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Tagged: fallow ground, God’s kingdom, harvest, higher thoughts, New Assignment, new territory, new ways, powerful usefulness, seed time
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years, 10 months ago by
Ron McGatlin.
April 18, 2019 at 11:52 am #13892
Ron McGatlin
Keymaster“It’s Time to ‘Unload the Old’ & Walk in Your New Assignment”Cindy McGill, Salt Lake City, UTStand Up and Prepare to Receive Instructions
God has sent out a shout from Heaven telling us to pick ourselves up out of the ashes; places of discouragement, hurtful attacks, betrayals, disappointments and every kind of mean-spirited word that has come our direction. Seemingly every one of us has been affected by some pretty painful attacks and broken trust with people who we felt would never hurt us. Well, here is the GOOD NEWS: God is sending us into new territory with His instructions, and the more we move into the new, the more these old wounds will heal and eventually be dwarfed by powerful usefulness in God’s Kingdom.
What was meant to take us out has been the very thing that has given us tenacity and courage to face the days ahead. “It ain’t over, till it’s over” is our new mantra. Paul said it best in 2 Cor. 4:8-9, “We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.”
Our BEST days are ahead. These new assignments and placements may seem uncomfortable at the start; like jumping into water that is a bit cold at first, but very soon your body temperature adjusts and it’s not uncomfortable after that. It’s normal.
“Break Up the Fallow Ground”
On a recent morning I heard the Lord say, “Break up the fallow ground.” What is “fallow ground”? Fallow ground is ground that has been plowed and readied for sowing, but then is withheld and allowed to lie unproductive. There is ground that many of us have all been standing on for years since we met the Lord and it has been a good foundation, however, we are in a new season of seed time and harvest, and fallow ground will not allow the seed to go in. (Photo via Unsplash)
From my personal experience, I have observed that this ground has become hardened by our doctrines, perceptions, learned behaviors and traditions; leaving the ground unyielding to new seed. How do we break up “fallow ground”? I think it’s quite simple. We have to SURRENDER our old ways and let God teach us His new ways. His thoughts are higher than ours and His ways are not our ways. When we stand, positioned to receive new instructions and mysteries God wants to reveal to us, this shows that we are willing to give up our old mindsets and ways of doing things, and allows God to lead us into this harvest season.
The World Has Changed and the Church Has Not
In order to be effective in introducing Jesus to the world we CURRENTLY live in (not the 1960s and 1970s), we will have to get into the world and look and see what’s really going on for ourselves. My biggest wake-up call was when God sent me, as a Christian, into places like the Burning Man festivals, new age arenas, porn conventions, film festivals, countercultural events, college campuses and places where the next “leaders” were being trained in their mindsets and value systems. I learned to listen to them and hear what they felt was valuable in their lives and in listening, I learned a lot about their perceptions of life.
I call this the “Jesus method” of sharing truth with people who would never EVER darken the door of a Church. Jesus made Himself available to people; He did not shut the door on them. He was without judgment, condemnation and did not make Himself unapproachable. His fuel is compassion and His eyes are ALWAYS fixed on the heart of a person, not the outward appearance or the hate-filled words spewed out from a person with a broken heart and broken life.
It is ESSENTIAL that we learn new ways, God’s ways, and move out of the church doors into the great harvest of people who are DESPERATE to find truth, identity and direction. We have to take action NOW! There is no time to wait until we “feel” ready. Feelings always follow choices and perfect love will always, always, always cast out fear.
The Necessity of Prayer
It’s not vain repetitions and repeated, empty words, but actual DOWNLOADS from God spoken OUTLOUD that create an atmosphere where God’s Kingdom can come and His will can be done. God-given prayer is like gold from Heaven that saturates the earth and causes God’s power to manifest in miraculous ways. This kind of intentional prayer gives you insight into the Father’s heart, builds strength and courage and faith on the inside of you, and accomplishes much with much power available.
James 5:16b, “The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].”
We are in a prayer and planting season. It’s an ACCELERATED season where the plowman will overtake the reaper. Amos 9:13, “‘Behold, days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘When the plowman will overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows seed; when the mountains will drip sweet wine and all the hills will be dissolved.'” (Photo via Unsplash)
Focus on the Future, Not the Former
There are new places for us to move that are assignments and alignments. In order for us to position ourselves for the new, we have to unload the old. The past was for then but not for now. There will be new friends and new territory for you to build on. The past is mostly used to get us ready for the future. In this new place there is healing, clarity, boldness, purpose, provision, reward and unknown things that God will reveal when we get there.
Pace yourself. You are in competition with NO ONE. Peace will provide a place for us to recharge and remove anxiety and futile efforts from our lives. Be purpose driven. Look into the future and focus your attention there. The latter years will be GREATER than the former. Unload your “old stuff” and let it go. Old things will not benefit us in these new days. Remove old labels from yourself and others and gain the identity God has created you for. The best days are ahead—exciting days!
Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest Ministries
Email: dreaminslc@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.cindymcgill.orgCindy McGill’s passion to help people find their lives’ purpose, receive healing from life’s trauma, and live their lives to the fullest. She travels internationally, teaching on the subject of dreams and dream interpretation. She also leads “dream teams” using innovative methods to help others discover the hidden meanings behind their dreams and give them a chance to find hope and truth at their point of need. Since 1979 she and her husband Tim have given their lives to helping people redefine their lives and find healing and direction. They have two grown daughters and four grandchildren.
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