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- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years, 2 months ago by
Ron McGatlin.
December 19, 2016 at 7:34 pm #1344
Ron McGatlin
KeymasterHearing the Voice of the Lord
By Rosaleen HagerThe Sukkot Banquet was held in a large tent by Ernest and Lohetta Greisel at their camp, and the food was gourmet and delicious. The fellowship was so good.
I awakened this morning with my spirit singing the old hymn “Guide Me, Oh Thou Great Jehovah”.
I was especially hearing …”bread of heaven, bread of heaven feed me till I want no more” and “pilgrim in this weary land”. Then followed the verses from Isaiah 40:31, with emphasis on “they shall mount up with wings as eagles”…and, “they shall walk and not be weary and run and not faint.”
The weary land part is draining our energy and strength. This is definitely a weary land. Let us start speaking to the land and to the people.
Let us speak and decree His promises from His word. There is a similar sense of the Lord’s presence and guidance in doing this, to that which accompanies the decrees that we regularly speak to our gardens and to our animals every day. It seems as though this is helping to “raise up a highway for Him who rides through the desert, whose name is the Lord, and rejoice before Him”.
These highways are going to be built and used by the elect. They have just now begun to be built. We are being taught how to build them.
I realized that after decreeing His promises, we are supposed to rejoice before Him about the decrees being fulfilled by a Faithful God whose faithfulness is wrapped around Him like a garment.
Doing that rejoicing releases dynamic power. In that way, we are working with Him to accomplish His word and His promises. Decree the promises in His word and then rejoice before him.
Wildly and vigorously. That is what the scripture means when it declares “be in high spirits and glory before Him”.
You have been given divine permission to be wild and vigorous.
David was wild and vigorous. Several months ago, I was given the word that…”Judah shall go up…”. This is a quote from the Book of Judges. Judges contains a lot of battle stories. I meditated on this portion of scripture for some time and could not find the connection until now. Judah was well known for their music, praise, and worship, and for their mighty men of valor.
They used their praise, worship and rejoicing as a weapon. And, they were renowned fierce and fearless warriors. The tents of Judah were placed in the center in the front of the encampment.
These attributes were given to Judah by Yahweh for a reason. They shall be placed at the front of the highway group.
This will be an obvious choice because all who rush toward the enemy with their swords drawn while singing and being wild and vigorous will qualify.
We are in new territory, it is a desert territory, and we only have the one map. It is a Divine Map. It is His Word. His word is a light unto our path.
There was so much going on in the heaven-lies at the Sukkot Banquet. It seemed as though there were at least a thousand there. And there were!
There were the great cloud of witnesses that included prophets and kings and those listed in Hebrews chapter eleven, and the holy angels and many saints.
Did you notice that everyone kept looking around as though there was someone else walking past or talking to them? Every one that attended that feast was a symbol and a type of those that will be traveling with us.
All the way from babies to elders. All the way from those who are searching for their place in the Body of Christ to those who are in the fivefold ministry.
Everyone was a representation of those who are being “tabernacled over” by the Holy Spirit, by the Word that was made flesh and dwelt among us.
John the Apostle said that the Word tented over us. Since the beginning of the new “Messianic Era” that began on the last day of Sukkot, we have entered into the desert. This is a new thing for us.
“A highway will be there, and a roadway; and it shall be called the Holy Way. The unclean will not travel on it, but it will be for those who walk on the way (the redeemed); and fools will not wander on it.”
There are so many new things that are happening that are actually bringing heaven to this earth. These restoration things are a new territory for us. Think of going to another planet.
Then, think of all of the wonderful, amazing, beautiful, miraculous, life giving things that this new planet contains. Think of living in the Throne room of your heavenly Father and swimming in the great sea of His endless love continually.
Love that will never change or diminish. Love that is outside of time or decay. Think of wanting to be just like your Father God. Then, think of receiving the gift of creative power and ability to learn how to use that love power in holiness.
Bringing that atmosphere that was once here on this earth back to it again. Think of having the power of love and holiness to create new and wondrous things that will compliment this restoration.
Restoring all of the good things that were stolen, back to this planet and realizing that you have been loved enough to be used to accomplish it. That will happen in order to restore the beauty and holiness of the original Garden of Eden.
And, all the while, enjoying the great love of your Prince, your lover, your King, the One who rules and created the whole universe. The One who looks into your eyes and tells you that “The honeymoon will never be over.”
We need to realize that this is territory to which we have never been. This is truly a time when every day is a new day. We have not walked this way before.
