CATCH THE FIRE USA – LIVE STREAMING Evening Sessions: April 12-14

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  • #9371
    Ron McGatlin

    LIVE STREAMING Evening Sessions: April 12-14

    WATCH LIVE 7PM – Thurs, Fri, Sat

    Thursday 4/12
    Worship – Amber Brooks & Iain McDermid
    Speaker – Seth Fawcett

    Friday 4/13
    Worship – Amber Brooks
    Speaker – Duncan Smith
    Worship – Aaron Ninaber
    Speaker – Kristen Williams
    Worship – Jaye Thomas
    Speaker – Rolland Baker

    Saturday 4/14
    Worship – Jaye Thomas
    Speaker – Kristen Williams
    Worship – Jaye Thomas
    Speaker – Seth Fawcett
    Worship – Aaron Ninaber & Amber Brooks
    Speaker – Heidi Baker

    Heidi & Rolland Baker

    Rolland and Heidi are the founders of IRIS Ministries, a non-profit Christian ministry dedicated to Jesus and service, especially among the poor.  In 1995 they started a new ministry to the poor and homeless children in Mozambique. Beginning with nothing, within a matter of months they were given a dilapidated orphanage in Maputo with 80 children.  From there, the ministry has expanded to include well-drilling, free health clinics that service the poor and sick, feeding programs, primary and secondary schools, cottage industries and now over 5000 churches in Mozambique and a total of over 10,000 churches in over 20 nations.

    Check out this video from Heidi about Consuming Fire

    Seth Fawcett

    At the age of 15 a desire for revival in New Zealand was ignited in Seth and the history of revivals and revivalists have been read and studied since. Today Seth is the Senior Pastor of Hope Centre where weekly revival meetings have been held since God started a special outpouring of his Holy Spirit in 1995. There have been many extended times of outpouring meetings since as a revival culture continues within the local church. He is also the Apostolic leader of the Hope Network. Seth is powerfully anointed and moves with the fire of God. God uses him to shift atmospheres. Many lives have been healed, transformed and set free through his ministry.

    Check out this video from Seth about Consuming Fire

    Kristen Williams

    Kristen and his wife Tasha are the senior leaders of Hope Tauranga in New Zealand. For decades, Kristen has been a catalyst and steward of revival in NZ and the nations. Kristen is deeply committed to raising up, equipping and releasing leaders who wholeheartedly embrace and live out the kingdom purposes of God. Kristen loves to host the presence of the Holy Spirit and see the raw power of God unleashed to transform lives and set hearts ablaze with love for Jesus. He is considered a prophetic voice and spiritual father who passionately believes the best is yet to come in and through the Body of Christ.

    Duncan Smith

    Duncan & his wife Kate are revivalists who carry the fire of God’s love and power all over the world. Duncan and Kate are Presidents of Catch The Fire World, a global network of revival churches, missions and ministries, birthed out of the Toronto Revival. They are the Senior Leaders of Catch the Fire Church in Raleigh-Durham, NC, a vibrant, growing church full of the love and presence of God. Duncan is most at home with the poorest, unreached peoples of the world. Wherever they go, the Holy Spirit does extraordinary miracles as the love of the Father and the grace of Jesus are poured out to the world.

    Check out this video with Duncan about Consuming Fire

    This is an event you won’t want to miss! Register today!

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    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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