Believer, is there a fear with which you are struggling and you can’t seem to break free? Is there a generational pattern of addiction from which you just can’t break free? Well, it’s time to look more closely at your dreams! Yes, God is probably speaking to you in your dreams at night, concerning how you can walk in freedom! Isn’t that encouraging?
I am speaking to you today from personal experience. In fact, I almost died several years ago due to a generational stronghold. Yet, in my dreams God began to speak to me about how to break free. When I was younger, I had a blood disease that almost took my life. The doctors told me I had only a few months to live. I was desperate to experience divine healing, and I was crying out daily for healing and deliverance. The Lord led me to the prophets where I received the prophetic decree that I would live and not die. I tucked that prophetic promise in my heart and began to stand on the words of a promised breakthrough. Every night at bedtime I would declare the same words that were spoken over my life: I will live and not die!
Generational Strongholds Revealed in Dreams
“God does not want to punish us. In fact, His desire is to visit us through dreams so that we can be delivered, healed and restored.“ |
It was a few months later that I also began to have dreams about generational strongholds. Now, receiving the prophetic word that I was to live was awesome! But, God didn’t stop there with His prophetic messages to me. God kept promising breakthrough and deliverance from the spirit of death through many messages in my dreams.
A generational stronghold is a legal hold the enemy has on us. It all begins with the sins of the generations. In Exodus 20:5, the Lord specifically addresses idolatry and how He is “…visiting (avenging) the iniquity (sin, guilt) of the fathers upon the children [that is, calling the children to account for the sins of their fathers], to the third and fourth generations…” (AMP). What does this passage mean? Well, this is clear that generational iniquity goes down the blood line for three and maybe even four generations.
You may be asking, “So, if my father was an alcoholic then maybe I might be one also?” Whatever the sin is in our generations, it is passed down through our blood lines. If we repent of the sins of the fathers, the curse is broken. When the curse is broken there is no more legal hold upon us or our children or our children’s children.
A Propensity for Sin
Recently, when I was teaching a dreams conference at our home church in the Dallas area, a lady came to me (I’ll call her Susan) and said she had a propensity to drug addiction. She had felt driven to take drugs from a very young age but didn’t know why. I asked her if one of her parents were addicts and she said yes, both! I explained how the generational strongholds are passed down through the generations and once there is repentance and the curse broken, she could be free! At first, she was ashamed, but I explained to her that there was nothing she could ever do to keep God from loving her. So, I prayed for her, led her into a prayer of repentance, and broke the curse of addiction off her and her bloodline. She was excited! She left the meeting full of joy.
The next day, I received a phone call from her. She began to explain a dream she had the previous night. I was all ears because I know the power of deliverance through dreams. She said that she dreamed she was completely unclothed and then felt tremendous shame. She shared that she had felt shame all her life. Now, I understand about shame. I’ve dealt with it many times – and yes, nakedness has been in many of my dreams also. It took me awhile to understand that dreams about being unclothed are often more than just experiencing the stronghold of shame. In a dream, nakedness can represent a generational cycle of shame, fear and control. (Photo via Pixabay)
Learning to Put on Your Armor
When we are ashamed, we will often move into a fear of being exposed or a fear of someone really knowing us and who we really are deep, down inside. When shame is connected to that, we will attempt to control everything and everyone out of a fear of rejection. If not halted, this cycle can open doors to a Jezebel stronghold and a lifetime of multiple addictions.
Nakedness can also reveal that we have a fear of exposure, or even that we need to put on the full armor of God. I have had dreams about being naked and during one of those dreams God said, “Sandie, you’re naked. Put on your armor!” So when I awoke, I did!
Okay, back to Susan. I explained to her that we need to break off the spirit of shame and break off the shame, fear and control cycle. She then admitted she had a controlling mother and grandmother and that yes, she was a major “control freak”! So, because of her dream, other strongholds were revealed and she was set free. Believer, God wants to speak to each of us through our dreams. He wants us free… indeed (see John 8:36)!
