"A Season of Fresh Grace to Reveal the Sons and Daughters of God" – Dr. Sandie F

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    Ron McGatlin

    “A Season of Fresh Grace to Reveal the Sons and Daughters of God” – Dr. Sandie Freed

    As I was preparing a New Year’s message for our church in Hurst, Texas, I clearly heard the Lord speak more to me about this year, 2017. It was made clearer than ever before that we, the Church, become more diligent in fulfilling His mandate to demonstrate His Kingdom on the earth.

    I know what you’re probably saying (because I responded the same way!), “We’ve been talking about the need to demonstrate God’s Kingdom on earth for at least a decade now!” Well, yes, we are both right…God has been speaking about demonstrating Kingdom authority for quite some time now. But I have realized that I, and maybe some of you reading this article, have not pressed into the abundant grace that God has offered. In other words, we have been striving to demonstrate rather than “thrive” in His grace to demonstrate His Kingdom. Listen up…I believe this article might empower all of us!

    I’ve been crying out to witness and demonstrate God’s raw power for a very long time. However, God is breathing afresh on revelation concerning our sonship (which is both women and men). Keep in mind while reading this article, we won’t see the full manifestation of the Kingdom of God on earth until we walk in our sonship! But as we understand more of our sonship, we need to also consider the grace that is given to walk in it! Sonship, as you will read, involves a royal inheritance, but it also releases godly authority. An interesting thought is this: Romans 5:17 states, “Those who receive the abundance of grace… will reign in life…”

    All of Creation Waits

    Did you know that the entire creation is waiting for us to manifest as God’s sons?

    Rom 8:19 says: “The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.” Yes, the earth is eager for us to bring to fruition our godly identities! The word “revealed” in this passage means that the earth awaits our manifesting as God’s sons! And yet it also implies that we become “uncovered” and disclose ourselves as “who” we actually are in Christ!

    We are no longer to be hindered by a sin-mentality. No! We are to receive His grace, the unmerited favor of God and His empowerment, to demonstrate His Kingdom on this earth! We are to be revealed as those who are engulfed with His light and that we walk in the maturity of our sonship. It is our season to manifest—in a godly way!

    Ecc. 3:1 in the NIV says this about “seasons” and “time”: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under Heaven.” And interestingly, if you read this in the Message Bible it says this: “There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth.”

    Did you notice in the Message Bible it talks about an “opportune” time and a “right” time? An opportune time is a time of opportunity that has opened up for us. It’s as if a door or gate has been opened to us and that we are to lock our faith into what God is speaking and begin to move forward and fulfill our mandates in God. These opportunities from God will always be coupled with divine grace to begin to take proper steps. It also involves God’s grace to let go of the old and embrace the new. It involves leaving what is familiar behind us and becoming courageous to embrace a new horizon. Grace, as many have taught, is undeserved favor. (Photo via Wikipedia)

    Still, bottom line, times and seasons are in His hands. He is the God of time, but not limited to time. God is God. Times and seasons are expansive and flexible according to His desires. However, in keeping the main thing the main thing during a time and season, we must position our hearts toward fulfilling the revelation given to implement a mandate. Though it may take some of us a while to see fulfillment, at least we made a determined shift to lock into the specific plans and purposes of God at that time.

    Letting Go of the Orphan Spirit

    At the beginning of this year, I wrote specifically concerning the need for the Elijahs to rise up and mentor the Elishas. It is an anointed season for spiritual fathers and mothers to mentor spiritual sons and daughters. This is absolutely necessary to deliver the Church from an orphan spirit. And, as you will read about more, having an orphan mentality robs us of walking in our full godly inheritance—which includes our spiritual authority!

    Far too many of us have not had fathers, both naturally and spiritually, who have sown properly into our lives. I know for me personally, my natural father could only give out of the love tank from which he had to draw. Being rejected as a child himself, he never knew how to love unconditionally. And I, as a person who has always enjoyed attention, needed so much more love shown than I received from him. I’ll just bet that you can relate also to some degree.

    Some of us may not have been parented by loving, caring parents. And, as you may know, this has negatively affected our relationship with Father God. Actually, we have been hindered in walking in full “sonship” (there is no gender attached to this, women are also considered “sons” Biblically) and are, therefore, not taking our rightful positions of authority in the Kingdom.

    My main point is this: We must embrace the truth that we are the sons and daughters of God and, as such, we will begin to demonstrate the Kingdom of God on the earth. What’s holding us back from doing this? One of the main obstacles, which blocks our paths leading to establishing God’s Kingdom, is this aforementioned orphan spirit. We just really don’t know who we are in God! And, we don’t know how to fully receive His divine grace and approval to be who we are—His sons and daughters! I’ve said this many times and it bears repeating…When we really know who we are, we will never go back to who we were! We are not orphans; we are God’s sons and daughters with a royal inheritance.

    The Scripture is clear that we are adopted, by the Father, and become sons and daughters and are, therefore, no longer orphans. In fact, we are heirs:

    Gal. 4:3-7, “So also, when we were children, we were in slavery under the basic principles of the world. But when the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.’ So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.”
    ElijahList Prophetic Resources

    The Performance-Driven Mentality

    I have come to realize that so many of us have suffered with a performance driven mentality because we were not brought up to “trust.” And, precious Believer, I did not understand that I was already in right-standing with God because I had been made righteous because of all that Christ suffered and paid for at the Cross!

