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Tagged: 2019 end, Christy Johnston, divine wisdom, evergreen, glory, gold rush, holy spirit, new frontieers, pioneers, swift, wonderland
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years, 1 month ago by
Ron McGatlin.
January 26, 2019 at 9:34 am #13030
Ron McGatlin
Keymaster“At the End of 2019, Pioneers will Say: Look What the Lord Has Done!”Christy Johnston, Gold Coast, AustraliaThere are four prophetic words that have been following us for the past month during our time in the U.S. Everywhere we turn and look, everywhere we stay, they are highlighted to us repetitively and daily. These four words, “Pioneer, Evergreen, Swift and Wonderland” and have jumped out to us in unusual ways. One example of many is that our hotel was unexpectedly located on “Pioneer Trail,” another was opposite “Pioneer Lane.” I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking specifically to the pioneers in this coming year and season: It is time to take possession of your wonderland, it will be filled with evergreens and it will happen swiftly.
Your Gates Are Being Strengthened
In the past few months, there has been intense and increased opposition and pressure upon the pioneers. If you have been walking through an unusual time of confusion, opposition, betrayal and relentless warfare, take heart. You hold in your hands the keys of a pioneer and your Father is walking ahead of you…He is leading the way and you are not alone. The opposition will relinquish as you continue moving forward, so don’t give up now. I believe this warfare has been sent on assignment from the enemy to prevent many pioneers from discovering and taking their Promised Lands.
Though the opposition and spiritual warfare you have endured this year may have been fierce, I hear the Father’s roar of protection over you: “My beloved, everything the enemy has thrown your way has only served to strengthen you. I am turning every arrow into blessing; every fear and failure into fruit. I am driving out the foxes from your land. I am strengthening your gates and blessing you with more.”
“For He has strengthened the authority of your gates.
He even blesses you with more children. He is the one who brings peace to your borders, feeding you the most excellent of fare.” (Psalm 147:13-14 TPT) (Photo via Pexels)New Frontiers of Gold Rush Glory
I heard in my spirit, “NEW FRONTIERS,” and I saw a vision of “Gold Rush” communities being birthed and springing up from desert places because of your faithfulness to continue moving forward. I believe what this means is that there are new frontiers of glory and divine wisdom about to be discovered, just like the “Gold Rush” days of old.
I saw inventions coming out of this place that carry the divine wisdom and mind of God. I saw solutions and answers being released from Heaven to the minds of pioneers who have pursued the road less traveled with their Father. I specifically see that many of these solutions would be influential in seeing injustices overturned, particularly abortion and human trafficking. The pioneers who refuse to back down will tap into springs of glory that have not yet been seen on this earth, and this rush of gold, heavenly wisdom and glory, will affect every sphere of influence on the earth.
A Wonderland of Evergreens
Where many pioneers have endured long seasons of drought and wilderness, I believe the Father is also turning this new year into your Promised Land of “Evergreen.” However, this isn’t something that will happen like a genie appearing from a bottle, but rather, this Promised Land of “Evergreen” will be seized as you faithfully move forward, one step at a time.
I cannot emphasize this enough: Your Promised Land will come through His strength. Yet, I feel there is a strong urgency for the need of partnership over your prophetic words. I see many prophecies stored away on the bookshelves of hearts, gathering dust in long forgotten memories. In this season, the Holy Spirit is telling us to remind ourselves of His promises and to CONTEND with them this year. One such promise to contend with is found in Isaiah 41:18-20. In the Passion Translation it says:
“I will open up refreshing streams on the barren hills
and springing fountains in the valleys.
I will make the desert a pleasant pool
And the dry land springs of water.
I will plant in the treeless desert cedars and acacia,
Myrtle and olive trees.
I will set in the wilderness evergreens
Together with many elm and cypress.
Everyone will see and know that I, Yahweh,
With My mighty hands have done this.
They will consider and comprehend
That the Holy One of Israel has created it.”Each of these trees represents a significant picture of promises fulfilled. This is going to be a remarkable year for those who contend with the promises in their hands. They WILL see long-forgotten promises fulfilled. These pioneers who refuse to allow disappointment or bitterness to take root in their hearts, but look to their Promised Lands with the same fierce determination of Joshua and Caleb, will say by the end of 2019, “LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!” What once was a dry and weary wilderness wasteland will be flourishing with evergreens. You will grow and thrive in every season just like the evergreen, no matter the earthly climate. This coming season will look like a wonderland filled with evergreens.
The Swift Shift is Upon You
I can feel the encouragement of the Father for the pioneers in this new year. I see the word “SWIFT” over you. Where you have fought for and believed for promises for many years, your contending this year will produce SWIFT possession of your Promised Land. The foxes are being driven out, the authority of your gates are being strengthened, your wilderness is turning into a wonderland of evergreens; you are about to discover new frontiers and it is happening SWIFTLY. All that is required of you is to come into faith and agreement with what He is speaking. (Photo via Unsplash)
I sense that there are many pioneers who almost feel skeptical of prophetic words for this new year, as there has been much disappointment in years past of not yet seeing prophecies fulfilled. I see the Holy Spirit filling you with fresh courage to hope again, fresh excitement to dream again, and new boldness to step out in faith and believe that God will do what He has promised to do. The instructions that Paul gives to Timothy in 1 Timothy 1:18-19 are for the pioneers in this hour:
“So Timothy, my son, I am entrusting you with this responsibility, in keeping with the very first prophecies that were spoken over your life, and are now in the process of fulfillment in this great work of ministry, in keeping with the prophecies spoken over you. With this encouragement use your prophecies as weapons as you wage spiritual warfare by faith and with a clean conscience. For there are many who reject these virtues and are now destitute of the true faith.”
Pioneers, this is your time. Do not lose heart or become destitute of faith. The Holy Spirit is calling to your remembrance even now, what you thought was lost and forgotten. He is calling to your remembrance the prophecies He has spoken over you, for these promises fulfilled will bring Him the glory. This is the year of the manifestation and birthing of your promises as you hold fast to hope. This is the year you will behold with your eyes your “WONDER-LAND” and you will look in awe and declare: “LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!” (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Christy Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Email: nateandchristy@everydayrevivalists.com
Website: http://www.nateandchristy.coChristy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into God’s sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in grace and freedom through our identity in Christ. Nate and Christy have two daughters, Charlotte and Sophie, and currently live on the Gold Coast in Australia.
Source: http://elijahlist.com/
This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
Ron McGatlin.
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