Home Forums VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOUR CAPTAIN

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    Yolanda Ballard

    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    Worship warfare is a very delicate subject for the battle wages and is strong against us when we are pressing in to worship the King! The enemy wants us to keep our eyes on the battle and because it is so strong it feels like we are not making headway even into His presence. Yes, you are being wrapped up in the fight, but the battle is not ours but it is the Lord’s. We must keep our eyes on Him and not the battle and worship Him! He is our Captain and He leads us through the war zone as we take the land!

    As a worship intercessor, I have been greatly hindered for many years pressing in to take the land. I remember once in the middle of worship wrapped in the war surrounding it that I could not break through even to worship the Lord. I was ready to throw in the towel and leave the church. That is how much I had been hindered and frustrated. One man asked me where I was going and I told him. He said to get your eyes off the battle and on to the Lord for He is your captain and He leads you in the fight. From that time forth that is what I’ve done and I’ve had mighty breakthroughs.

    After having a breakthrough into higher realms of the spirit the enemy sends his big guns to defeat and pull us back. One time I was worshiping and interceding behind the praise leader. That is where the church had positioned me back then. He would speak forth in prayer and prophesy what the Lord would place on my heart. As I was interceding I felt a breakthrough building up and ready to release. And yes, it did! It was so powerful that the force of it knocked me towards the wall and my husband felt it at the back of the church. Then the enemy started to attack the church. There was a split between leadership and the church folded up!

    We must be vigilant and aware of the tactics of the enemy. When we have breakthrough many feel that they can relax because they have taken ground. No, this is the time to gear up and press in against the enemy even more. Instead of him coming in with a backlash we come against him even harder! Many times when we receive a healing or financial blessing or one gets saved in the family we rejoice and let down our guard and the enemy comes in. Yes, beware of his tactics.

    Yes, worship warfare is a very delicate subject and we must be ready to enter into new territory and ways to worship and not stay in where the Lord placed you before. There is a time to go deep into His secret place but at the same time be sensitive to the strategies He gives us to combat the enemy. It is a delicately balanced maneuver. It’s not by might nor by power but by His spirit. You cannot put God in a box because He moved a certain way in the past and build a way to minister around it. He is fresh and new in His ways and we must flow with Him just like a river.

    I pray the Lord places a new wind in our sails and causes us to be more sensitive to His leading for this is a new day and He is causing us to partake of His new way to take the land. It is such a new way we really don’t know how to partake of it. It is so new the enemy doesn’t even know how to deal with it. So be ready to receive His marching orders and flow with Him!!!!


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