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Tagged: fruits, grow, love, Nancy Taylor Tate, righteousness, upcoming events, Wadetaylor.org
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Ron McGatlin.
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September 5, 2019 at 4:12 pm #15618
Ron McGatlin
KeymasterDear Ron,My husband likes to start each day with Bible reading and prayer together. How I enjoy it as I sip coffee and listen to him read! Often, and to my delight, we end the day as he sings and plays his guitar. How wonderful to have a relationship joined together in Christ Jesus! What refreshment and joy it brings!As he has been reading the book of Philippians, my heart is again stirred. I have always loved the book of Philippians. It is often considered the most personal of Paul’s writings, because though the book is short, about four pages in most Bibles, Paul uses the first-person pronoun 100 times! He writes not to correct a problem, but to express his own heart as he challenges others to walk worthy of the call of God on their lives.“And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God” Philippians 1:9-11.This is my prayer also, for myself, and for you. That our love would grow! That we would approve things that are excellent, or recognize what is best. That we would always be sincere, genuine, honest, and truthful. That we would be found untainted, without offense. That we would be filled with fruits of righteousness, doing what is right, glorifying the Lord in and through our lives.Paul was able to say, “Follow my example and observe those who live after the pattern we have set for you” Philippians 3:17 AMP.Years ago, a lady in her eighties caused me to become more hungry for the Lord. It was not so much her teaching, but her love for Jesus that struck my heart and made me want the same close relationship with the Lord that she had.May we so live that as we grow, we are drawn ever closer to the Lord! May our lives encourage others and stir a hunger for more of the Lord in their life experiences as well! May Jesus always be seen and glorified in and through our lives.Upcoming Events:We invite you to join us for our fall Parousia Gathering on Saturday, November 9, 2019, at 10:30 a.m.We will be meeting at the Mountain Gate Family Restaurant in Thurmont, Maryland, conveniently located northwest of Washington, D.C., below the Pennsylvania border. More information can be found on our website, http://www.wadetaylor.org under Events.If you plan to attend, it is important you contact me at least 2 weeks prior (by October 26) so we can confirm our reservation with the restaurant.Our Website:I welcome you to visit our website, http://www.wadetaylor.org. As a forerunner, truths my dad spoke bring a relevant word for today and also move beyond the present day into the day still before us. May his teachings be a source of spiritual edification and impartation to you, as you consider the words shared and allow them to be worked into your life experience.Each month I highlight one article on our website, http://www.wadetaylor.org. This month’s article is called “The Need to Turn Aside” by Wade Taylor. To read it, you can go to our website and click on Article of the Month for this featured article, as well as past articles.Also on our website, you will find links to messages by me under Nancy’s Corner and Messages to Hear.If you are not on our email list, I encourage you to join! Most updates are now communicated through emails. To join, or to update your email address, go to http://www.wadetaylor.org. Toward the bottom of the home page, you will find a place to add your email address under Contact Us.Wade Taylor Publications: http://www.wadetaylorpublications.org is a separate part of my dad’s ministry that was close to his heart. On this website, you can buy Books, CDs, and DVDs by Wade Taylor. Also a prayer ministry, their contact information is on their website.Our prayer is that you increasingly prosper, both spiritually and in your life circumstances, beyond all that you have experienced in the past, and also, may you be blessed in life, in health, and in all that is before you.Prayerfully yours,Nancy Taylor TatePAROUSIA MINISTRIES -
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