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  • #20643
    Yolanda Ballard


    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    Be still and know that I am God.

    Have I ever brought you to a place in your life where I did not come through for you with provision or peace? I might have brought you to a place where I stretched your faith but that is a much-needed place to be.

    In the midst of all the turmoil I am there with you showing you the way you are to go. If you lean on Me and not on your own understanding, I will direct you in My perfect will.

    Yes, be still and rest and I will provide you with streams in the wilderness to refresh you. I will give you fresh manna that you will become strong. In the midst of the storm I will say, “take My hand, I will guide you.”

    Be still and hear My voice. Don’t predetermine what I will say for that is witchcraft. My ways are higher than yours. I don’t think the way man does, unless you are totally tuned into My voice and are close enough to know My heart and My ways. I am bringing you to that place through My word and by communing with Me.

    We are one as My Father and I are one. I am bringing My believers to the place of unity being of one mind and in one accord with Me.

    The is the day of the great falling away because My people follow their own agenda and look for ways to justify it.

    Die out to your own plans and purposes. They will bring you to ruin. Trust Me, lean on Me, and follow Me alone. I will never let you down, says your Yah.

    Steven Bliss

    Thank you Father, I too often resemble the clatter around me and miss the opportunity of YOU

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