“Encouragement for Those Just Stepping Out” Mandy Woodhouse

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    Ron McGatlin

    “Encouragement for Those Just Stepping Out”

    Mandy Woodhouse, Brisbane, Australia

    To the many (like myself) who are stepping out into a new ministry or into a new heavenly assignment of some sort, you are on the Father’s heart.

    “I Am Your Rear Guard”

    Firstly, I heard the Father say, “I’m so proud of you and I’m your rear guard!”

    As I began to pray for those across the globe who are stepping out and perhaps feeling unprepared, clumsy or uncertain, it reminded me of small children who are learning to walk, and young ones learning to ride a bike with no training wheels; and I saw the wide smile of a proud Daddy, ready to catch the little ones if they fall. Not only does the Father NOT smack, rebuke or withhold love if you fall, but He is by your side, cheering you on with open arms the whole way.

    “Keep Your Eyes on Me”

    When I was a small girl learning to play softball, my Dad would coach me in batting by telling me, “Keep your eye on the ball, sweetheart.” In the same way, I hear the Lord say, “Keep your eyes on ME and you’ll do what I’m calling you to!”

    I heard Him say, “DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE NAYSAYERS!” Remember, He is your rear guard (Isaiah 52:12; 58:8), so your back is protected. (Photo via mountainhome.af)

    He also showed me that those brothers and sisters who may appear to oppose or frown upon you because of their “discernment,” are actually being taught to intercede for you by Him! They are most likely in a heavenly alignment process (if they are born again), and He is showing them how to PRAY instead of criticizing what they may not understand or see the full picture of. Don’t forget that the Father cheers them on as well, and you are both protected in His love.

    He also reminded me of the Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem, as seen in the book of Nehemiah, who apposed and intimidated the Israelites and Nehemiah while they rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:10 Nehemiah 2:19; 4:1-12; 6). Likewise, there are those who have no real love for the Kingdom and only come to sabotage. I heard Him say, “Don’t engage them. When they try to pull you into an argument, a debate, or if they accuse you…simply DON’T ENGAGE. Keep a sword in one hand and just keep building with the other, eyes fixed firmly on Jesus.” The “Sanballats, Tobiahs and Geshems” are in HIS hands.

    “Sanballat and Geshem sent to me, saying, ‘Come and let us meet together at Hakkephirim in the plain of Ono.’ But they intended to do me harm. And I sent messengers to them, saying, ‘I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?'” (Nehemiah 6:2-3)

    It’s Time to Arise and Shine!


    The Hebrew word for “arise” here is the word “qum” (see Strong’s Concordance), which implies not only getting up from a prostrate position, but that something is ESTABLISHED and MADE VALID when one does get up. This is your time to be established, so RISE UP and SHINE WITH HIS GLORY! (Photo via Pexels)

    Established in His Friendship

    I also felt the Father’s heart for establishing an increased friendship with you. This is your season to be established in HIM, in HIS HEART and in HIS PRESENCE, and in ministering FIRST to HIM. You can SHINE to the world when you are ESTABLISHED in His FRIENDSHIP, first.

    In the context of your intimacy with Him, the last thing that I heard Him say to those just stepping out is this: “Do not let the fire go out!”

    “Fire shall be kept burning on the altar continually; it shall not go out.” (Leviticus 6:13)

    Regardless of what is said, thought, or felt about your obedience, the Father’s approval is all that matters, and you already have that. Keep burning for Him. Keep revival fires stoked. Keep the flames going. Keep your heart pure and keep intimacy first.

    You and the Father get to set the world on fire for Jesus, together!

    Mandy Woodhouse
    Outrageous Hope

    Email: outrageoushopegirl@gmail.com
    Website: mandywoodhouseoutrageoushope.com

    Mandy Woodhouse is a wife, a published author, a speaker, a blogger, a photographer, an artist and a fur baby mom. Originally from Louisiana, she and her Australian husband pastored Glory City Church in Aiken, South Carolina before moving back to Brisbane, Australia to be a part of Glory City Church in Brisbane. Mandy is a prophet/teacher/intercessor with a strong gift of exhortation and a love for the Word of God. She lives to use her prophetic voice, creative teaching style and her writing skills to impart HOPE and to awaken true, righteous IDENTITY in the Body of Christ, across the globe, while always pointing to JESUS.

    Source: https://elijahlist.com


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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