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- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by
Kimberly Fowler.
April 18, 2017 at 11:53 am #3543
Ron McGatlin
A Stunning Coincidence! Professor of Evolution Collides with God’s Intervention”
by Pamela KoefoedMore Than a “Coincidence”
Last February, on my way to minister in Australia, I spent 13 hours on the plane beside a professor of evolution. A week later, while touring an Australian wildlife sanctuary on one of my days off, I met the author of a book disproving evolution. I live in Oregon and interestingly enough, the Australian author’s book was published in Oregon. Meeting the professor of evolution, followed by getting acquainted with the author of a book disproving evolution, led me to conclude that neither was coincidental.
Then it happened again. April 5th, while returning from serving the Lord in North Carolina, my seat number was beside another Professor of Evolution. Imagine my surprise! But then this sort of non-coincidence happens to me so often it has become typical.
“Are you a science teacher?” I said, politely interrupting his reading.
“I’m a professor of Human Evolution,” he said.
“Where at?” I asked.
“New York,” he said.
I told my seat neighbor about also sitting beside a professor of evolution on my last international flight. We both agreed that such a thing is so mathematically improbable as to be more than “coincidence”.
“I’m a Bible teacher,” I told him. (This is what I tell people when they ask, “What do you do?” It’s easily understood and avoids confusion and trying to explain my role in the Church to those without the grid to understand.)
The evolution professor gave one silent nod with a look like, “Oh whoopee! Here we go.”
So, no sermons from me while on the plane. But since the Lord arranged our seating, didn’t He want me to share my hope with the professor?
Pursuing Understanding First
Before doing so, first I needed to learn why he’s an evolutionist when the evidence of creation by design is everywhere we look. I’m sincerely baffled by what seems obvious to me—every living thing is far too complex and intricate to be the product of evolutionary processes. Adaptation, yes. Evolution, the adaptation of one species into an entirely different species, no. Perplexed by what’s obvious to so many of us, I sought to understand.
My professor neighbor explained his reasoning and stated that his belief in evolution, as well as what’s printed in academic material, is based on unproven hypothesis. Additionally, he said that he believes “creation by design” also is unproven. He said that he believes that both are based upon stories invented by mankind. Our conversation helped me understand where he’s coming from. Then when he paused, I invited him to understand where I’m coming from.
Sharing Hope With a Professor of Evolution
“I wasn’t raised in a Christian environment,” I said. “I was a latchkey kid—being left alone for hours at a time was my reality. It was normal to be home alone.”
As I spoke, the professor watched my face with interest.
“When I was eight years old, I arrived home from school to an empty house. No one was home but me. My hand was on the front doorknob when I heard someone, who I couldn’t see, tell me to run from my house. There was no one there.
“I ran to my next door neighbor’s when, before I reached her door, my house exploded into flames. I knew that the One who saved me was the Lord. I had been praying to Him every night and, for nights before this happened, I had even asked for His protection.”
I kept my jaw firmly closed, because his surprised reaction totally surprised me, and my jaw wanted to flop open and my eyes wanted to bug out, but I kept them in their place. Relaxed. Calm. Unemotional. As his jaw flopped open, I sensed wheels turning in his profoundly intellectual mind. His facial expression revealed that at the conclusion of my testimony, he was in deep thought, and this blessed me.
Maybe something I said gave him a glimpse of Christianity that he didn’t know existed or perhaps he’s now questioning his evolution-based theories. I hope both are true. And most of all, I hope that he will ask the Lord, “Lord, if You’re real, like that woman said, then let me know somehow that it’s true.”
People Everywhere Want to Encounter Good News
Recently while in worship, it dawned on me that having “wrong assumptions” hinders what God desires to do with and through us—in reaching those around us with His amazing love. For instance, it’s easy to assume that the Professor of Evolution has zero interest in hearing why I love God. But isn’t it just as easy to assume that such a person longs to hear about legitimate God-miracles?
The proliferation of bad, depressing, twisted news has created a vacuum waiting to be filled with encouragement, inspiration and hope. It’s my belief that people everywhere want to encounter good news. Let’s love and honor those around us, and tell them about the time when the Lord helped someone we know, or when He intervened to save our lives, or how He healed us. Or_____. You fill in the blank.
Our experiences matter. When we share them, they make a difference—a big, big difference. So, I thank our Lord Jesus for delivering me and my sister, when we were children, from not one but four house fires, and for seating me next to Professors of Evolution! That was no coincidence.
Shine your light whenever there’s darkness,
Pamela Koefoed
Ignite School of Ministries
Email: write@pamelakoefoed.com
Website: pamelakoefoed.com | http://www.igniteschool.comDuring a traumatic childhood, Jesus delivered Pamela Koefoed from death’s door. Years later, she began encountering Jesus and His angels in visitations. By the power of the Holy Spirit, her ministry has demonstrated a strong and accurate prophetic anointing. Pamela ministers nationally and internationally where hundreds have experienced the healing power of God, deliverance from strongholds, and the life-infusing rhema word of the Lord. Pamela is the director of Ignite School of Ministry in Southern Oregon. She is the author of two books, Angels Appearing and JoyRide: Life, Death and Forgiveness.
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Elijah List Publications
email: info@elijahlist.netApril 18, 2017 at 7:19 pm #3547Kimberly Fowler
ParticipantReally enjoyed reading this testimony! Blessed me.
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