
A faith-filled vision for Burma
Thousands of Christians are persecuted every day. Each one has a story of how God works in and through them: not just stories of persecution, but stories of faith, courage and opportunity. This is Stephens story. Stephen is a young Burmese man living where many Christians face persecution from the government and their communities. He is full of faith, with an incredible vision to see God bring thousands of Burmese to Christ! Through reading the Bible, he heard Gods call to serve Him and began praying for the many tribal groups of Burma without a Bible in their own language. He became the answer to his prayers and went to Bible college. When he arrived, he could not speak Burmese or English, only his tribal language. It was very difficult. But today he is teaching theology and English and declared, A great field is before us. Many try to hinder Gods work, but Burmese hearts are not closed to God.
God for Stephens passion for the lost and willingness to live for Christ. (Galatians 2:20)
Guatemala: prayer prompts embassy move
President Morales has announced that the Guatemalan embassy will be moved to Jerusalem in May, just two days after the United States. The president, an outspoken Christian Evangelical, has been publicly supportive of Israel since the beginning of his mandate. After receiving an award recently he said, From the bottom of my heart, I tell you, I dont feel I deserve this. Im just trying to do the right thing and allow my God, my people, and history to judge me. Vice president Jafeth Cabrera said his country is fulfilling biblical prophecy: Yes, we do share the idea that prophecy is coming to pass. We are pleased that Guatemala is contributing to having that happen, and we hope it will soon be a reality. The vice president also said the decision could not have happened without prayer.
God for Christian leaders who openly profess their faith. (Romans 12:12)
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UK: a call to action
Many intercessors believe we are on the tipping point of a spiritual awakening in the Church, a time to change what we say, do, and pray into God-anointed actions, words, and prayers that bring powerful change to our communities. For anointed talks by Malcolm Duncan at the recent Time 2 Turn conference for intercessors, click on the More button to download the podcasts. He reminded us that the word of God brings restoration, so we must preach the word faithfully. He said that if God’s people do not humble themselves, do not pray by the power of His Spirit, do not seek God’s face in every decision, and do not turn from compromising His word, then He will not hear their prayers and will not heal their land. We have entered a season to turn in obedience to life-changing prayers and actions.
for all of us to hear Gods call, humble ourselves, pray and turn. (Psalm 27:8)
Intercessor Focus: praying for Easter
Easter is a great opportunity for evangelism. Pray for the body of Christ across our nations to recognise every opportunity to talk to the people they meet regularly about Easters actual meaning. Pray for each church denomination to be anointed by God to go where He sends them. Pray for a fresh Holy Spirit enabling so that Gods people do all that He has called them to do, and for the Church to use all its resources to impact with power the lives of those who do not yet realise the price Jesus paid for them. May each Easter service be an occasion of supernatural discovery of biblical truths. Pray also for church-based courses and initiatives like Alpha to explode onto the social scene, building influential life-changing bridges in communities not yet touched by Holy Spirit-led evangelism. May the Church see prayer and mission powerfully united, achieving amazing results.
for every Christian to recognise opportunities to gossip the gospel. (2 Corinthians 5:20a)
UK / Russia: international relations
Former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia linger critically ill in a UK hospital after being poisoned by nerve agents developed and produced in Russia. Mrs May said there was no alternative conclusion than to believe Russia was culpable for the poisonings. Russia called the allegations insane, while refusing to explain how Russian nerve agents had been used. Putins defiance prompted the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats from the UK. America said Russias actions fit a pattern of behaviour whereby Russia disregards international rules-based order, undermines sovereignty and security in countries worldwide, and attempts to subvert and discredit Western democratic institutions and processes. Because of a hostile political climate the UK intends to build a new Defence Science and Technology Laboratory in Porton Down (where the nerve agent used on the Skripals was identified). The Russian foreign minister said that Russia would expel UK diplomats soon. Pray for retribution and revenge tactics to end. See also
for God to direct cold war combat away from dangerous actions and into inspired solutions. (Psalm 33:16)
Paedophile priests
An inquiry heard that toothless monitoring of convicted paedophile priests meant they were able to continue leading Anglican church services even after being banned from doing so. The inquiry into child sexual abuse was told that Rev Roy Cotton was restricted from public ministry to avoid contact with children, but it was difficult to enforce. Fiona Scolding QC, the lead lawyer for the Anglican strand of the inquiry, is examining how the CofE handled allegations of sexual misconduct stretching back to the 1950s, first focusing on the Diocese of Chichester. But the issue is not confined to just one diocese. There have been published reports of systemic problems, a lack of safeguarding, and dysfunctionality.
