Advance and Change a Bad Season Into a Good Season! – By Kyle T. Miller

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    Ron McGatlin



    Advance and Change a Bad Season Into a Good Season! – By Kyle T. Miller

    To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

    I used to think that seasons just happened. Everything that happened to us – whether good or bad – was ordained by God. Somewhere in God’s sovereignty, He basically did want He wanted to do, and somewhere in the midst of it, when He got tired of us going through what we were going through, or thought it was time to stop blessing us, the season would change.

    I looked at spiritual seasons somewhat like weather seasons. Just like when there is a really hot summer and you start getting tired of it, you can always look forward to when the weather will begin to cool off in the fall. Or when a weather storm is coming through, you endure it knowing that it will eventually leave and the sun will come out.

    But I have now come to realize that our spiritual seasons are predicated on decisions. Our decisions determine our seasons. If we are in a good season it is because we have made good decisions. And if we are in a bad season, most of the time, it is the culmination of bad decisions.

    The Children of Israel Turned An 11-Day Trip into a 40-Year Journey

    Most of us are familiar with the story of the Children of Israel. Generations of Israelites were in Egyptian bondage for 400 years. Finally, God commissions Moses to set His people free. According to the Scriptures (Ref. Deuteronomy 1:2) the trip from Egypt to Canaan was only 11 days, yet it took the the Children of Israel 40 years before they entered into the Promised Land. This 40-year season was not because God wanted the Children of Israel to wander around in the desert for 40 years, but rather, the Children of Israel to move forward until they were spiritually ready to leave. (Photo via Pixabay)

    Earlier, when Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near; for God said:

    “The people might change their minds when they see
    war, and return to Egypt.” Hence God led the people
    around by the way of the wilderness to the Red Sea;
    and the sons of Israel went up in martial array from the
    land of Egypt.
    (Exodus 13:17-18).

    According to this Scripture, although the trip was only 11 days, God allowed the Children of Israel to go a longer route because He recognized that with their mind sets, if they would have immediately entered in Canaan they would have been devoured by their enemies. Years later, when Moses felt it was time to enter into the Promised Land, he sent 10 spies to go in and check out the surroundings. Although, Moses thought they were now ready to possess the land, the Children of Israel still were not ready to receive what God had for them. The majority of the leaders did not feel as though they were capable of triumphing over their adversaries.

    But the men who had gone up with him said, “We
    can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we
    are.” And they spread among the Israelites an evil
    report about the land they had explored. They said,
    “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes and we looked the same to them.”
    (Numbers 13:31-33)

    What’s really offensive about this Scripture is that the Children of Israel said, “We can’t attack those people,” yet God commissioned them to go in and take this land back that God had promised them. The Scripture describes the guys that said their adversaries were “like giants” as people who gave an evil report. Think about that! When we do not believe what God has promised us, God considers this to be evil!

    The eight spies who did not believe that they could conquer their adversaries offended God so much that He waited until that generation died out before He spoke to the Israelites again about going into the Promised Land. The only ones from that generation that were allowed to enter into the Promised Land were the other two spies, Joshua and Caleb. Joshua and Caleb took God at His word and said “we are well able” to overtake our enemies.

    Joshua and Caleb had a revelation that the other 8 spies didn’t – when God tells you to do something, it doesn’t matter what the situation looks like. It doesn’t matter what the odds look like. God + You = WINNING! (Photo via Wikipedia)

    There Are Some Very Important Lessons to Learn From This Passage:

    1. God will often asks us to do something that is bigger than we are.

    2. Just because God promises you something, that doesn’t mean you won’t have adversaries.

    3. If God asks you to do something that appears to be difficult, He is also giving you an anointing to overcome it.

    4. The Children of Israel, through their unbelief, determined how long they were in the wilderness. God never intended them to stay in the desert for 40 years.

    Are You In a Wilderness Season?

    Do you feel like you have been in a holding pattern and cannot advance forward? Do you feel like a hamster on the wheel of life? You are running and running but not getting anywhere? Perhaps you are not advancing forward because you have felt as though your enemies are bigger than you. But if you have a clear word from God, you can advance.

    God realized that the Children of Israel were not ready to enter into the Promised Land because they had a slave mentality. Because the Israelites had been the slaves of the Egyptians for so long, it was very difficult for them to see themselves as leaders. Sometimes, we have been beaten down so long by life with depression, economic hardships, health issues, etc. we really struggle when we read God’s Word and it says that He wants us happy, financially prosperous and healed. Sometimes a prophetic word from God can clarify where we are with God and confirm that God wants to set us free.

    In an upcoming article, I will discuss how you can change your season by running towards your adversary instead of running away. I look forward to speaking into your life. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)

    Kyle T. Miller
    Prophet Kyle – Personal Prophecy

    Kyle T. Miller, a licensed and ordained prophet, has been called to the marketplace as a musician, play producer, and educator. A native of Arkansas, Kyle has been prophesying and interpreting dreams for almost 15 years. Kyle is also a scholar, obtaining a Masters of Arts in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary and a PhD in Higher Education Administration from The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). Kyle’s theatre production company, Positive Images in Christ, has directed and produced over a dozen shows since it was founded in 2004. Kyle is extremely passionate about speaking into people’s lives so that they can grow and blossom into their God-given calling. Besides prophesying and giving words of knowledge, the Lord also uses Kyle in the ministry of deliverance.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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