    Righteousness is directly connected to our sonship also! We must continually keep in mind that it is through Christ that we are made righteous which, therefore, also empowers us with the grace to be true sons! (see 2 Corinthians 5:21).

    I struggle often myself with “resting” in God and believe that I have to make things happen myself! Yes, this is the performance mentality I’m pointing out and, again, this is strongly attached to an orphan spirit. How? Well, an orphan believes that they never “fit in” and that they are “unworthy.” Therefore, there is a constant need to compete, measure up and is an underlying chronic dissatisfaction. Here are some of the symptoms of an orphan spirit:

    • Mistrust of leaders and authority figures
    • Striving
    • Performance-driven
    • Never measuring up
    • Abandonment
    • Issues of “belonging”
    • Betrayal and betraying others
    • Insecurity
    • Rejection
    • Poverty thinking
    • Religious mind sets
    • Man-made doctrines
    • Divine identity

    Again, it’s important to identify these symptoms because the orphan mentality hinders you from fully manifesting your true identity as a son of God! When you realize you are a son, you also realize you have divine authority and a divine inheritance! A poverty spirit is broken when you walk in full sonship! If you struggle with a poverty mentality, it’s time to repent from believing lies concerning yourself and then walk in your full godly sonship!

    The Fullness of our Sonship

    2 Cor 6:18, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

    The Greek word for sonship is the word Huiothesia, which means “Son Placement.” This indicates the time and season that a male child reached maturity (some scholars say this is around the age of 30). At that time, the father of the young male would place his hand on the head of his son and declare a blessing. In essence, the father would be saying, “This is my son. I love my son. I am pleased with him and, therefore, I bestow all of my riches and power and authority upon him so that he might act on my behalf.”

    You probably noticed it is very similar to what the Father spoke over Jesus at the time of His baptism! But, Jewish tradition declares that a very similar blessing was given to the male child from his natural father. What does this mean for us? It means that as sons (again, no gender,) we are given the riches of the Kingdom and the authority to rule and reign on earth! Yes, we are anointed to bring Heaven to earth and demonstrate what is in Heaven upon this earth. Just as when Jesus was upon the earth, He ministered to other Jewish people as a Son carrying our His Father’s business, we are being commissioned to do the same! However, to fully demonstrate the Kingdom we must break free from the orphan stronghold/mentality. (Photo via Flickr)

    Breaking Free

    I have written several books that will empower you to let go of your limitations. One book, which I highly recommend is Silencing the Accuser: Eight Lies Satan Uses against Christians. This book empowers you to recognize the lies with which you have made agreement and then teaches how to replace every lie with God’s truths. The other book I recommend is Letting Go of Your Limitations: Experiencing God’s Transforming Power. Because an orphan spirit latches onto religious mind sets and is performance-based, this book will truly empower you to let go of your past and experience true godly transformation.

    Lastly, the book Faith after Failure: Reconnecting with Your Destiny helps someone who has a “failure mentality” to fully forgive themselves and embrace their true God-given identity. This book also teaches one to live more freely than any religious minds et allows!

    Dear one, I want you free! So I pray that you are able to take advantage of what I have learned concerning walking in freedom and embracing who you are in Christ!

    For now, I will leave you with a few keys to break free from an orphan stronghold:

    • Repent for believing the lie that you are unworthy to be a son of God. Repentance means change the way you think! Don’t see yourself as a sinner any longer. See yourself as God sees you—as a son! God is extending abundant grace for you to rule and reign as a son today. Write down this Scripture and remind yourself of this everyday:

    Those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life. (Romans 5:17 NASB)

    • Remind yourself that you are righteous and that you have been given authority to rule and reign! You receive righteousness by faith. Use your faith now and see the Lord releasing new measures of grace and authority to you.

    • Bless your fathers and mothers (spiritual ones also).

    • Ask for a blessing from your parents. If deceased, ask someone in spiritual authority to speak a blessing over your life.

    • Rise up and make a bold declaration that you are blessed; you are a son and daughter, and you choose today to walk in the fullness of Sonship. Today, all poverty is broken off of your life and your eyes have been opened to see yourself as God sees you!

    I am praying for you to experience God’s very best in this season! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)

    In Christ,

    Sandie Freed
    Zion Ministries |Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas
    Email: zionministries1@sbcglobal.net
    Website: http://www.lifegatechurch.org

    Dr. Sandie Freed co-labors with her husband, Mickey Freed, doing the work of the Lord as a ministry team. In addition, they are the founders of Zion Ministries Training Center in Bedford, Texas, and Lifegate Church International. Sandie has traveled nationally and internationally teaching dreams and visions seminars and on spiritual discernment. Her ability to adequately prophesy and discern spiritual strongholds over regions has released numerous breakthroughs for individuals and ministries. Sandie has authored Dream On, and eleven other books, most of which are in several different languages. Dr. Sandie and Apostle/Pastor Mickey are ordained with Christian International Ministries, serving on their Board of Governors. They have been married since 1973, and have one daughter, Kimberly.
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    Elijah List Publications
    email: info@elijahlist.net

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Ron McGatlin.
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