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- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 1 month ago by
John Lawler.
January 24, 2018 at 7:48 pm #7978
ParticipantThe Father,Jesus and the Holy Spirit paved the way for mankind to be free from darkness and walk in life as the Father had planned for us from the foundation of the world. Everyone of us DO HAVE A PURPOSE AND DESTINY because the Father made us- not on a whim but wanting a family. We are all part of the body of Christ and all have a function to fulfill. All are equal and we all should rejoice knowing the Lord has the best for us. The kingdom of heaven is not meat nor drink but righteousness,peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Seek 1st the kingdom of God for all these things shall be added unto you. Everything comes from the spirit realm into the natural.(Please read Ron Mc G article- “Beyond the scope of natural reality.” 2-11-15) just downright awesome!!!!Caused me to want to read everything. Should we not want to know,walk in, partake, live in that realm so we can be “earthly good”? Our walk on this earth should not be by the standard and lifestyle we have grown up naturally but to walk on the earth in and by the Spirit. Do we want to walk man’s ways or by God’s ways? Easy answer. Jesus ( the kingdom of God with a flesh casing) came and made the way for man to choose- His realm (Col 1-for He made all things) or man’s realm or lifestyle. He IS the way,truth and life- NO ONE can go to the Father but through Him. Everything is available- the banqueting table has been made ready for His creation. Time is for us not to be religious and full of denominational rules and requirements but to accept the life- its fulness and its way- in the kingdom of the 1st born Son Jesus (Col 1). We are heirs of God and joint -heirs with Jesus!!! Desiring intimacy is the Key. Our lifestyle should not be based on what we want but the Father’s desire for us. What is in His heart- His desires,His love,His ways- Kingdom thinking and living. I have a tee shirt I had made that says–IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU LORD, IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU !! When I take communion or am singing somewhere in that communication I proclaim it. IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU. I say it often because it is true. It is All about Him. Walking in Him and His realm is not when I permanently leave my body but NOW today. I hunger and passionately desire His heart. I await each day- “Can I step over today Lord?” Revelation is great but my daily walk with God- seeing,hearing,delighting in “running” today with Him – Oh WOW. I want to partake so I can give. Re-hashed sermons do not get it. Preaching someone else’s sermons -nah!- What is the Lord revealing to you today? What do we see? Jesus said, “I can only do what I see the Father do. (or is doing). Open our eyes Lord. We are desperate to learn, to watch what you do- to hear what you say- We are your kids with your DNA. I come running to You. Everything is available and ready for us. Are you ready and wanting to go: to receive ? To give?. This world needs us – the light and salt. Not religion and its 4 walls and a door but Jesus and His kingdom come and His will be done. It IS a good thing!! So rejoice because God is no respecter of persons. Keep knocking etc. Some things may happen to you easily- some may not. . But do not stop pursuing. Someone has said easy come-easy go. There is a truth there. God has a secret place (for all)- but will you search for it? I have gone through much disappointment because things did not happen in “my timing”.- when I felt it needed to be done. Well, I had to get over myself and REST- My desired, hunger intensifies but I know He is not being mean to me. Some things take longer but it will happen. I look every day-Desiring but resting. Do you? Seek 1st …. I want to encourage you- On the path towards the Lord, EACH step you take brings you one step closer to Him. DO NOT STOP. Run to Him. He is not superglued to the throne. Run with Him. It is an exciting time.There has to be a death to have a resurrection. So die to your ways and be resurrected into His. All I want to do is to think,walk,hear,see,,smell , dream day and night so that I may KNOW HIm. He wants to reveal himself to us- that is why we are in Christ. ONLY THEN CAN I TELL OTHERS WHAT I KNOW -not repeating what somewhat has told me. So have a supercalafragulistic day today- In other words , have a blessed,overwhelming,awesome day today. Love you all. p.s. Read Col 1 9-23 and Ron’s article
January 25, 2018 at 3:58 am #7982John Lawler
ParticipantAmen to all of that!!!
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