Free Yourself Up to Minister in this Great Move, Happening Now!" by Edie Bayer

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    Ron McGatlin

    Free Yourself Up to Minister in this Great Move of God! It’s Happening Now!”
    by Edie Bayer, Houston, TX

    The Lord gave me a most encouraging word and He is anxious that I share it with you: “Free yourself up to minister in this great move of God! It’s happening now!”

    Recently in prayer one morning, the Lord showed me a front-end loader dumping its bucket of granite into the back of a pickup truck, over and over again. This is what you have been in training for your entire life – to carry “The Rock,” Jesus! It is your “job” to fill up, pour out, and fill up again and again with The Rock! He is the front-end loader, and you are the pickup truck! Let’s get to work!

    The Lord says, “I am coming, but not like you expect.”

    The Lord gave me two visions of Himself. In one, He was a lion, walking across a rocky mountain top. He had red velvet and gold on His crown. We locked gazes periodically as He made His way across the rugged terrain. I knew that He always knew where I was – I was always in His sight.

    In the other vision, Jesus was on a white horse on a bed of clouds. He had on His crown and His sash. His horse was magnificent! Its long mane caught my attention, as it pawed at the ground, first with its left hoof, and then its right. Jesus’ horse was anxious to move!

    Wisdom and Strategy for the Greatest Move of God

    After these visions, the Lord gave me some very specific instructions for myself, but for all of us, He said:

    “I am giving you wisdom and a roadmap, a strategy. You have the skills necessary for this great move. I am tempering your will, and your emotions, to stabilize you throughout. That is why you have been in emotional upheaval, to teach you balance and control.

    “I am moving among My people. Some will be pushed into position. Some will be thrust, and some will just POP onto the front as I move. I move and sway among you, and your actual, physical bodies make way for advancement.”

    As He spoke, I remembered a movie I saw once. It was of the Holy Spirit moving through a crowd in South America somewhere. As He did He cut a swath, an actual path, through the crowd of people. Human eyes could not see His form, but their bodies sure moved out of the way for Him!

    Your Destiny is Guaranteed!

    “My hand will be on you, as I push and sift and sort whomever I will – those who will be forerunners for this great move. However, you will all be involved! Maybe not at the very beginning, but you surely will not miss it! You who hear My voice will all be involved to some degree, at a certain level. This will be revealed to you ‘as you go’ (see Luke 17:14).

    Your place has been determined. Your position has been determined. Your advancement has been predetermined, and your destiny is guaranteed,” says the Lord God, Jehovah.

    “For those whom He foreknew [of whom He was aware and loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness], that He might become the firstborn among many brethren. And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being].” (Romans 8:29-30)

    “Every single thing you have ever done, no matter how small or seemingly meaningless, has given you a skill, or honed one you already had, for the great move. You have been in training. Some have learned patience, others control. Some have learned to keep their wits about them, while others learned skills necessary to help others learn what they needed to know. Some have been used of Me, unbeknownst to them, to help push, shove or sand and mold others into the shape that I desire.”

    You Are The Chosen Vessel

    “‘O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?’ says the Lord. ‘Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel.'” (Jeremiah 18:6)

    “This is one great ‘Potter’s Wheel!’ The oil is the anointing that I use to shape the clay, on the outside and the inside of the vessel. You are the chosen vessel and I have made of you what I will for this current season, for this fragment of time. Every hardship, every joy, has shaped you into what I desire you to be, inside and out. You look marvelous in My eyes.

    “I have entrusted you with My greatest treasure – each other. You are shaping and honing each other by the work of My hands. Each act you perform has an effect on every person, and for eternity.

    So, if there was any doubt that you are chosen for this move of God, it must be totally gone now! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)

    Be blessed in the Kingdom!

    Edie Bayer
    Kingdom Promoters


    Edie Bayer is co-founder of Kingdom Promoters along with her husband Darryl Bayer. Edie Bayer ministers as a prophetic preacher and is an author, a speaker, and travelling minister. Edie’s primary call is to promote others that are ministering in the Kingdom of God, creating unity instead of a spirit of competition. Edie believes that we are to “complete and not compete!” Edie works diligently to create public and private events and invite other ministers to speak at them, helping to promote them and gain public exposure both for them and their ministries. Edie and Darryl reside on a small homestead north of the Houston area. They raise chickens, ducks, rabbits, and have two cats. Edie has two children and three grandchildren.


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    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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