Home Forums VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE LORD By Lana Vawser

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    Kimberly Fowler

    by Lana Vawser Ministries
    By Lana Vawser
    I recognise this is a longer word and the Lord has had me sit on this prophetic word for the Pioneers for a little while now as He has been unravelling deeper revelation of what He is releasing. In this prophetic word, I felt the Lord wanted me to share the details of a particular encounter I had with Him, because I believe there’s an impartation He wants to release through this word. Pioneers, I pray you receive a great impartation from His heart as you read this prophetic word.

    The Pioneers, the forerunners, the trailblazers. They are moving with the leading of the Holy Spirit to create His pathway and breakthrough in new ways. There is a great birthing these Pioneers are now walking into, they are exploring new lands, conquering new places and they are actively running, stewarding and releasing the new move of the Holy Spirit in these terrains that have not been forged and ploughed before.


    I saw there was a warning and invitation being released from the heart of God to the Pioneers to remain in the place of REST. The place of REST being the place of being led by His Spirit. I saw a tremendous temptation in the spirit in this season of acceleration and increase to “run ahead” of what God is doing, to attempt to build things before His timing, or to implement things before His unction out of passion and excitement. The Lord loves the passion and excitement of His Pioneers, but He wants the excitement and passion to be coupled with surrender, yieldedness and sensitivity to His timing and leading.

    For the impartation, the revelation and manifestation that is being released to the Pioneers in this season is on a greater scale than many have experienced or carried before, and the heart of the Lord is that the Pioneers steward the increase well, with humility, integrity and sensitivity to His leading. In the encounters I have had with the Lord lately concerning the Pioneers amongst others, I have felt a weightiness in the spirit that I haven’t felt before, that what He is releasing now is so precious, it is so weighty, it is so valuable, the Lord is looking for the Pioneers who will steward it well and release it with integrity. The place of humility and yieldedness to Him and to His timing, His ways and His strategy is the key to “entering into” this deeper place of revelation of His heart and secrets.


    I had a powerful encounter with the Lord recently and in this encounter I saw Jesus and He was inviting the Pioneers into the most beautiful room in the library of heaven.

    The interesting thing about this room in the library of heaven was the door was VERY SMALL. The door was tiny, so to “enter into this room” and to move into the invitation the Lord was releasing, there was a significant call to “lay down, and go low”. There was a deeper place of surrender, humility and yieldeness to the Lord that had to take place, it is not a place of “striving” to “be humble” but a recognition that He is Lord, and we are not. He is the One who we hand the reigns over to, to lead, to guide, to speak. We hand the reigns of timing over to Him. We hand the reigns of “the way” over to Him. We hand the reigns of how things are “built” over to Him, it was a place of such deeper surrender to Jesus and trusting Him in His way and timing. The beautiful thing is I could feel so strongly in the invitation to continue to ‘lie down’ and ‘go low’, is the plans, purposes and manifestation of what He is building is bigger than what is even being dreamt about by the Pioneers.

    I watched as those Pioneers who were living in that place of surrender, humility and the secret place were entering in through this tiny door. The room they were invited into in this season was a room that had wall to wall bookshelves, as high as the eye could see. Huge ladders up to the top shelves and there were SO many books everywhere.

    Jesus stood in the middle of the room at a large golden table and He was smiling. Behind this huge golden table was a red chair and as the Pioneers that had accepted his invitation, one by one entered in, I heard the loudest declaration booming from His heart, so strongly, it could have crumbled a mountain in a moment.

    The declaration was:

    ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’ – Jeremiah 33:3 – (Amplified Version)

    My heart was so moved by what I heard. So moved by what I was seeing take place. The invitation to the Pioneers in this season, those that have been living not for the praise of man, not to build their own ministry, not to self-promote, not in striving, but in rest and deep intimacy with Him, were being invited into a place of HEARING and SEEING His heart and secrets unlike ANYTHING they had experienced before. This place was precious, it was weighty, it was a place where the Lord was about to reveal things which had been confined and hidden and release greater clarity, wisdom, strategy and revelation of what He is doing, what He is dreaming about, what He is saying and what is to come. This place was not entered into lightly, it was a place of seeing and hearing the depths of His heart, a most trusted place that the friends of God were accessing.

    I saw Jesus pull down a large book from the shelf and engraved in gold on the front of this large brown leather bound book was Jeremiah 33:3. Jesus invited the Pioneers to come and “take their seat”.

