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Tagged: A New Day, buter flies, California, fire, flight, floods extreme fires, healings, long spiritual drought, miracles, orange, spring, super bloom, thriving
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years, 11 months ago by
Ron McGatlin.
April 19, 2019 at 12:39 pm #13914
Ron McGatlin
Keymaster“Abundant Rain, Super Bloom and Butterflies – Signs of a New Day!”
Kathi Pelton, Portland, ORSpring Up!
My husband’s and my family line has been in California for many generations but a few years ago, the Lord asked us to leave the state and move to Oregon. We return for visits with our extended family often, and on our most recent visit, as we drove though the state, the normally brown hills were vibrant green, unlike anything we’d seen in many years. It was like a visual shout announcing, “The drought is over and abundant life has come and kissed our land!”
As we continued to drive, we began to take notice of the amazing wildflowers (poppies, mustard, etc.) in bloom throughout the vineyards and upon the rolling hills. Sunshine and rain clouds cast amazing light and shadows on the land. I was looking at a physical manifestation that only happens when years of drought receive the downpour of an abundance of rain.
Then the Spirit said, “This is a picture in the natural of what My people will soon look like to all who see them.”
There has been a long, spiritual drought for the Body of Christ, no different than what the “Golden State” has experienced. But the abundance of rain has come and spring is appearing upon the lives of His people.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)
Super Bloom and Butterflies
This abundance of rain upon a land that has experienced years of drought has caused what is being called a “super bloom” in California, with hundreds of thousands of orange poppies carpeting the hills and meadows. The abundance of rain has caused plants to thrive, giving the “Painted Lady” caterpillars plenty of food to fuel their transformation (metamorphosis) into millions of orange and black butterflies taking flight. One butterfly enthusiast in California said that these butterflies seem very purposeful and undistracted in their migration flight pattern. They are quite directional! She was quoted saying, “They’re in a hurry, like the rabbit in ‘Alice in Wonderland,'” she said. “They have a very important date.”
This is such a great picture of the sense that I am getting from many prophetic voices right now. There is clarity in direction and it is like we are hurrying toward a very important time and destination.
California is a natural sign of a spiritual change of conditions and seasons, not only for the state itself but for the state of the Body of Christ. We have gone through a long metamorphosis, from a place of crawling to a state of taking flight. Like the butterflies emerging from the fields of orange poppies, so is the Church emerging from a time of drought and crawling into a time of flight and thriving. They are be drawn to the time of harvest where the super bloom of souls, healings, miracles, and a great outpouring will occur.
The Color Orange and the Glory of God
It is interesting to note that the orange poppies (which are California’s state flower) and orange butterflies are being highlighted in this natural scene. Orange is the color of fire, and there are so many prophetic voices talking about the fire of God coming upon the Church. Amber is the color that represents the glory of God.
We also know that California has experienced a few years of extreme fires that brought so much destruction, but now the land is displaying the glory of God after the purifying fires. Once again we see this state revealing a prophetic picture of the Church, which has gone through extreme refining and now is beginning to see a display of the glory of God resting upon it.
What a beautiful and exciting time we are entering into! My friend and I keep saying that we feel like Alice (from Alice in Wonderland); we have gone down the rabbit hole and don’t want to go back! It is becoming a “wonder-land” where awe and wonder will be seen by all. His glory will clothe the Church with splendor and beauty and His fire will bring forth the manifestation of signs and wonders by the millions!
Kathi Pelton
Inscribe Ministries
Email: jkpelton@sbcglobal.net
Website: http://www.inscribeministries.comJeffrey and Kathi Pelton live in the greater Portland, Oregon area. Jeffrey is a writer, teacher and book editor. Kathi is an author and prophetic voice to the Church. They walk with nations and individuals to see God’s original intent fulfilled. Their ministry, Inscribe Ministries, was founded upon the verse from Habakkuk 2:2 that says, “Then the LORD answered me and said: ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.'”
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