronger, more mature, and more powerful than ever before!

    And God always makes good on His promise of resurrection to anyone who belongs to Him. He alone can inject new life into dead places. All we have to do is ask, obey, wait, and receive.

    Perhaps it will encourage you to understand the massive power of the resurrection. The term resurrection means to stand up again. This can be taken literally, to mean reviving an individual to a living state of consciousness, or it can be taken figuratively, as in reviving profound spiritual truths so we can experience God’s tangible peace, joy, and love. And this can be applied to any area.

    There is no situation too hard for God to overcome—not physical death, not spiritual death, not emotional death. This same gift of the resurrection already resides in each and every one of us, as God’s children, when His Spirit lives inside us.

    “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” (Romans 8:11 NKJV)

    Resurrection Life

    If God the Father was able to breathe new life into the lifeless body of His Son, then you and I are also beneficiaries of this great gift – given to us when Jesus died and was raised from the dead. But it’s up to us to grab hold of this gift in faith and believe it as if it were so, because it only comes alive for us as we apply it and say, “It’s mine, and I’m not taking no for an answer!” Once we do that we are supernaturally empowered and energized by the mighty power of God—unstoppable!

    Psalm 84:11 says, “No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” That means that He will never refuse to restore to those who ask for help. No one is too far gone if they’re still alive and breathing air. In fact, Psalm 116:2 (LB) puts it this way: “Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!”

    Jesus was raised from the dead by the power of God the Father, and that very same power already resides in us because His Holy Spirit lives inside us. With this inborn power, God can resurrect our dreams, our godly ambitions, and our passions. Every good thing that’s been lost can be restored to even greater heights through the miraculous power of God.

    Letting the Seeds of Our Dreams Grow

    Our dreams are like planted seeds. In order to sprout, they must first fall lifeless from the tree, be planted in the ground, and wait for springtime to arrive when they will begin to bloom and grow. And just as the sun rises every morning, we can depend on God’s love to shine down to bring life to our dreams. Just as the sunshine impacts all living things, God promises us an abundant and fruitful life as we respond to His call to live again.

    Have your dreams died? Perhaps you’re holding them too tightly for God to do anything. We need to learn how to hold our dreams loosely, opening our hands and giving them to Him, understanding that sometimes dreams must die lest they consume us or become like idols—the driving force of our lives. In order for those dead dreams to actually live again, we must allow Him to make something from nothing.

    According to Isaiah 61:1-3, God is more than able to make beauty from ashes. But what if we ourselves lit the match that burned them to the ground? Will God still help us? Will He resurrect our dreams if we are the ones who caused them to die? Absolutely! Because God is a God of the second chance. He takes joy and great delight in making all things new to bless us!

    Do you have areas in your life where you feel dead inside? Are you struggling through personal issues, financial struggles, family problems, or a lack of passion for your career? Do you feel as if God has lost your address, forgotten about you, or is simply too busy to care? Release the tight grip and open your hand, giving Him your worries, burdens, and dead or dying dreams. Let Him breathe new life into them for you.

    Perhaps you feel unworthy of God’s resurrection power because of something you’ve done. Well, take heart, because if you humble yourself and repent, He will give beauty for ashes. Answer this question: Do you reject your precious children when they make mistakes? Of course not, and neither does God! He will lovingly correct you and then restore you back to health, making all things new!

    The first step is to embrace the power of God, believing He will restore you. Ask Him to breathe new life into the dark and lifeless areas of your life. Be patient and wait in faith. Don’t quit before the miracle happens! Hold on to the promise as if your life depended on it, because it does. And never take no for an answer!

    Let’s pray: God, You are more than able to make beauty from the ashes of my life. You are a God of the second chance. You take joy and great delight in making all things new! It is never too late for a resurrection in my life! Bring it on!

    Steve Porter
    Refuge Ministries


    Steve Porter is founder of Refuge Ministries. He believes that, through the presence of God, healing takes place. He has a passion for conducting presence-driven intimacy conferences, missions, and restoration ministry. He resides near Rochester, NY. Steve Porter has written many books and has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, with a clarity and simplicity that draws one up into a closer walk and deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Steve’s passion is conference speaking and writing devotional books that draw the reader into the very presence of God.


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    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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