for all that has been hidden historically and all that is still being hidden to be revealed, and for appropriate police action to be taken. (Romans 2:23)
Protect Christian belief in schools
In a recent speech, Ofsted claimed that extremists are using religion to pervert education and indoctrinate young people. Singling out the Christian Institute, which was wrongly labelled Anglican, it condemned ideological indoctrination by Christian extremists, and said that schools have a responsibility to tackle those who actively undermine fundamental British values or equalities law. However, under the Equality Act 2010, religion is listed as a protected characteristic, alongside such things as sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy, age, and race. Ofsteds apparent prioritisation of LGBT rights over other protected characteristics not only denies this but, by extension, seeks to alter or oppose the law. An Ofsted spokesperson said, We must tackle those who actively undermine fundamental British values or equalities law. Ofsted appears to believe that expressing religious belief is not endorsing British values. Pray for parents to continue to have their children educated in line with their own religious and / or philosophical beliefs.
for stricter control of Ofsted, and for religion to have equal value with other protected structures. (Leviticus 19:15)
Mary Magdalene film
The Mary Magdalene film – released in the UK on 16 March – is a biblical film depicting of one of the most misunderstood spiritual figures in history. Many believe it is a potential awards contender, with the majority of praise being reserved for Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of Jesus Christ. This film presents Mary Magdalene as a young woman who leaves her fishing village on the shore of the Sea of Galilee to join Jesus, who teaches forgiveness and love in his mission to bring about the Kingdom of God. With the disciples she follows Jesus to Jerusalem, where he cleanses the Temple of money lenders, declaring that the Kingdom of God is not to be bought and sold. Fearing that Jesuss actions will incite a popular insurrection, the authorities arrest and crucify him. Mary goes to the tomb on the third day and sees the risen Christ.
for a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit wherever this film is shown. (Hebrews 11:1)
Royal visit to Israel
Prince Williams visit to Israel will be an historic and extremely important event for the UK, as he will be the first member of the British royal family to visit Israel in an official capacity. It will take place this summer as Israel celebrates 70 years since independence and as America recognises Jerusalem as Israels capital. The royal visit signals a significant change of policy at the Foreign Office (which advises about official visits). The Queen has visited 129 different countries, including many of Israels neighbours, but never Israel. This royal visit is seen as Britains most significant action regarding Israel since Balfour. In the past a few royals have visited Israel, but only on a private basis, never officially.
for God to be in the detail of UK recognising Israels rebirth. (Psalm 103:17)
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Europe: Golden Visa dealers
Unscrupulous business people with close ties to government in countries with higher than average levels of corruption can make huge amounts of money from lucrative public contracts (awarded in processes that aren’t exactly competitive). They dont come under much pressure from activists or NGOs because corrupt politician friends keep them in check. These business people choose to travel and live elsewhere. Many choose Europe. They do not approach their embassy for a Schengen visa. With enough cash, an array of European Golden Visas – residence permits or passports – are at their fingertips. There has been a high demand for such documents in the past few years. The Golden Visa market has turned into a multi-billion-euro global phenomenon with price tags varying from country to country – anything from EURO250,000 to EURO10 million. Coast or mountains? Real estate or business investment? Recoup your money in five years? Background check? No problem.
for an integrity injection into governments closing their eyes to cross-border corruption. (Psalm 14:3,5,6)
Spain: street vendors death sparks riots
Migrants have clashed with Spanish police in Madrid after the death of a Senegalese street vendor who they say had been chased by officers. Protesters set fire to a motorbike and dustbins and threw stones. At least 19 people were lightly injured in the clashes, and ten police officers were hurt. Officials say Mame Mbaye Ndiaye, said to be in his mid-30s, was found unconscious and died of a heart attack. Protesters said he had arrived in Spain by boat twelve years ago. He reportedly worked as a vendor illegally and sent money back to his family. Last year it was reported that the number of asylum-seekers arriving in Spain had tripled in a year, because it was seen as a safer route into Europe.
for peace to prevail, for justice to be done, and for improved relations between Spaniards and asylum-seekers. (Psalm 7:6)
Turkey and the Greek islands
Turkeys ruling Justice and Development Party and the opposing Republican People’s Party both agree that the Greek islands are Turkish territory and must be reconquered. Both parties in the past have openly threatened to invade the Aegean. In 2016 President Erdogan said, Turkey has given away islands, a stones throw away, that were ours before. To fulfill his mission of leaving a legacy surpassing that of all other Turkish leaders, Erdogan has specific goals: to create a nationalist cohesion, modify Turkish borders, and update the Lausanne Treaty by 2023. Also Turkish propagandists have distorted facts to present Greece as the aggressor. Ministry of defence officials say, Greece has converted the islands it has occupied into military arsenals and outposts that Greece will use in future intervention against Turkey. Observers believe that since Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, the West should not take its current threats against Greece lightly. Pray for positive discussions over territorial waters, delimitations of airspace, and exclusive economic zones.
