By the Word

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  • #25040
    Steven Bliss

    By the word of Yahweh the heavens were made,
    And by the breath of His mouth all their host.
    Psalms 33:6 (LSB)

    Like a blowing wind, a mighty wind,
    I will again blow upon you. I will wash
    over you with my ways. I will clean off
    the leaves and sediment which cover you.

    Do not be frightened. I am preparing you.
    I will again lift you into the skies where I
    can show you what you need to see.

    I will blow my breathe into you
    so you will grow in my purposes.

    Clu Monroe

    Amen. Bring it Yah I pray…

    Ron McGatlin

    Yes, a mighty Spirit wind of LOVE and a gentle breeze of peace with gusts of joy across the no longer barren land but the fruitful plane.

    Love and Blessings

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