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    CHANGE Change can really affect your life. So often we look at change as being a good thing-moving into something better, circumstances becoming wonderful etc. But change can go negative – from a good situation into a bad one. But mostly change can become a positive event. from bad to good. As a Christian we want everything to become good. We want change to be fruitful,joyful, a happy situation BUT most often we do not look with God’s eyes. We like the”bless me” times and do not like it when the blessings seem to not be abundant. How many of us have cried out – “i’m yours Lord-I’ll be faithful, obedient, trustworthy, bringing honor to you”? But we look at it as easy. We may war a little but we act like “spoiled, selfish little kids- wanting our own way”. We do not realize that really by our STANDING we are GROWING STRONGER. When the hard knocks come the DIS stuff manifests-Discouragement-Disappointment-Despair,Defeat,not getting our way. We pout. Where are you GOD? Don’t you care.? Been there – done that! HE wants us to grow up-be not a child but a Son- His son – Learning and growing in Sonship. TO WIN OVER HIS HEART- maturing and fulfilling His plan and purposes for you. They are to be wonderful and great- not a life of hardship and defeat.Are we wanting His heart for selfish reasons or pure reasons. Paul said, “It tis not I but Christ who lives in me. Have we gotten to that level- to die so Jesus can live in us? Do we truly desire Him or do we want Him to “be” so we can be seen? I WANT TO CHANGE- Change means something. I am over everything! Everything includes My ways,My self, etc. Religion- this way, that way etc. THE TRUE WAY IS GOD’S WAY!!! I like what Linda Vawser said-”We want You on Your terms- We want the move of the Holy Spirit on Your terms and we will not stand or get in the way”. Joanne Mcfatter said ,”the times they are truly changing as the Kingdom of God is being made manifest on the earth. We have become a thermometer that reads the climate of the culture as opposed to a THERMOSTAT that SETS the climate of things.” Time to be the thermostat . To me – my favorite saying is IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU LORD !IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU! To me it is ALL or I have nothing.John the Baptist said ,”I must decrease so He will increase. True. But we are now in Christ-not in our strength or ability. It is all because of Christ Jesus in us. So let us increase with His life. Child to adult. Oh that we “die” to our earthly ways and walk in the true kingdom ways. His love prevails. Everything that is worth having comes from Him. EVERYTHING! I thank God my yesterdays are over- I can live today and trust Him also for tomorrow. Hard times come- fill in the blank- But looking thru God’s eyes, with His wisdom-like my bible college friend said “It ain’t nothing but a THANG!” Sonship , maturing, trust are developing. So we may not like it BUT our faith, dependency ,steadfast focus is on the Lord. He gets us thru it and we somehow become stronger. Surprise,Surprise! WHEW. DEFINITION OF CHANGE To make RADICALLY different To undergo transformation, transition To become different I have been saved 40 years. I WANT TO CHANGE LORD. Change means something- really everything. Spiritual change can change it all- spirit-soul- body. Change me Lord- I want to change and become the mature son You have declared me to be and to fulfill what You have for me on my scroll as You wrote on Jeremiah’s scroll before he was born. That the “word of my testimony” is what You have written – not what I want to do. So let’s change- from glory to glory. If we truly become intimate with our Father,Jesus and the Holy Spirit we will change. That is my desire. Not experience but intimacy. Knock,knock Daddy,here I come.Thanks for changing me. IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU LORD-ALL ABOUT YOU

    Clu Monroe

    That’s awesome Steve! Right there with ya brother…

    Do we really want to change?

    Mark 10:51

    So Jesus answered and said to him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” The blind man said to Him, “Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.”

    DONE. Want it.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Clu Monroe.
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