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- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years, 6 months ago by Chris Williams.
July 19, 2017 at 3:03 pm #5005Chris WilliamsParticipant
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ [our Husband to be] also loved the Church [His Wife] and gave Himself for her [His One Church; His Wife], that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the WASHING OF WATER BY THE WORD, that He might present her to Himself a glorious Church [Wife], not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that She [His Wife, Church] should be holy and without blemish. So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, JUST AS THE LORD DOES THE CHURCH [His Wife]. For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. (Ephesians 5:25-31)
Write Me, Beloved, Amen.
(1)Distill all that is not of God and toss it away. Do not mix it with the Water [Word] of God. My Word is pure. Drink of this water, My Word, daily, saith the Lord. I am preparing My Church to rise and come home soon, ever so soon.
Close the doors of My ark? No never, saith He who loves all of His creation. Instead, I light a fire within ALL now and forever (Matt 3:11; 2 Cor 12:3) . This is My job, My Ministry, saith the Spirit who is holy: the Holy Spirit, Amen Amen and again Amen (see 2 Cor 3:7-18).
Bring Me those who are now lost; bring them home into My Light, Amen. Gather them in and I will pour out all that I AM upon them. Do not shy away from the ignorant. Rather, begin to speak Me, over and over again, out into a lost world; and see miracles, signs, and wonders begin to flourish (see Acts 2:22; Heb 2:1-4)).
Spread the Seed, who is Christ; and see My precious creation drink in this water, My Word, and grow at speeds never seen before (see Gal. 3:16)
I am Spirit, and I am the strength of God upon My earth at this time. (2)My one heart breaths within all now; all who will see and hear My Word will receive Me now. They will flourish in the Light, who is the Son of God, as they open up to Him daily (see John 8:12).
Do not turn away due to frustration or despair. Know that these are satan’s greatest tools against God’s, My, work on earth right now. Be bold in Christ and His newness in you, Children. Know that you help Me fulfill My Will on earth now and always. Do not forget our years of preparation for just such a time. This is the time for you to stand firm. You are the formation and the pillars of My one Spiritual Church and final congregation. Stand firm. I need you now, and love you now and forever. I am Christ, the Son of God Almighty. There is but one, Amen Amen and again Amen.
You were created for this day and time, Amen. Let go now and let Me flow through you now and forever, Amen, your Lord and Savior, Amen.
Notes for this piece are below the following Video:
(1) Distill: “purify (a liquid) by (1a)vaporizing it; extract the essential meaning or most important aspects of.”
(1a) vaporizing: “…the rapid change of water into steam…”
(2) “My one heart breaths”: Please read: RESURRECTED MAN ~ GOD’S RESURRECTED PEOPLE
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