Church: people of God…

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  • #8941
    Pura HMacias

    Church – people of God.


    Because the time has come for the people of God to take the land.

    It’s time to rejoice;

    not to weep anymore.

    The time to sing has come.

    Be ready and prepare yourselves.

    Prepare, for the harvest is ready.



    My beloved spoke, and said to me:

    Rise up, my love, my fair one,

    and come away.

    For the winter is past,

    The rain is over and gone.

    The flowers appear on the earth;

    The time of singing has come,

    And the voice of the turtledove

    is heard in our land.

    The fig tree puts forth her green figs,

    And the vines with the tender grapes

    give a good smell.

    Rise up, my love, my fair one,

    And come away!.

    (Song of Solomon 2:10-13)





    Clu Monroe

    Lovely Pura… This same SoS passage was given to me several years ago. In His perfect timing…


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