    Instantly I felt His presence fall SO heavily, it almost made me tremble and I knew a deep shift was taking place in the spirit over the Pioneers who had entered in. Not just this invitation into the most precious place of all, the deeper place of receiving the revelations and secrets of His heart, but a greater awakening and manifestation of the power of the Pioneers taking their SEAT. Such a great awakening of Ephesians 2:6:

    “He raised us up with Christ, the exalted One, and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated as one with Christ!” – (The Passion Translation)

    Suddenly, the knowing surrounded me. The chair being red, the place Jesus purchased for us by His blood, to take our seat with Him in oneness, seated in heavenly places. In this season of encounter with Jesus for the Pioneers in one of these rooms in the library of heaven, was releasing a greater awakening to their authority and seated place with Christ.

    They took their seat and opened this huge book. The pages were FILLED with writing, the writing when I looked at it, was written on the page, but as I looked at each line, it was as though I could not only see the words on the page, but each line had a depth that I could see down deep into what looked like rivers of pure, flowing, living water. There was such an incredible sense of drinking in the revelation He was releasing, and thirsting no more for anything else but Him. Each word almost shouted “As you drink this water, you will never thirst again” (John 4:14), the fountain that will never run dry, yet each drink you take, you will become thirstier and thirstier for Jesus, to know Him and to know His Word.

    I noticed that engraved on every page was 1 Corinthians 2:10:

    “But God now unveils these profound realities to us by the Spirit. Yes, He has revealed to us His inmost heart and deepest mysteries through the Holy Spirit who constantly explores all things.” – (The Passion Translation)

    There was a great unveiling of revelation taking place, a depth of revelation of the inmost parts of His heart and deepest mysteries, and it was ALL FOUNDED and FLOWING from Him – Jesus Christ and EVERY WORD deeply, rooted, grounded, founded, flowing and released from the Word of God.


    For the last year or so I have been having profound encounters with the Lord regarding the Lord looking for those who will LINGER with Him. Over a year ago, the Lord came to me powerfully in a dream and for hours upon hours in my dream, He asked “Where are those who will linger? Where are those who will linger?” For those who linger, I will entrust the secrets of My heart”. This has been a word I impacted me deeply, and I have been carrying ever since.

    He is looking for those who will linger with Him, His friends! Those who will sit with Him, to be with Him.

    In this encounter I heard the Lord say “LINGER IN THE LIBRARY”. In this season of encounter in one of the library rooms of heaven, don’t rush to get out. For there is not just one book the Lord is opening, there are MANY. He has MANY things to show you. MANY things to reveal, and in the temptation to “rush” from this place, or be ‘distracted’ or ‘prioritise’ other things above this place of encounter, will hinder the revelation flow of what He wants to release.

    So do whatever you have to do in this season to LINGER IN THE LIBRARY!!!!!

    The Lord also asked me a question:

    “Lana, in libraries in the natural, what is the atmosphere established?”

    I replied: “Quietness, reflection, reading, meditation, absorbing”

    He replied:

    “Then how much more in a library room of heaven.”

    The Lord was inviting His Pioneers into a deeper place of lingering, a deeper place of quietness before Him, being with Him, meditating upon what He is saying, delighting in His presence and hearing His heart. It was a place of encounter and conversing with Him, but I felt the focus the Lord was bringing was upon a “heart attitude” before Him, the position of rest, quietness, to hear and receive.

    The depth of intimacy being entered into in this place was a place that had not been encountered before, such a deep place, that the Pioneers were even being left speechless by what He was speaking, releasing and revealing. Such beautiful, heavy, weighty, awe of God encounters.

    I then felt Isaiah 30:15 all around me, a greater level of trust and strength was coming to the Pioneers:

    “In quietness and trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15


    He then spoke again:

    “The enemy has been coming against you to muzzle you, to silence you, to stop you, to contain you and to prevent you in this season. The enemy has come like a wolf, to bring such deep fear, growling with his vicious lies, growling to cloud the atmosphere, growling to interfere with you hearing from Me, to create greater static and twisting of what I am saying, to hinder the fruit I am growing, the strategy I am releasing to you, and the increase of encounter, visitation and revelation that you have been invited into in this place. This place represents you, My precious Pioneers stepping into MORE, more than you have ever known or imagined, but it ALL FLOWS from who I am, My heart and My Word. The shift has begun and the very confusion the enemy has attempted to bring upon you, that very confusion will now be sent upon him as you step deeper into My rivers of revelation.”

