The Expectancy of the Appointed Time
By Curtis Crews
There is a sense of expectancy as we near the appointed time of His life being manifest in His body.
A day of “greater things” will require an intensification of the dealings of God in the lives of all who have longed for His appearing.
A time of unprecedented pressure will sweep across the entire body and bring it into a place of universal travail. Only the peace of God will bring us into the end time purpose of God. Our opposition has one aim, to rob us of our peace and unity.
If you have allowed yourself to become “immersed” in the soap opera that is the natural realm then you have learned to live without the peace of God and the mind of Christ.
To become a living sacrifice is to forget about yourself completely. To be pressed out of measure into fullness requires a heart that is bowed to the moving’s of the Spirit.
This broken and contrite heart will be awakened and cooperate as the Lord moves your center away from self. You will find yourself in the very center of His people joined in love. You will be driven to build in the spirit according to the pattern.
You will pour out your life as a love offering to build this temple not made with hands but with hearts. Each living stone will become precious as you become broken bread to feed the sheep and bring all to a place of maturity where Christ is formed in each and causes them to fit perfectly in His spirit house.
Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which passes all
Understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Curtis Crews
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