2. A Marketplace Awakening – By Clay Sikes
It is as a room full of close relatives ‘awaken’ to find an enormous and joyous tasks awaiting them. It is what they have been waiting for their entire life – life on earth linked to heaven’s purpose. Joy fills hearts as, for the first time, they recognize themselves and each other in a whole new realm on earth – His appointed sphere of time, individual appointment and purpose in the marketplace.
The ‘awakening’ taking place is a worldwide ‘people’ coming to realize being ‘chosen’ to make the Kingdoms of this world obsolete; they are, in fact, discovering they have been chosen to create Kingdom entities upon the earth that will displace (replace) the systems of men. They have learned they are appointed and anointed to co-labor with Christ to build as He says ‘build’ in appointed spheres. It is the primary job of every individual ‘to rest’ in this assignment – to not get ahead or behind, but be lead of Christ, not pull Him along. In a perfect state, just go along for the ride; He will take care of everything. When ‘things’ start coming, and they will, sit quietly and patiently as a weaned child before touching those ‘things,’ as flesh cannot touch this exciting move.
When the focus is upon building a temple in which He can dwell, on bringing about God’s will into the earth, resources and skilled craftsman will ‘come.’ Should the focus revert to ‘making money,’ the mission will be aborted as this is NOT about money. Focus entirely upon obeying God. He will spare no expense to work through you to establish His habitation in His people on the earth. Though opposition will be heavy, He promises to contend with those who contend with you.
Rest, His rest, is the key to accomplishing this mission. Don’t get busy (this is a trick to distract). A resetting of Divine Order has been released into the earth for this work begin. This is not a work of productivity, but rather a creative effort. Creativity spawns energy, while productive efforts require it. Physical and mental fatigue will signal wrong direction and motive. Energy and life will affirm the correct path.
Clay Sikes
The Pattern of our lives is revealed by the Author and Finisher of Our Faith.
To be Spirit filled is glorious but many stop there never imagining that this is provision for our journey through the wilderness. It is here in this personal wilderness that God in His sovereignty allows the enemy to examine our faith to see if he can find anything of himself in us (John 14:30). It is here that outward provision is stripped away and the temptation is to satisfy ourselves.
Luke 4:3-4 “And the devil said, ‘If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.’ And Jesus answered him, saying, ‘It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’”
Yesterday’s word was valid and met the need. The temptation is to act on that word today and move out in our own direction and strength.
There is a proceeding word that is God breathed and birthed out of a moment by moment communion. We are to live in that moment and move by its leading.
May we each be reduced to the simplicity of just walking with Him and loving and worshiping Him and letting Him lead us. Everything that God has for us will become our spiritual reality as we abide in Him.
By divine design the wilderness weakens and ultimately renders powerless anything in us that would react to the enemy. The wilderness exposes the lies we believe. These lies are the children of the enemy (John 8:44) and give him visitation rights. His only power is to keep us in that place of deception.
The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus liberates us and renders the enemy powerless. It is not just a single act of faith but a walk of faith that brings us to a place of complete dependency on our Beloved.
As we live in Him we move out of the wilderness in the power of the Holy Spirit in love, joy, peace and trust.
Song of Solomon 8:5 “Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved?”
Luke 4:1-2 “And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. Being forty days tempted of the devil.”
4. News Headlines
This Christian Group Refused to Elect an LGBT Activist as its Leader: Now They’re Suing the University That Booted Them Jan 25, 2018 The hypocritical censorship was addressed by Eric Baxter of the Becket Fund who noted that feminist groups have the right to choose feminist-minded leaders, and global warming groups have the right to reject climate deniers as leaders. Fr. Mark Hodges : Jan 24, 2018 :…
The Islamisation of Nigeria – Elizabeth Kendal Jan 25, 2018
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Despite persecution, Pakistan’s Church is growing and maturing Jan 25, 2018
Pakistan (MNN) – There are a few reasons why FMI’s upcoming conference in Pakistan is set to be its biggest yet. One of the reasons being that this year, Christians are matching donations to FMI to help pastors attend the conference. By Beth Stolicker January 25,…
Responding to the global refugee crisis in 2018 Jan 24, 2018
International (MNN) — Meeting the needs of refugees and displaced persons worldwide seem to be impossible. However, Tent Schools International’s Dale Dieleman is researching refugee trends to better strategize what can be done for these marginalized people “so we…
For Chinese Muslims, the cost of becoming a Christian is loneliness Jan 24, 2018
Id Kah Mosque, a 500-year-old mosque in Kashgar, one of the westernmost cities in China, where up to 7,000 Muslims gather every Friday to pray World Watch Monitor By Dan Wooding, Founder of ASSIST News Service XINJIANG, CHINA (ANS – January 24, 2018) — For the…
Japan, new wine, and a vision to share Christ Jan 23, 2018 Japan (MNN) — Of the 127 million people in Japan, only one percent of the population is Christian. The nation has been engaged with the voices of many believers for centuries, yet the Church has remained stagnant in its growth. By Lindsay Steele January 23, 2018…
“He’s Definitely Not Racist, I’m Sure of That!”—Ivana Trump Speaks Frankly about Her Ex, the President on Good Morning Britain Jan 19, 2018
When asked how Donald treated her during their 16-year marriage, she replied, “He treated me fantastic, I never had a problem, he was always polite… Aimee Herd : Jan 18, 2018 : Good Morning Britain/YouTube Have you ever heard someone say, if you want to…