Jeremiah 1

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  • #3536
    Kimberly Fowler

    When I read Jeremiah 1 today, it was standing out and particularly the part where it says, “You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.”  It was really standing out. Then the strangest thing…I smelled bread, the aroma of bread, really strong. Then I realized it was the smell of when someone has just cooked toast. It was toasted bread I was smelling. And I smelled the aroma for a couple of minutes pretty strong. Also, the smell reminded me of a quick vision I had had earlier that day. I was sharing communion in my mind with Christ, but as I took the bread, I saw that instead of normal bread which I usually see in my mind, this bread was scorched in places as if it had been burned, and the white bread had black marks as if it had caught on fire in a couple of places. I realized Christ was letting me know that He had suffered the marks of hell in my place and that eating the bread represented all that He had taken for me but also that He was no stranger to suffering.
    Anyway, it was interesting then to read the Word later and smell the strong aroma of toasted bread. He is the Bread of life, but the “toasted” smell represented the suffering of the cross, as if being scorched from the fires from Hell and all that He took for my sake.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Kimberly Fowler. Reason: extremely frustrating that it will not allow me to copy scripture. I end up deleting a lot just so it does not end in gibberish marks everywhere
    Kimberly Fowler

    Someone please help me to be able to copy and paste scripture content. My posts end up being mostly gibberish when I try to copy scripture. Is anyone else having so much trouble posting scripture?


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