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  • #7265
    Yolanda Ballard


    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    I was reading in the Word and came across a point I did not understand so I got tempted to look in other translations and what I found was the opposite of what I read in the KJV Jer 12:8. So I see that one way is the truth and the other is to lead you in a direction that is not God.  We can tend to choose the way that is easy and makes more sense or the direction we would rather go.   The passage was speaking of not trusting in your own dreams.  The other translations said to not trust in the dreams of the false prophets.  Not to go in the wrong direction I prayed and received the following.

    Discern your thoughts and even your dreams that they be of Me and not of your own soul that seeks to drive you in a direction that is not of Me.  You strive to get out from where I have placed you to be to strengthen you and to purge you with the fire of My love.  Your trials are there to test you to see if your faith is pure.  How do you know unless you are tested?  I am there in your midst what you walk through.  You are not alone.  Thou it might not feel good it is for your good that you walk in this direction.  You need to know that whatever you face you will come out as pure gold if you latch on to My faith, which is perfect.  If you rest in My faithfulness and keep My promises before you, I will lead you to the Promised Land, the land that is full of milk and honey.  In My timing I will bless you with all that you need.  Did I not say that I would give you hope and a future?  I will prosper you and bring you no harm says your God.

    Many seek a bible translation that is easy to understand and that which caters to the soul but I tell you this day those translations will lead you away from truth for they are of a mixture.  Stick with one that has been trusted for decades for the new are preparing you for that which is not of Me.  Ask of Me and I will help you to understand for I am the way, the truth, and the life.  There is no other way!

    What you are being fed is not Manna but morsels that are leading and preparing you to go in a direction that is not God.  The easy way is not the safe way.  We must seek God and to learn His voice.


    Yolanda Ballard

    This post has a mistake in it.  The scripture reference should be Jer 29:8!

    So sorry!


    At The Father’s Feet

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