This has been called “The Last Passover”. It is simply this: we are being taught all of the character and person of our heavenly Father that we have not yet known. For each of us, this can be in a different area.
Jehovah revealed Himself to Israel by showing forth His glory each time that He revealed a new portion of Himself with a new name. We will go from one degree of glory to another as we absorb another revelation of who He really is and what that means to us. This will mean that by the end of the journey out of slavery in Egypt, we will know, really KNOW our Father. Just before going to the cross, Yeshua prayed that we might know the Father.
John 17:23 “I in them, and You in Me, in order that they may become one and perfectly united, that the world may know and (definitely) recognize that You sent me and that You have loved them (even) as you have loved Me.”
To really know that the Father loves us as much as He loves Yeshua will have been accomplished by the time that we have reached the end of the highway.
These were some of His last words to us and they explained His reason for His coming to tabernacle among us.
–There is a message from the Throne Room–
To the Front Lines at the beginning of The Last Great Battle:
As you build the road in the desert, you will need to follow Yeshua closely. At times you will build a small portion as you go along. When Yeshua moves, you move. Just as on the first journey. When the cloud moved, Israel moved.
As the road is built, the progress will become both easier and faster. This is because a lot of hindrances will have been destroyed. Neither the unclean nor the fools will impede the progress. They will not even be near.
The decrees, the rejoicing, and the high spirits will increase as the construction continues and actually will be used as materials in the building process as well as weapons for destruction of evil.
This highway will be above the darkness that is trapped below it. ” Only with your eyes will you see the reward of the wicked.” You will dwell in safety, high upon a Rock as you sing and rejoice before the Lord.
This level of rejoicing is the reason why King David was a man after My own Heart.
Now, the Son of David will appear as the Lord of Armies.
The energizing fuel that is used in casting up the highway will be the intense joy that is emanating from Yeshua. This joy will intensify as you get closer and closer to the end. You are being led by The Prince of Peace, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, The Lord of Armies, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The First and The Last, and The Beginning and The End. He always wins. He always has the winning strategy.
is also known as Your Betrothed, Your Bridegroom, Your Lover, and The One Whom Your Heart Loves.He is full of Joy because He is preparing you for the Wedding Ceremony. Everything must be perfect. Every diamond, every ruby, every sapphire, every emerald, every piece of gold, silver, platinum, and, some new gems and minerals that you have yet to see.
Every single token of His love for you must be perfect. You are being polished before the wedding. All of the jewels and the adornments and the crowns and the cloth and the trim and the shoes and even the different glorious medals of valor from every war, are being perfected.
Luster is being added. Radiance is being turned up by several notches. Anything that is missing in order to make you perfect for the wedding is being attended to in great detail. Your own guardian angel will be walking behind you. He will be carrying your armor and weapons.
Those whose armor and weapons have been the most used will be gloriously exhibited. They will become things of great beauty and will shine with the glory of God. Each dent, each tiny nick, each slash, each sign of wear and tear will be a thing of heavenly beauty.
Every piece of armor will be valuable because some were used only at the end of their time on earth, and others in difficult circumstances. This does not make them any less valuable. Others were used by those who laid down their lives for their friends. Each one has a glorious story.
Some will have extremely valuable swords. Some of these are those who belong to the saints who fought so that you could have My Holy Word to read for yourselves.
Some of these weapons were used by those who were paralyzed. Their spirits became so strong that they were silently great prayer warriors. They will have a special place where their weapons will be exhibited.
One of the amazing things that will happen on the highway is that, with every step, you will begin to look more and more beautiful, more full of love, more perfect, more like Him. At the end of the journey you will have been perfected. My Son asked Me for this in His last prayer to Me before the cross.
I have watched My Son as His Love and Joy increases with each beat of His Great Heart. The Great Journey of Deliverance from Slavery has begun.
I am assured that you will fight with the power of love, and the power of the name of Yeshua, and of the power of His precious blood. And, that The Victory Will Belong to Yeshua, My Son, as He brings about my desire to have many sons and to bring them into glory.
He is the Son of My Love. You are all the Sons and Daughters of My Love because of Yeshua. You are the gift that I promised to Him. You are the reason that “for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross, despising the shame…”
Some new things have been created for the Bride.
Heaven is prepared for the Wedding.
Go forth in My strength and power of My might.
Your Own Heavenly Father
Psalm 68:4 “Sing to God, sing praises to His name, cast up a highway for Him who rides through the deserts-His name is the Lord- be in high spirits and glory before Him.”
This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
Ron McGatlin.
This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
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