In This Issue
1. The Key to Ultimate Spirit Rule on Earth
2. The Key To Your Inheritance (Which Is Upon You)
3. News Headlines
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1. The Key to Ultimate Spirit Rule on Earth
By Ron McGatlin
The once shrouded and somewhat distant view of the kingdom of God within His people is today quickly becoming a much more brilliantly shining reality. We as human beings are the only creatures designed for God to dwell in and equipped to carry out His will and work on planet earth.
Recently a very good friend asked me a question by email that set me to seeking God for an answer. The question involved Jude 1:9: “Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you!”’ Specifically the question dealt with why Michael didn’t just rebuke the devil himself rather than saying “The Lord rebuke you!”
We know that angels can have much more power as created spirit beings sent from God than natural human beings. Many of us also probably believe that we as believers can rebuke the devil. At the same time most of us have probably never truly grasped the fullness of what that really means.
Sometimes revelation is like turning on a Spirit light in a dark room full of natural understanding and transforming it into living Spirit kingdom reality. Often for many people including Christians, the powerful keys to the kingdom of God are covered in a dark blanket of natural understanding and religious training.
Dear friends, I sincerely believe that if we truly grasp the depth and meaning of the truth that God is uncovering today it will release within us and out of us to the world a flood of the love, power, and wisdom of God to change the world.
The New Creation person receives the Spirit DNA of Christ Jesus.
The Spirit blood of Jesus by the indwelling Holy Spirit empowers us as Spirit beings to become as Christ is in this world. (1 John 4:17). As purified holy mature Sons of God, we collectively have full authority to rebuke the devil and end His false reign of terror on Planet Earth. (Luke 10:19) (James 4:7).
This begins with rebuking the devil in our sphere of influence or measure of rule around us. As we do well in that limited realm, God will give us larger realms of rule to pour out His love, power, and wisdom to transform the land to the kingdom of God. (Luke 17:19) (Mat 25:23). As many Sons mature across the world in every nation, the devil is rebuked and the kingdom of heaven grows into place. (Heb 2:10) (Rom 8:14).
DO YOU GET IT? The life of the Lord in us is the only authority on earth to rebuke the devil from the land and release into this world the pure holy righteous kingdom of heaven ruling and reigning over the planet bringing peace on earth and goodwill toward man. The holy angels are empowered and sent by the Lord in us as Christ in us releases to them authority to destroy evil and release the glory of God upon the earth.
Before Lucifer was cast out of heaven in the Great War between the rebelling angels and the holy angels of God, they fought on more or less equal footing or authority. After Lucifer was cast out of heaven to the earth and became known as Satan or the Devil, he took up rule on the planet.
Because of God’s covenant word to mankind, man has authority to rebuke the devil on earth. Without man’s release and agreement, angels do not have authority to rebuke the devil on earth. Fully redeemed man is the carrier of the blood of Jesus, the DNA of Christ Jesus, Yeshua Messiah.
Christ Jesus came from heaven, born as a human being but with the DNA of Heavenly Father and not the fallen DNA of Adam. After living a perfect sinless life, Christ Jesus shed His blood on the cross spilling His blood and DNA upon Planet Earth completely defeating the devil forever.
After the crucifixion He was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, and returned in the Holy Spirit to indwell His people on earth to complete the transformation of the world to its original design and plan of God, the kingdom of heaven / kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
Man in Adam had originally given power to the devil in the Garden of Eden. Christ Jesus defeated the devil and restored the power and authority of the kingdom on earth to mankind establishing a better New Covenant in which the Spirit Christ abiding in mankind is to rule and reign on earth. (Rom 5:17) (Mark 14:24) (2 Cor 3:6).
Now in this day full and complete authority of God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit rests within and upon the Sons of God on earth to implement the finished work of Christ Jesus of reclaiming the kingdoms of this world to the kingdoms of our God. (Luke 9:1) (Luke 10:19).
All authority rests in Christ Jesus, and He abides both at the throne of God in heaven and in His people on earth. Christ Jesus was Spirit in heaven with Spirit Father God before coming to earth. (John 1:1-18). After ascending back to the Father, He returned to earth as promised at Pentecost to dwell within His people in the Holy Spirit of God. (John 14:23, 28) (John 17:23-26).
Christ in us is the authority to empower the holy angels to destroy the works of the devil upon the earth. The angels have the power but lack authority to work on earth without the release of the authority of Christ in man to fully rebuke the devil on earth. CHRIST JESUS IN MANKIND, IN HUMAN BEINGS, HAS ALL POWER TO DEFEND AGAINST AND COMPLETELY OVERCOME THE DEVIL ON EARTH.
There is only one God ordained authority on earth. Mankind was created to rule and reign on earth for and with God as obedient sons and daughters of God to fulfill the will and purpose of God on earth. (Gen 1:26-28) (Gen 2:7).
