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Tagged: anointing, armed, blueprint, cities, divine wisdom, faith united, fortified, Glory zones, intelligence, kingdom, leadership, natural food, shields up, spiritual food, structure, systems, zones
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by
Ron McGatlin.
August 30, 2020 at 5:27 pm #19473
Ron McGatlin
Keymaster“Glory Zones Are Being Established!”Faith Marie Baczko, Oakville, Ontario, CanadaBased on the last word I published, “Systems Deployed,” I would like to continue to look at the principles and blueprints of systems in terms of apostolic Hubs, or what I refer to in this article as Glory Zones! These are protected cities of refuge and cities of defense, functioning on systems established by God. They are being created to stand against demonic assault in the completing of things era! These systems operate with precision within a God-established leadership structure and within order.
The definition of the word “system” provides insight into God’s intention: “a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network”; working together is the key to their effectiveness. Systems can be represented within a house, a city or an army; all are facets of the end-time systems God is setting in place within Glory Zones across the earth; they are directed toward His ends, and set to accomplish His will in these times.
Systems running together create synergy! Synergy is defined as “the COMBINED POWER of a group of things WHEN THEY ARE WORKING TOGETHER that is GREATER than the total power achieved by each working separately” (Cambridge Dictionary).
Greater impact is therefore created when we work together, as opposed to independently of each other! The point to understand is there is structure and authority within systems, producing productivity and resilience! The parts within a system must agree and work together in a unity of purpose—God’s purpose—within God’s blueprint, with God’s end in view.
The ability to function within the constraints of godly character is needed to receive direction. This produces the stability that comes through an understanding of being under authority. God is now preparing Glory Hubs and Glory Zones that have this dynamic through which He can birth His purposes in the earth.
This era will be characterized by intense warfare as the enemies of God align themselves to oppose God and resist the moves of God, as they will not easily give up a billion souls. We are presently in the travail to birth a new era in our history, and collectively we are God’s birthing vessel.
God is presently showcasing the differences between darkness and light. This is working to produce great division and a sifting in all sectors of society and within the Church. The Church will be attacked both from within and from without. It will be a time when great wisdom will be needed in our warfare; a time to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16).
An outstanding feature of the coming apostolic Glory Zones will therefore be defense. Warriors will stand as sentinels at the gates of these cities. They will be given intelligence, wisdom and discernment to watch, guard and protect:
“In that day the LORD of hosts will be for a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty to the remnant of His people, for a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, and for strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.” (Isaiah 28:5-6) (Photo Wallpaper Flare)
The Significance of God’s ordained Leadership Structure
There is much to be understood of God’s ways through the BiblGoical account of Rehoboam. I believe it has has great relevance in these times. King Solomon had died, and the people asked Rehoboam, the new king, to lighten the burden upon them and they would serve him. Rather than taking the counsel of the elders, Rehoboam took the counsel of the young men he grew up with and chose to keep the heavy yoke on the people. However, a curious statement is then made:
“So the king did not listen to the people; for the turn of events WAS FROM GOD, that the LORD might fulfill His word…So Israel has been in rebellion against the house of David to this day.” (2 Chronicles 10:15, 19, emphasis added)
The people chose to reject Rehoboam’s rule, however, God saw their rejection and departure as rebellion! Rehoboam joined with the tribe of Benjamin and prepared to make war with Israel and their leader Jeroboam. He assembled one hundred and eighty thousand men from Judah who were chosen as warriors to fight against Israel (2 Chronicles 11:1). However, God then sent an important word to Rehoboam that is relevant to us today:
“…’You shall not go up or fight against your brethren! Let every man return to his house, for this thing is from Me’…” (2 Chronicles 11:4)
The kingdom became divided and entered a state of war. Jeroboam took ten tribes under his rule, and because he was afraid of his people going up to Jerusalem to worship God, as ordained by God, he established his own places of worship, appointed his own priests and began worshiping idols (2 Chronicles 11:15).
But Rehoboam obeyed God, returned to Jerusalem and began to build cities of defense! These cities were built in Judah, which means praise, and in Benjamin where Jerusalem was established as God’s ordained place of worship and resting place.
God Equips & Provides for His purposes!
These cities represent fortified strongholds armed with Kingdom intelligence; they are strategic in spiritual warfare and intercession, and they fight not against flesh or against their brothers and sisters. God is in the midst of such cities, and they are therefore supplied with everything that is needed:
“And he [Rehoboam] fortified the strongholds, and put captains [or leaders] in them, and stores of food, oil, and wine. Also in every city he put shields and spears, and made them very strong…” (2 Chronicles 11:11-12, emphasis added)
God will have an abundance of spiritual food in these cities—spiritual food but also natural food. God will always make sure His children are fed. These cities will be rich in the Word of God. Teaching and training will play a foundational part in the building up of these Glory Zones.
