Kingdom Life Squared -Learning to Live on God's Kingdom Life Support by Jay West

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  • #4599
    Ron McGatlin


    Several years ago, a lady that I knew sowed $20 into my ministry and I felt impressed to pray that her return would be squared back to her. If I had prayed that it would be doubled, she would have received $40, but literally in 3 days she received a surprise $400 gift which was the squared amount of $20 or 20 x 20. I am sharing this brief testimony as it will add value to the prophetic word below.

    Kingdom Life Support

    For those who are desperate, Kingdom life support is about to be attached to you. In the natural when you are on life support, you can’t move; but in the Kingdom it enables you to move more freely, faster, quicker, with ease – without hindrances and without barriers. When attached to Kingdom life support, blessings flow faster, favor is released in rapid succession, and the glory rises so quickly on you that others see light, anointing and the miraculous flowing from you. It occurs much like those who ride on white water rapids, except this Godly life support propels you with momentum into speeds that are equal to the speed of light.

    Kingdom life support enables all vital parts of the Kingdom to work in harmony at an accelerated pace that promotes healing, prophetic words, words of knowledge and wisdom to solve problems at a moment’s notice. Rather than just a few individual healings, people get healed together in large groups simultaneously. Others have their prayer language expanded to warfare and worship tongues, which sounds an alarm and brings angelic visitations and assistance, knocking down enemy walls, and creating paths of righteousness so obvious and so plain that people run to get saved. This will even happen prior to a message, and often while watching and observing the miraculous.

    Clearly Seeing and Receiving Jesus

    When Kingdom life support hits, then the spiritual climate and atmosphere opens up heavenly avenues so wide that Jesus is clearly seen, received, and activated in the lives of those in the immediate vicinity. This is a “suddenly” but is sustained through hunger, and a continual feast of God and His declarations of faith beyond normal proportions that you have experienced before. In the natural it is similar to a math equation when a number is squared.

    A squared result and response is substantially better than mere doubling, and brings unseen realms, aid, assistance, power, joy, and Kingdom credentials to keep releasing this realm to all who will desperately reach out and cling to this gigantic release of Kingdom life support.

    However, each part of the Trinity adds an additional square to the process. So it is actually squared several times, after the initial life support is connected to you. This is then squared upon you by the Father, including another square from Jesus and one more from the Holy Spirit, and then Ephesians 3:20 creates the environment for all to do the same as Jesus and yes, exceedingly and abundantly with even more.

    The best way to humanly describe this is as if there were multiple power surges in heavenly splendor all designed to release more Kingdom life on the earth. These power surges bring a stronger anointing, more power with no collateral damage, and only improve Kingdom life on earth. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

    Jay W. West
    Anointed 2 GO MdM and Kingdom Encounters
    Websites: |

    Pastor Jay West has ministered in over 1700 churches in 64 different denominations along with many schools and marketplace locations. He frequently spends time with business, medical, educational and political leaders including Governors, Congressman, and Senators. Jay moves in healing seeing over 7000 people healed in a very low key and un-hyped way, plus he gets many accurate words of knowledge. Jay is the pastor of a new church plant in Omaha Nebraska called, Kingdom Encounters – A new way not to do Church ( Jay and his wife Diane have been married for 37 years and they both serve as the Nebraska Representatives to the United States National Prayer Council appointed by Pastor Ted Rose. Jay is an author, having published four books, including Downloads from Heaven, Willing to Yield, Kingdom Encounters & Well, Well, Well.


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    Elijah List Publications

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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