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    The WINDS OF GLORY CHANGE have begun blowing can you feel it? I am blowing away all that has stood in your way. I am blowing away all the old and I am making all things new. Who can perceive it? It is a new day. It is a new hour. It is a new minute! Let go of all that you have had, all that you have known from the past and embrace the newness my Spirit is bringing.

    Did I not say, “If any man be in Christ, He is a NEW CREATION, OLD THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY, AND ALL THINGS…? BECOME NEW!”…

    To all those who can hear my voice, to all those who I am releasing as forerunners put the trumpet to your mouth and declare the New is here! The new is here. It is a day of hope unspeakable for my “own ones.” What I have spoken to them in the past, that which they have been longing for and hoping for is NOW HERE. MY KINGDOM GLORY WINDS OF CHANGE ARE BLOWING!

    I am about to blow upon this nation like never before. All things that can be shaken will be shaken that only that can’t be shaken can stand. I am about to bring a title wave of my wind of glory upon this nation.

    I am going to start my wind blowing in the most wicked places in this nation, and I am going to lift up the skirt of those who oppose me. I am going to expose their lies and tactics and I am going to remove all that opposes my will by the blowing of my GLORY WINDS OF CHANGE!

    To those who hate me, and oppose me, these winds will bring the greatest judgments they could ever know. To those who love me these winds will cause them to mount up with healing in their wings. They will bring healing to the nations riding on the wings of Eagles.

    The WINDS OF GLORY CHANGE have begun starting from the Northwest that will come and sweep through this nation. My hand is moving where you cannot see. I am positioning my people, I am positioning my sons and daughters strategically and bringing them together now for my purposes.

    These dry bones are living and there is shaking in my Glory winds that is going to bring my full grown sons and daughters together as one people, one voice and one “new man” upon the earth..

    This is the time for you to rejoice all those burning with my forerunner spirit. The time of your sending has come. I am putting new running clothes on you. I will make you run as light as a feather. You will run and not grow weary, and walk and not faint,

    For you are not going to run from the “down here” but from the “up here” place with me. You are going to run from your seated place I have made ready for you next to me on my throne. You will run through a troop and you will run on the wall, Great is the army that carries out my word,

    My wind is putting new creative words in your mouth to release in cities, towns, schools, and market places. They will be my GLORY WINDS OF CHANGE WORDS! They will blow the enemy’s plan up and usher in the power and glory of my name to heal and restore like you have never seen before.

    A new day is here, a new moment of time is here. Though the winds are a gentle force winds that most can’t perceive soon they will feel and see them as hurricane force winds. Just as the coming of this hurricane in the natural has come, so it will be with my Hurricane Force GLORY WINDS OF CHANGE.

    These GLORY WINDS OF CHANGE will shake this nation at the core and cause my “own ones” my full grown sons and daughters to be positioned and filled exactly where I need them to be.

    My glory will fill them. My glory will make a way for them. They will gather my end time harvest of Kingdom people to come and fill my house.

    Not many wise in this world are chosen. Not may noble in this world are chosen. I have taken that which looked the weakest and made them strong. That which looks the poorest in comparison to the standards of this world to be rich. The new is here. Blessed are the poor in spirit for THEIRS IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD!

    MY GLORY WINDS OF CHANGE ARE BLOWING NOW! You don’t know where it comes from or where it is going but such are they that are BORN OF MY SPIRIT. They will know. I am releasing my strategies and plans in the blowing of the wind.

    I will blow new blue prints and place them in your hands. I will give you new directions,the new plans of the wind that will change everything about you, in you and for you. These GLORY WINDS OF CHANGE plans, blue prints, and new directions will transform the kingdoms this world into the Kingdoms of our God in Christ.

    That is why you can hold unto nothing of the old. Even what you are presently doing must change into that which are the higher purposes of my Kingdom. Will you let go? Will you hear the sound of the blowing of the wind? Will you align yourself for my new purposes that are here?

    You can’t run as you used to and with others you used to run with. You must let go of the relationships that are holding you back. You must let go of the relationships that are keeping you down. You can only run with those who are running with King Jesus.

    So lift your head and turn and face into the WINDS OF GLORY CHANGE and let them blow on you!

    Let them first blow away all the old thinking, all the old understanding and work you have known. Let them blow away all you are presently doing and let the new be birthed in your heart. For only the new I am bringing forth in this hour of the GLORY WINDS OF CHANGE in my full grown sons and daughters will be able to transform this earth with my glory.

    Only those ready to leave all behind and come follow me in this hour will be able to run with the direction of MY GLORY WINDS OF CHANGE has come to bring.

    Those who will blow with this wind, I will give them my GLORY WINDS OF CHANGE words in their mouth to speak, live, and DEMONSTRATE ON THE EARTH all that I desire to do in this present hour.

    Do you hear my call this day? Hurricane Harvey coming upon Texas is a sign to you of what I am about to do. First I am bringing the WINDS OF GLORY CHANGE to you, then I am bringing OVERFLOWING WATERS to finish the change I have started.

    Rise up! Get yourself positioned. The new is here. Things have shifted in the Spirit and they must work in you to shift you where I desire you to be and bring you together as my full grown sons and daughters manifested on the Earth.

    Let the WINDS OF GLORY CHANGE fill you this day and align, and realign you with my end time purposes in establishing my Kingdom glory on the earth.


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by henryfalcone.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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