There are ultimately only two spiritual forces that can indwell and affect the life and rule of mankind on earth. One Spirit authority is the true God and creator of all. The other spirit force is the renegade rebellious principality of Satan the devil, a fallen angel. Only mankind has the authority to determine which spiritual force will be released to guide the rule of earth.
There is no such thing as a neutral or human self-rule apart from one or the other spiritual force setting the tone and the color of the rule. The spirit of man is incomplete and will receive another spirit or Spirit that is considered by the person to be stronger than himself.
The Government of God
The only form of human government that will ultimately work is one in which Christ Jesus by the Spirit of God is the head of the government.
No form or style of human government will work if Christ Jesus by the Spirit is NOT the head of it.
God will not protect disobedient, once-godly nations that will not return to Him. The hedge of protection that once protected them from evil forces, that bring harsh oppression, will be taken away until the nation turns back to God or no longer exists. Usually there is a godly seed that will remain to restart a godly nation.
God can and will raise up godly leaders to rebuild the nations that turn to Him with their whole hearts.
Simply stated, God does not give godly leaders to ungodly people who will not turn. And He does not allow ungodly leaders to rule over godly people when they turn to God with their whole hearts. He will make a way of escape to victory and peace. (1 Cor 10:13).
There is no resurrection life until there has been a death. For those who come to Christ Jesus and have their old lives crucified in Him will receive the resurrection life of Christ Jesus within themselves now in this life. Jesus said, “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it,” Matthew 10:39. Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me,” Galatians 2:20.
Enduring the Walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
With the Lord we can walk through the valley of the shadow of death without fear and actually live in peace following the Lord Christ Jesus our Good Shepherd within us and among us. (Psalm 23).
Personally and nationally we are being changed to rule and reign with Christ in the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Like a beautiful jewel we are being reshaped with much cut away and perfectly polished to become as Christ is in this world, a pure and clear reflection of the brilliant glory of God. “They shall be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him,” Malachi 3:17.
“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom,” Luke 12:32.
Ron McGatlin
2. The Key To Your Inheritance (Which Is Upon You)
By Clay Sikes
As many prepare to enter the promises of God, they find themselves in the ‘land of contradiction;’ a place of undeniable difficulty and hardship. They have heard the promises of prophetic victory; sensed the season of blessing and favor, yet remain bound by uncommonly difficult circumstances. Natural eyes focused upon natural understanding – seeking God’s favor, asking, searching, even blaming…coming to the end of themselves, grumbling and complaining. Deliverance is their cry; they remain parched and dry, screaming why, why, why? They seek answers and there are none! How many laps must we make around the same mountain? Should we continue to seek deliverance, or perhaps ‘awaken’ to something far more valuable?
“He that bumps his head upon the same gate has yet to realize it ain’t open” – Author Unknown. Is there a key to this invisible gate? Unequivocally yes! If the key is not in one place (the natural), it rest securely in another (the supernatural). God’s wisdom unlocks the gate, while man’s reasoning hides the key – bump! bump! bump!
Often there is no outward physical victory until there is inward (spiritual) development – the natural eyes must close as the spiritual eye opens. Events can trigger the opening of the spiritual eye for a man who has ears to hear…His sheep hear His voice. “God allows in His wisdom what He could have prevented in His power” – Arthur Burt. Wisdom is more precious than favor – it travels into eternity; favor does not. Seek His wisdom more than His favor – wisdom ‘gained’ brings the favor sought and offers eternal consequences. Eternal wisdom diminishes the stresses of this world.
TRIALS ARE LINKED TO GOD’S WISDOM. James Chapter 1: 2-6 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops patience. Let patience have her perfect work that you may be perfected and entire (mature and complete) WANTING NOTHING. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double minded man, unstable in all he does.”
Adversity is a great source of revelation (Acts 14:22). But, do we embrace it or reject it? Hardship is our training center; difficultly our teacher. Problems guard power, but are we gleaning or complaining? Impartation and change is the result of gleaning; delay and failure the result of complaining ( 1 Corinthians 10:10-12.)
God’s greatest wisdom comes in times of difficulty. David said, “Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part you will make me know wisdom” (Psalm 51:6). Paul said, “However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages of our glory” (1 Corinthians 2: 6, 7). Learning to be with God in adversity increases spiritual wisdom, but we must ask (seek) for it to be released. Foolish men are those who see no need for it! They continue in their cries for deliverance!
Complaining about circumstances will negate the anointing and blessing of God, and lead to a fall. It will stop the hand of God like few other actions. It is ranked in New Testament teaching with idolatry, sexual immorality, and testing the Lord, and listed as one of five reasons the children of Israel DID NOT ENTER the Promised Land. Complaining is proof that spiritual wisdom is absent, as the key to the gate remains hidden!