God Wants to Visit You!
Many people misunderstand the passage of Exodus 20:5. Let’s look at it again:
“God kept promising breakthrough and deliverance from the spirit of death through many messages in my dreams.“ |
“You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous (impassioned) God [demanding what is rightfully and uniquely mine], visiting (avenging) the iniquity (sin, guilt) of the fathers upon the children [that is, calling the children to account for the sins of their fathers] to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me.” (Ex 20:5)
There are a few thoughts I want to share with you:
First, again, God will visit you in dreams and reveal the “iniquity” of the generations. The word “iniquity,” to put it plainly, means a “bent”. It is referring to our having a “bent” in a certain direction or having a “propensity” to be or act a certain way. Again, having a controlling mother, we might also have a propensity to be controlling. It’s the same for anger, depression, infirmity and addiction, etc. I have had many dreams about the generational stronghold of premature death and the spirits causing premature death. In fact, it was through my dreams that my life was saved! This is because God was faithful to reveal the root of the demonic influence.
I have gone through great lengths to share how God delivered me through a series of dreams in my new book, Understanding Your Dreams and Visions: How to Unlock the Meaning of God’s Messages. If you need a breakthrough in your life, or if you need to experience freedom, this book is for you. I share how to identify strongholds that are revealed in your dreams. You will read testimony after testimony of God’s delivering power through our dreams.
Second, there are translations (even teachings) that say this: “God will punish the iniquity of the fathers…” Well, for years I thought God wanted to punish me. But this is a lie. God does not want to punish us. In fact, His desire is to visit us through dreams so that we can be delivered, healed and restored. We need not be afraid of His exposure of our strongholds. God will gently insert a dream at night that will be a key to your breakthrough! He is a good God. He knows His plans for your life. His plans are to give you hope and a future (see Jer. 29:11)!
Third, pay attention to your dreams. Learn the symbolism of your dreams and develop your own dream vocabulary. In my new book on dreams and visions, I have provided a forty-page dream dictionary to empower you with dream interpretation. Though no one book is all you need for dream interpretation (we need to learn to use discernment also), you will find it a useful tool as you mature in your gifting while interpreting your dreams. The deliverance aspect I bring in this book will be extremely helpful. (Photo via Pexels)
Your Dreams are Important
In closing, and I can’t say this enough, your dreams are just as important as an angelic visitation. In fact, I believe that God sends angels at times to speak to you in dreams. A dream is another God encounter – so listen! Don’t treat your dreams like junk mail anymore. Dreams are important! If God saved His only Son, Jesus, through dreams (see Matt. 2:13), He can certainly save YOUR life through dreams also!
Allow me to pray for you: Father God, I want to thank You for the many times that You have addressed our generational strongholds through our dreams and visions. Thank You for revealing our shame, our addictions, our idolatry and our sin through the revelation in our dreams. Lord, You desire that each of us experience divine healing and deliverance. You even reveal our future through dreams. Thank You, for heavenly encounters through our dreams and visions. Lord, each of us expects a divine visitation through our dreams and visions! In Jesus’ name, amen! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Sandie Freed
Sandie Freed Ministries
Dr. Sandie Freed co-labors with her husband, Mickey Freed, doing the work of the Lord as a ministry team. In addition, they are the founders of Zion Ministries Training Center in Bedford, Texas, and Lifegate Church International. Sandie has traveled nationally and internationally teaching dreams and visions seminars and on spiritual discernment. Her ability to adequately prophesy and discern spiritual strongholds over regions has released numerous breakthroughs for individuals and ministries. Sandie has authored Dream On, and eleven other books, most of which are in several different languages. Dr. Sandie and Apostle/Pastor Mickey are ordained with Christian International Ministries, serving on their Board of Governors. They have been married since 1973, and have one daughter, Kimberly.