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  • #3607
    Yolanda Ballard

    Dream shared by Yolanda Ballard

    I know this will speak to many people in some way because we all do it to some degree. There are all kinds and forms of cover-ups of who God called us to be. There are all kinds of masks, hypocrisy. I had a colored dream of this young girl who actually wore a beautiful mask. It wasn’t even of a face but just a beautiful design and where her eyebrows were little colored check marks with a blue rhinestone by them. I believe someone had hurt her and I was trying to comfort her. I think it had been over how she presented herself and I said something to the effect “that it was just a mask!” And she said that it was just fashion, Yolanda. I believe she had been ridiculed by her appearance and I was saying that it was just a mask like what are they making such a big deal over it.

    When I woke up I thought of the many ways we try to cover over who we truly are. We try to cover up that we have defects, our age, our natural beauty that God gave us, etc. Many are conned to believe that a counterfeit beauty is better than what God gave us. Ouch! The truth is that we have listened to the lies of the enemy and believed them about our identity, which God made us to be in character and in appearance. God made us a beautiful creation with our natural hair color, skin tone, and eye color just like He made the flowers beautiful and unique. Because of our insecurities we either feel what we have isn’t good enough or that we wouldn’t be accepted if we show any flaws.

    Just like those who believe they were born a mistaken sex and now we have a unisex breed. And also the enemy has turned many into clowns literally with dried out brightly colored hair so far from even natural hair colors. First it was to change your natural hair color from like brunette to blond but now many believe the thing is to change the color of hair to unnatural colors like that of a flower and they aren’t beautiful doing this. Think about it…why would the world want to look like those in heaven with rainbow colored hair? Because it is not true! I don’t believe that is how it is in heaven. Heaven is real not a fantasyland like “little pony” and unicorns, etc. Test the spirit of what you hear!

    They have allowed the enemy to make them appear foolish and he is laughing at his success of perverting the appearance of the human race. Yes, you see those who have turned themselves into reptiles and have covered every inch of their body with tattoos and piercings. Yes, it started innocent enough to have one tattoo and one piercing but they say it is addictive. Yes, they are being driven to do these things and now they need deliverance. If you open yourself up to the lies of the enemy in a little way, he will bust open the door and take over in your whole life. Beware of the little foxes that spoil the vine and a little leaven will leaven the whole lump with deception!!!

    I pray this post doesn’t bring offense to anyone but that the Lord would speak into your heart the truth about how much He loves us just the way He made us to be. It is not a matter of this kind of thing being wrong but it is a heart check to see why we do these things.

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