Tagged: acceleration, blueprints, clearing fog, encounters, feeling, hearing, heart, His heartbeat, Jesus, new strategies, not cry, reignite, remaineder of year, rythm, Seek God, time to fly, UNPRECEDENTED, wisdom
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years, 6 months ago by
Ron McGatlin.
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August 16, 2018 at 5:00 pm #11137
Ron McGatlin
By Lana VawserThe Lord has been speaking to me about acceleration and delay for a while now. There has been an intense battle that many of you have been facing this year and for many there feels like there has been a delay in the breakthrough of the promises of God.There indeed has been an intense battle over what the Lord has spoken to you, but what the Lord said is STILL TRUE. The Lord cannot lie and He is faithful. Do not allow your circumstances to tell you otherwise.UNPRECEDENTED ACCELERATION ESPECIALLY FOR THE REST OF THIS YEAR!!The Lord spoke to me that the enemy is fighting against His promises to bring some significant delays, because for the remainder of this year He is leading His people into a level of acceleration that is unlike anything they have experienced before.Do not be discouraged by the delay, the enemy has been fighting hard against God’s promises in your life because you are stepping into SIGNIFICANT acceleration. Don’t give up right before the winds of acceleration increase. That’s the enemy’s hope, he wants you to give up right before you enter into this new realm of ACCELERATION.IN THIS UNPRECEDENTED ACCELERATION, YESTERDAY’S STRATGEGIES AND BLUEPRINTS WON’T WORKThe Lord spoke to me that in this unprecedented acceleration that has already begun and is going to MAJORLY increase for the rest of the year, yesterday’s blueprints and strategies won’t work. The Lord showed me that right now because of the battle and the circumstances many are walking the “pathway forward” hasn’t been clear, and in that “unknown” there’s a temptation to rely on the strategy of yesterday, but the Lord spoke to me that there are NEW STRATEGIES AND BLUEPRINTS for the rest of this year in stewarding and walking in this new level of acceleration.The Lord is calling His people to seek Him for the wisdom and strategy to steward the acceleration. There is a fresh rain of revelation from heaven where the Lord is releasing the KEYS you need to walk in the acceleration He is releasing. As you walk in this new season of acceleration, you will understand more and more why the delay has been SO intense and the battle raging.BACK TO THE HEARTIn the battle that has been raging the enemy has sought to distract the people of God from going deeper in intimacy with the Lord and taking hold of all He is saying and releasing. I heard the Lord say “BACK TO THE HEART”.In the acceleration that’s increasing and going to significantly increase for the rest of this year, it is IMPERATIVE that the people of God go “BACK TO THE HEART” if they have swayed.In order to steward the season of acceleration and walk in all the Lord is releasing, we must live close to the heart of God. We must continually live in a place of intimacy in His heart. Hearing what He is saying, feeling His heartbeat and walking to the rhythm of His heart, not to the rhythm of what ‘man does, says or expects’ or the ‘ways of the world’. It is more important than ever in this season of acceleration and increase that’s taking place, to be INTENTIONAL to stay close to the heart of God. He is looking for purity and integrity in the stewardship of the acceleration.For many of the blueprints and strategies the Lord is releasing are so new and so fresh, that it will require radical obedience, wisdom and discernment to move in. The Lord is releasing revelation of these strategies from His Word and in dreams in such significant ways, the prayer of God’s people must be for wisdom and discernment more than ever. There is a significant increase of pioneering that is taking place in the release of these strategies and blueprints.THE REIGNITING OF THE “WHY” AND INCREASE OF PASSION IN GOING “BACK TO THE HEART”The Lord showed me that a significant reigniting of the “WHY” is going to take place in this season of acceleration. Many of you have been SO wearied by the battle and the delays you have constantly faced, I felt the encouragement of the Lord, that the Spirit of God is going to reignite the “WHY” in your life.I heard the Lord say “I AM TAKING MY PEOPLE BACK TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER”. He is clearing away all the fog, the discouragement, the trauma, the disappointment, the weariness and in encountering His heart afresh, He is taking His people back to the heart of the matter. Back to the “WHY” of the vision and calling He has given them. Even if it looks different in this season of acceleration to what it has, the Lord is going to REIGNITE your WHY and He is going to remind you again of your WHY.Significant encounters with Jesus are happening and going to increase. There is a significant shift taking place where the people of God are going to see the Glory of God and the fear of the Lord in such beautiful and splendid ways, your WHY will be refreshed. It’s FOR HIM and ABOUT HIM! Your passion will be reignited to move into all He has for you and the calling and anointing over your life. Your joy will be restored and a new and fresh passion for all He has called you to.NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO CRY, NOW IS THE TIME TO FLYI heard the words “Now is not the time to cry, now is the time to fly” and the Lord showed me that the enemy is working hard to discourage God’s people through circumstances and the battle to the point where their heads will hang low in weeping despair and moving further into hope deferred.Friends, I encourage you today.. RAISE YOUR FAITH! The Lord has decreed this is your season to FLY. To fly high above all the noise and chaos around you, to fly triumphantly, to fly in greater acceleration on the wind of His Spirit. To not stay bogged down on the ground in discouragement and despair but to put your HOPE IN GOD, because HE IS COMING THROUGH and WILL COME THROUGH! There is a reason for the battle and the reason is because you are going to see Him move in a way you have NEVER seen Him move before. You MUST hold on. You MUST stand your ground. You MUST remain in the Word. You MUST not give up. The shift is taking place and it’s your time to FLY!To check out Lana’s Facebook click here
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“The Prophetic Voice of God”, due to be released October 2018
Lana Vawser Ministries, PO Box 241, Coolum Beach, QLD 4573, Australia
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