The oil represents the anointing. The anointing will allow the gifts to flow in these cities with divine wisdom. The gifts to teach, preach, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and perform supernatural acts will function with power. There will be an anointing on the servants of the Lord in these cities, surpassing anything we have seen as the sons of God dwell there. These apostolic Hubs are God’s powerhouses or energy plants supplying power to regions. They will be storerooms filled with a sufficient supply of oil.
These Hubs will also have an abundant supply of wine. God has been saving His best wine for last. He is preparing to serve a wine to the world not tasted before. This wine has been aging for two thousand years. The Church has come across with mostly judgment, condemnation, internal fighting and strife. We have left a bad taste in people’s mouths. The people of God in the last days will serve the pure undiluted wine of the Holy Spirit, bringing joy, refreshing and the love of God to a parched and desperate world.
Shields Up! Faith United!
I heard the Lord say, “Shields up!” Shields in these cities speak of faith, creating a united front and wall of defense. Strong faith will be characteristic of these cities. They will be inhabited by people who are mighty in faith, who believe all things are possible with God. These shields will be a defense against any attacks from the enemy. These cities will provide shelter for the army of God, who will be made ready, trained and equipped to march forward into the battle. These are men and women of courage who fear nothing but their God.
The principle to be gleaned from this account of Rehoboam is that it was ultimately a test from God to reveal who would submit to His ordained authority and divine order. (Photo via Pixabay)
A sifting was taking place in preparation for the establishment of Glory Hubs—cities with foundations. Those who stayed passed the test, and showed, by their actions, that their love for God and obedience to God surpassed their own desire for comfort. This is a hard lesson to learn but God is looking for warriors and leaders of character to carry His authority.
In wartime, there are grave consequences for the lack of submission and order. Even so, many will choose the way of pride and split away from the protection of God’s plan. God resists the proud! God is knocking at the gates of cities and on the doors of churches; wherever man’s control, independence and self-sufficiency has forced Him out. Within the Glory Zones of the faithful and obedient, this song will be sung:
“…’We have a strong city; God will appoint salvation for walls and bulwarks. Open the gates, that the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in.'” (Isaiah 26:1-2)
God’s Prepared Storehouses
We have been in a season of abundance—an abundance of revelation, the prophetic word, and the teaching of worship songs. It has been almost impossible to keep up with the CDs, the messages, the videos and the books; however, the treasures of God are being stored within His people as we move toward a season of “mean and lean” in the earth. This does not seem to fit with the picture of great revival and great harvest. Yet, in examining Church history, beginning with the book of Acts, we see that most outpourings have been surrounded (before, during or after) by great storms, persecution or economic woes.
Great harvest and times of abundance do not seem to happen together. When people have everything they need, they are blind to the fact they are in need of God and being saved. Tremendous Church growth is usually found in the hard times and in times of persecution. People search for God in desperate times. The greatest harvest is coming into the Church right now under present persecution and chaos.
Those that have been filling up during the abundance of God’s river being poured out will have plenty of food, wine and oil during the times of famine. In Joseph’s day, “The famine was over all the face of the earth…” (Genesis 41:56). During the years of plenty, Joseph stored food in cities: “…he laid up in every city the food of the fields which surrounded them” (Genesis 41:48).
These are the cities of defense and refuge, where the food, oil and the wine are now being stored. God has been preparing the “Josephs” and “Joseph” churches to be storehouses—those who have been in pits and prisons, misunderstood and persecuted as part of their preparation, who will become the administrators of food in the time of famine. God has been storing food in churches, leaders and ministries in cities all over the world. IN JOSEPH’S DAY, THE WORLD HAD TO COME TO JOSEPH TO GET FOOD—the only place food was available!
We have entered times of shakings on the earth, but it is in times of judgment that the earth learns righteousness as Isaiah 26:19 states: “…For when Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” In these desperate times, amid the darkness, the world will be drawn to the light and glory of God upon His people, who will “…shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15).
Faith Marie Baczko, Executive Director
Headstone Ministries International | Schools of The Last Wine
Email: contact@headstoneministries.com
Website: http://www.headstoneministries.com
Faith Marie Baczko is the president of Headstone International Ministries and HWAM – Headstone Women’s Apostolic Network. Faith is an apostolic, prophetic teacher and author, bringing significant revelation to mobilize, equip and strengthen the Body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. She carries key insights into the profound significance of Israel’s place in the purposes of God for the time of the summing up of all things in Christ. She models a life that inspires others to live undistracted and rigorously devoted to passionately pursuing Christ. Faith is an international speaker, and through her ministry and work in South America, she has garnered enduring relationships with pastors and leaders, united in passion for truth that is the foundation of revival. Her books are also available in Spanish.
Source: https://elijahlist.com
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