for God to prepare a diplomatic path through unresolved Aegean disputes. (Nehemiah 9:38)
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Argentina: G20 and state-owned enterprises
Argentina has recently hosted a meeting of the G20 anti-corruption group, with national delegations and international organisations seeking to address the best ways of curtailing corruption and promoting integrity in state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Controlled by national governments, SOEs rank among the largest companies in the world and are often some of the biggest employers in their country. They are central to the daily lives of citizens, providing critical goods and public services in sectors such as transport, utilities, health and telecommunications. When they indulge in corruption and malpractice, citizens feel the impact: trains are delayed, households go without power or water, and the sick are deprived of essential medical treatment. SOEs are particularly vulnerable to corruption because of their closeness to politicians and public officials, and the scale of resources, contracts and operations they control.
for the G20 leaders investigating problem areas to have God-given success. (Pr.11:3,4a)
US sanctions Russia for cyber-attacks
On 15 March the United States issued sanctions on 19 Russian individuals and five Russian groups, including Moscows intelligence services, for meddling in the 2016 US election and malicious cyber-attacks. They said there would be additional sanctions against Russian government officials and oligarchs for their destabilising activities, but did not give a time frame for those sanctions, which would sever the individuals access to the US financial system. Those targeted by the new sanctions include the Russian nationals and entities who adopted false online personas to push divisive messages, travelled to the United States to collect intelligence, and staged political rallies while posing as Americans. The action blocks all property of those targeted that is subject to US jurisdiction, and prohibits American citizens from engaging in transactions with them.
for God to assist the US government in protecting infrastructure sectors of energy, nuclear, water, aviation, commercial facilities and manufacturing sectors. (Deuteronomy 23:14)
North Korea: history with US presidents
No US president has ever met a North Korean leader. Madeleine Albright visited North Koreas Kim Jong Il, but Bill Clinton was unwilling to go unless it was clear what such a meeting could achieve. A meeting with a US president is valuable to the North Koreans, but America has always declined an official visit unless a deal that will deliver a significant return is on the table. President Bush engaged North Korea in the six-party talks (two Koreas, Japan, US, Russia and China), thus avoiding Pyongyang incitements to secure its goal of direct talks. Barack Obama came to power vowing to talk directly to America’s enemies, but concluded it was wrong to pander to North Korea’s provocations. Trumps potential visit (or meeting elsewhere) has given North Koreas dynasty the prestige and propaganda that it craves, and is consistent with Trump’s vow to be a disruptive global force, able to unpick one of the world’s most intractable conflicts.
for God to bless all translators with discernment when leaders exchange ideas. May they all be blessed with shrewd caution. (Psalm 18:26-28)
Iran: Christian retreat closed
A Christian retreat centre west of Tehran was closed on 10 March. It was accused of being funded by the US through the CIA to infiltrate the Islamic world, and particularly Iran, by conducting evangelistic activities. The caretakers of the Sharon Retreat Centre handed it over to an organisation presided over by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The property has been owned by the Council of Assemblies of God Churches since the early 1970s. The Iranian revolutionary court system which closed the centre is designed to try those suspected of trying to overthrow the government, blaspheming Islam, or inciting violence. The closure was not only a takeover of a property by corrupt judiciary and Intelligence officials, but yet another move in an ongoing and systematic campaign by the Iranian state to uproot Protestant Christianity.
for continued growth and influence of a vibrant Church in spite of national security charges. (Matthew 16:18)
CAR: church elder and aid workers killed
Gabriel Ole, an elder in Bangui Baptist church, worked for UNICEF. He was killed in a violent ambush in the Central African Republic (CAR), along with two officials from the ministry of education and three UNICEF workers travelling to Markounda near the north-western border with Chad. Some of the victims were shot dead, others had their throats slit. Their car was torched. CARs prime minister, Simplice Matthieu Sarandji, honoured the victims during his visit on 6 March when he said, School is the key to developing a country. Any attack against teachers is a crime against the education of our children. Pray for an end to senseless acts against aid workers who are only there to improve the lives of vulnerable people. Pray for those mourning the loss of loved ones.
for God to give wisdom to NGO workers to know where and when to travel. (Proverbs 4:6)
Syria seven years on: Churchs conduct shameful
Father Nassar, a Syrian priest, has said the Churchs conduct is shameful, and it is not doing nearly enough in the fight to end the bloodshed. His comments come on the seventh anniversary, 15 March, of the popular uprising against President Bashar al-Assad that sparked the country’s vicious civil war. Half a million Syrians have been killed and 6.1 million internally displaced. Of Syria’s estimated 10 million children, 8.6 million are in dire need of assistance, and nearly 6 million are displaced or living as refugees. The USA started arming and providing military assistance in 2014 for anti-Assad rebel groups who were waging war against IS. They have also begun working with Syrian Kurds. Meanwhile, Syrian ally Russia has helped Assad’s regime, and Iran has provided troops and money. Fr Nassar criticised the numerous international forces which were taking part in the war, and added that the Church needed to do more to try and end the violence.
for God to inspire the Church and international community as they tackle Syrias problems. (1 Corinthians 15:57)
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