Join the move of repentance in California

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    Ron McGatlin
    Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.    2 Corinthians 7:1
    Join the move of repentance in California

    “Now, therefore,” says the LORD, “Turn to Me with all your heart, With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”  So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the LORD your God, For He is gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, and of great kindness; And He relents from doing harm.  Who knows if He will turn and relent, And leave a blessing behind Him—–A grain offering and a drink offering for the LORD your God?”
                                                                                                                                               Joel 2: 12-14
    Dear spiritual warriors, 
    I’m writing to those of you called by the Risen Christ to advance His Kingdom to ask for your prayers and participation. 
    I have good news.  Despite astonishing apathy, or the spirit of pride, or the spirit of division, or fear of man instead of fear of God, or idolatry,  or the enemy’s hatred for the concept, or the simple lack of knowing God’s Word—–all of which has blocked  participation by many  in the Body of Christ——–the repentance movement to cleanse the Bride before His soon return is slowly growing. 
    It’s growing at the grassroots.  The enemy is LIVID!
    The enemy had hoped that you and I wouldn’t note the Risen Christ’s Words in Luke 24:46-47 where the word “repentance” comes before “remission of sins:  “Then He said to them, 

    ‘Thus it is written, and  thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day,
    and that REPENTANCE and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.'”
    We’re all called by Jesus to preach repentance.  And the best way to preach it is to add it to your prayers, taking some additional time with Him repenting as a regular spiritual discipline.  As you remove old sin strongholds and sincerely replace those false filters  with His Word, His Way of Purity, others will notice that change in your character. You will be preaching repentance by your new more  Godly conduct every day. 
    A good way to begin this repentance process will be to join us on Sunday March 1 as part of a grassroots call for a California Day of Repentance.
    The deteriorating situation in California is now beyond what politicians can do; the Living God’s Blessing and His Solution is now needed. 
    40 million Californians are now experiencing the reality of 2 Chronicles 7:13:  actual “PESTILENCE” —– 

    When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people,

    14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
    Webster’s  Dictionary defines pestilence as including moral pestilence.  In addition to the moral pestilence of same sex marriage/ forced indoctrination of gender confusion on children, abortion, mammon as our god, sanctuary cities, pornography/ Hollywood, we are also seeing actual pestilence:  medieval diseases that have not been seen since the Middle Ages in camps among the nearly 70,000 homeless in Los Angeles.  Throwing money at the problem won’t work;  God’s Hand is needed also. 
    Thus 2 Chronicles 7:14 is IMPERATIVE———– For the Lord to hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land, you and I have to do our part:  not just humble ourselves, pray and seek His face.  We have to turn from our wicked ways; a sincere change of mind and behavior, a clear decision of our wills to refocus on God, leading to such a change in character that it’s witnessed by others.   There’s no condemnation; He will forgive us; He calls us already His “royal priesthood” —- He wants us to be like Him to cleanse for His soon return. 
    Some national ministries have been supportive:  Sara Ballenger of Capitol Hill Prayer Partners  has been an awesome encourager.  Pastor Bill Cook in Virginia with the Black Robe Regiment and Pastor Rusty Chatfield in Michigan are great encouragers; they will be joining us on March 1. 
    Please pass the word:   prayer intercessors in the Netherlands, in Australia, in England, in  Malawi, in  Texas,  Hawaii, New York,  Michigan, Illinois and Virginia have committed to spending some time that day interceding and  repenting. Now we have to awaken more shepherds in churches throughout the USA, especially in California.   Judgment begins at the house of God. 
    A suggested church service or a model for those who want to repent at home is on the separate website; please sign up at
    God willing, California  will be the first of the remaining 49 States to declare and a similar Day for their State.  Pastors in Michigan and Virginia are praying about that now.  Pastors now in Malawi are calling for a National Day of Repentance for Malawi on March 3, using the California Day of Repentance as a model. 
    We, the little people, His People called by His Name, are a  growing repentance remnant! 
    The Risen Christ is pleased. He’s cleansing His Bride for His soon return. 
    Join us and God bless you,
    Pastor Jeff Daly
    Prayer: “Abba Father, in Your Son Jesus/Yeshua’s Name, I repent of  my sins, my family’s sins, and our sins in your church and throughout Your State of California. Please pour out Your Holy Spirit  not just of comfort but also of conviction to heal this once “Golden State.”    May You become our Golden Gate!  Awaken us to refocus on You , to stand on Your Word only.. Without You we can do nothing. Open a gate for the healing conviction of Your Holy Spirit to pour out on each of us, especially during this March 1 Day of Repentance in California.  Help each of us to set aside the world and the flesh to refocus and repent to follow You. 
    In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 
    If God is calling you to action, please join us with your support.  As our thank you to donors we will send a powerful CD from Karen and Jerry Ellard: “America Shall Be Saved.” It’s filled with prophetic songs and declarations on the power of repentance to save a nation.  We’ll also send a signed copy of “Call on God’s Protection, Mr. President,”  a call for President Trump to follow ten earlier Presidents in calling for a national day of prayer, fasting, and repentance. 

    The National Day of Repentance (NDR) is a Christian ministry dedicated to encouraging personal and national repentance so that in the current and upcoming adversity our hope is not cut off, but we are actually strengthened through repentance. (Exodus 9:16; Proverbs 24:10,14,16). Repentance is God’s gift to enter His Kingdom, snatching souls from the fire, eliminating false strongholds, purifying His Bride, and healing His nations. We rely on Him and on you to continue this work. Offerings may be made at or sent to Box 1302 Middletown CA 95461. May the fruit of the Holy Spirit abound to your account (Philippians 4:17). 
    National Day of Repentance |
    Day of Repentance, P.O. Box 1302, Middletown, CA 95461
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