Lean In Close…Really Close – God Whispers – Debra Westbrook

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    Ron McGatlin

    Lean In Close…Really Close – God Whispers

    Park Bench - MeditateNow there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. John 13:23

    Lean in close to hear God’s whispers. I listen. I’ve learned to listen. I lean in close to hear, blocking out all distractions around me. I am intentional about spending time with the Lord, to listen.

    He whispers and His words engage my faith filled imagination to dream with Him during these times of intimacy. These are moments in my day that are larger than life in the natural. They are eternal moments that call to me in the now, speaking from eternity to my spirit, my true identity.

    God whispers. My spiritual senses quicken to gaze into another realm. I see what can’t be seen in the natural and hear an eternal sound. There is this other realm where I live move and have my being. My natural earthly life seeks to compete and dominate the whispers of eternity. I won’t let it. I lean in close to the One who loves me. I lean upon His breast and hear His whispers, filled with life and love and mercy and goodness.

    Do you lean in? Do you take time to spend time in quiet with God?

    Eternity never forces itself upon my life, seeking to make itself known. God whispers and I respond. I am in Christ. I am formed to engage and live from an eternal reality. I know that my identity as a Christian is within my spirit, not my flesh. I walk out in the natural who I am in the spirit. I realize that time spent seeking the Lord is time spent knowing eternal life, knowing Jesus so that I may live in the natural in righteousness, peace and joy now.

    Sensitivity in the spirit is learned as we spend time in His presence. We hear and respond to the gentle whispers of God to come apart and spend time with Him. There are divine impartations in His presence, spirit to spirit.

    This is necessary. The world tries to fill deep voids within their hearts, seeking what is real and what is true. The world seeks spirituality, hungers for supernatural. Many are led astray unless the One they seek is Jesus Christ.

    On the other side, religion seeks practicality, bringing it all down to information rather than revelation. It sucks the very life out of life, forming us into robots and clones that can quote words without knowing the life of the Word Himself.

    So where does that leave us? Neither in the world nor in religion……in Christ.

    123120605_7e855fd3ef_zHis voice quiets my soul and increases my sensitivity. God will not compete with the noise of the world. His whispers create a realm of glory in which I am enlarged and expanded in my knowledge of Him.

    God whispers. He calls. He draws. He calls me to come, to BE with Him for no other purpose that to rest and abide in His presence.

    Choose moments in the busyness of your day to get away, alone with God. His life and His love stream into the fragmented places of our daily lives, pulling us back together into wholeness. It is time and busyness that tries to pull us apart.

    Seek Stillness.

    Seek silence.

    Daily, as often as you can.

    Practice His presence wherever you are in your day.

    When He whispers, respond.

    My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. John 10:27-28


    Living with Passion and Purpose In Christ

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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