He’s Knocking...
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
Because the Holy Bible is really understood by faith we must be able to get past the literal interpretation and know in the spirit what God is saying. He is probably not coming to your actual house to knock on your door to have supper with you. Every parable is interpreted somewhere in the Scripture. We know that the scripture says we are His house and also says we are His temple. As we read the word, or pray, or meditate on the scriptures He is right there gently tugging at our spirit. He will not ever force Himself on us but will appear before us if we will open up the door to our heart. As we diligently seek Him we will begin to hear Him. As we truly hunger and thirst for Him and His righteousness we will be filled. If we will do what our innermost being hears God speaking He does indeed sup with us. Sometimes that small still voice will whisper something that our flesh does not want to hear. We can tune it out and walk away. He will never leave or forsake us, but I we are always free to refuse to obey that small voice nagging at our conscience. Then we have shut the door and we will not hear Him. God desires to be so intimate with us but He can’t if we refuse to heed His instruction. His mercies are new every morning. Today if you will hear His voice and not harden your heart He will indeed dine with you.