    “But you must stay under the canopy of My Word. Do not move from My Word. Stay covered, sheltered and immersed in My Word in this place and watch and see how the wolves will be chased away. Deception and lies will flee and you will move into deeper realms of My truth.”

    “These wolves have come and made noise attempting to hinder this season of revelation and encounter, but they will not be able to keep up with the revelation I will release to you in this library room of heaven, and the increased favour that will flow from these encounters in this room. FROM this place of deep encounters with Me in this library room of heaven, you will receive such deep revelation of My heart and My Word that what I have asked you to place your hands upon in the natural with Me in this season and build and forge, the new pathways, new ground, new lands, new territories, will see a major increase of your authority and My favour RESOUND UPON YOU LOUDER than ever.”

    “Where the enemy has come with his army like wolves growling, I am have been releasing My angelic hosts into your lives with shofars to HERALD loudly accompanied with My decree in this battle, and the atmosphere and airwaves are being CLEARED. They are being CLEARED so you will HEAR clearly and in deeper ways, and move into this season of the greatest awakening of hearing My voice and knowing the power of My voice and the secrets of My heart.”

    Pioneers, there has been a great battle over many of you and what you carry and what the Lord has you forging, forerunning, releasing, the new land, the new places, the new assignments, but take heart, for the invitation upon you into the library room of heaven to access the secrets of His heart and revelation He is wanting to release, is profound. It’s a new place. It’s a new pathway of His heart. It’s a place where you will not only come alive in greater ways to what He has called you to do and release, but also release to others.

    The encounters you will have with Jesus in this library room of heaven will release greater strength, refreshing and insight to you for this season and beyond. The word of the Lord to you in this place will break the confines that have held you down, and move you into a deeper place of carrying His heart. Take not this invitation lightly. Take not this season lightly. Take not this place of revelation lightly. For you are being invited into a place of receiving a greater increase in the greatest treasure of all, His heart. His heart for you, for people, for places, for cities, for nations. He doesn’t release the secrets of His heart cheaply. He’s looking for Pioneers who will steward His heart with integrity, purity, and not use His heart or the revelations He releases for personal gain or impure motives. He’s looking for His friends to come closer to Him.

    What a precious and profound invitation being released to the Pioneers..

    May ALL enter in through their surrender and yieldedness to Jesus! Humility is the key!

    What awaits you in this room in the library of heaven will leave you forever changed, undone by the privilege of what He is inviting you into. May the prayer be “Lord, help me to steward your heart well!”

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
    Kimberly Fowler

    I had just finished writing a word in my journal that I felt the Lord had given me and then I put down my journal and went into my email. I saw the posting from Lana Vawser, and incredibly the word from Lana went along with the very things I had been meditating on and even confirmed for me the word I had just finished in my journal. I will share what God gave me in my journal:

    A place of preparedness to do His will, a place of resting, of habitation…

    In the secret confines of His Spirit, that inner most place of the Holies,

    the confines of His heart where He whispers secret things to you

    releasing the treasures of His heart.

    That intimate place where the Beloved and His Bride

    whisper “sweet nothings” to each other,

    speaking the tenderest of things on each heart.


    The sacrament of the Holies,

    a sacrament of worship, a sacrifice of praise…

    entering into the Holy of Holies

    walking reverently, worshipfully,

    bowing down in adoration.


    Come and abide in that secret place,

    the place where God alone dwells

    inhabiting the praises of His people.

    Lift up an offering of worship, an alabaster box of praise;

    it will not be refused or denied.


    Come, all you people, bow down before the King,

    for He is worthy of all honor,

    and all honor and dominion belong to Him.

    Come into His garden, His private abode

    by PERSONAL INVITATION only…but granted to you!


    engraved by the blood of His Son

    extended to you

    delivered by angels, His messengers on your behalf.

    “Come,” they extend the invitation.

    “He’s waiting.” And they wait on your response.


    They extend the invitation to others,

    to each a “PERSONAL” invitation.

    “Come, you are invited, He is waiting.”


    The Wedding Supper is laid,

    the embellishments prepared, all is ready.

    “Come,” is heard once more. “It is ready.”

    “All is waiting for the Bride to ready herself.

    Be prepared. It is now. Come,

    The invitation is held out.”


    The Bride IS Ready; She has prepared Herself

    in the Garden with Her Beloved,

    listening to His voice, for His voice.

    In the Garden, the two alone…

    whispering “sweet nothings” to each other.


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