I Will Be Found

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  • #23006
    Steven Bliss

    I Will Be Found

    Search for me and I will be found.
    Look for the breath of my Spirit as
    He moves across the face of creation.
    He guides those who listen, those who are responsive
    to his moving.

    Cast aside the fear the enemy holds before you.
    He wishes to take your vision from me to the waves
    Crashing toward you. I am your sustainer of life.

    I AM here to guide you.

    Pekka Jaaskelainen


    Steven Bliss

    You are to set the Bread of the Presence on the table before me continually.
    Exodus 25:30 (NET)

    Be careful what you reach out for. Learn my heart, let it guide you
    In your time upon the earth. Know the value I place upon others.
    Serve me by serving others. Bless them as I have blessed you.

    Feed yourself upon my word. Chew upon it daily, let it nourish you.

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