Circumstances don’t make the man; they reveal him to himself. Are we looking upon the outward appearance? Are we judging by what we see and hear (Isaiah 11:2, 3/2 Corinthians 10: 3-7). Circumstances are not the problem; our perspective of circumstances is often the problem. How is the Kingdom revealed (Acts 14:22)? In the paradoxical Kingdom there is always a positive overlapping the negative. Said differently, all negatives in the natural (sphere) contain positives in the spiritual realm. There are two things happening at once, but do we only see one? Are we seeking His wisdom (bountifully available to us) during difficult times, or simply seeking deliverance? Don’t waste your trials – you are on the cusp of a breakthrough, but you must go deeper with Him – open your spiritual eye, allow your inner man to develop, and enter the place of abiding. Revelation of God’s purpose in trials is to release of His wisdom – THIS IS YOUR KEY! Unlock the gate and walk through – your inheritance is upon you!
Clay Sikes
3. News Headlines
Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains deploy following devastation from Hurricane Matthew – Cholera Concern in Haiti, Relief Supplies En Route in Wake of Storm – 10/12/2016
Crisis-trained chaplains with the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team will deploy to the Southeastern U.S. in the wake of destruction left by Hurricane Matthew which left coastal communities from Florida to North Carolina submerged in flood waters and 39 casualties. Our team is prepared to offer hope and comfort to the people affected by this storm in the midst of their pain….
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Tibet: 62 Buddhist monks decide to follow Jesus – 10/12/2016
Last year, one Tibetan Buddhist priest embraced Jesus Christ and became a Christian pastor after seeing the love of Christ shown by Christian workers who helped the people of the region when a major earthquake struck the area. Now, the seed of Christian love has grown. 62 other Buddhist monks have decided to follow Christ. Thousands of others Tibetans followed.
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This Syrian Woman Had a Dream for Six Straight Nights of Men Coming With Good News. Then on the Seventh Night… – 10/12/2016
“The woman dreamed repeatedly of a man who told her that three people would come and bring her good news. “She had this dream for six days in a row.” “On the seventh day, one of our teams was doing home visits.” They spoke to her about Jesus’ saving death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Then they prayed with the family. “The entire household was saved!”
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Prayer Alert: Christian Mom Asia Bibi’s Final Appeal of Death Sentence for Her Faith Set to be Heard in Just Days – 10/12/2016
Asia Bibi, Pakistani Christian mother is on death row. Pakistan’s Supreme Court is to hear the final appeal of her case October 13th. We delivered an emergency letter in support of Asia to Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US. Our letter requests that he do everything in his power to advocate for Asia’s freedom, and for “protection of rights and religious freedoms of all Pakist…
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North Korea: Despite 70 Years of Religious Persecution, the Church Just Keeps Growing – 10/12/2016
North Korea Christians have endured 70 years of severe persecution, but these have not stopped the work of God in the nation. Christian persecution became intense since 1945. The government, seeking to remove all traces of Christianity, conducted a massive crackdown against Christians. In the 1970s, the government announced Christians no longer exist in the country.
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The Mom Who’s Taking on This School’s 7th-Grade Lessons on Islam: “I Will Not Give Up This Fight!” – 10/12/2016
A Tennessee parent is on a mission to rid her daughter’s school district of lessons on Islam she contends are offensive to Christians, and she has some board members on her side. “My child’s religious beliefs were violated. “Text that delves into Islam used by her social studies class promotes the religion used by terrorists to justify violent acts against Americans.
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How Dr. Lamech S. Lumala escaped Idi Amin’s killing machine and found new life in Christ – 10/12/2016
A Ugandan pastor was one of the fortunate of Uganda who, during Idi Amin’s brutal eight years of misrule, was able to escape Amin’s terrible killing machine which left an estimated 300,000 Christians dead. Bishop Dr. Lamech S. Lumala, a former dental surgeon, and now pastor of Showers of Blessing Church in Kampala, Uganda, shared with me his miraculous escape from death.
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How Azusa Street Exposed—and Overturned—Racism in the Church – 10/12/2016
He came to the conclusion that if he wanted to experience Pentecost, he would have to crucify his own prejudice. He went back to the mission and straight to the altar. There in the dirt and sawdust he repented before the Lord. As Cashwell wept and prayed, William Seymour, the black pastor, came and laid hands on the white preacher. Cashwell was baptized in the Holy Spirit.
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Alveda King on Political Finger Pointing: Judgment Begins in the House of God: ” Godly Presidential Debate Perspective – 10/12/2016
Clinton fully supports abortion. Trump supports appointing Pro-life Justices. We ask everyone to focus on current key issues, sanctity of all human life. As long as Mr. Trump keeps his promise to stop the abortion scourge which kills so many Black babies, we accept his apologies. Fix our cities. Put America to work again, educate our children again, let America pray again.
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Scores killed by Muslims in new outbreaks of violence in the Central African Republic – 10/12/2016
Violence has returned to the Central African Republic. Attacks carried out by Muslims left scores dead in recent weeks in Bangui, the capital. The violence in the capital follows an outbreak in the south where dozens were massacred in the Christian town of Kouango more than 85 people were killed, while 152 were injured. A Muslim and a man whose wife he had taken by force…..
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