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  • #13185
    Yolanda Ballard


    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    Concerning the Kingdom of God, we must let go and let God for His kingdom is not of this earth.

    Are many feasting upon false hopes and denying the reality that the state of the land is beyond repair that we are in the position headed for judgment?

    All this trusting in false hopes what it is doing is numbing out the reality that we must get ready. We must get our house in order that is we must get our heart right before God with fasting, prayer, and repentance.

    How does this all fit together? God said that we must humble our self before Him and seek His face and pray and repent of our wicked ways. Then and only then will He hear our prayers and heal our land.

    There is a division in the land both in the church and in the secular world and many have come under the mindset of the world looking for false hopes to satisfy and to sustain through the period of spiritual drought. Many do not see clearly because their vision has been tainted with false hopes of promises that cannot be fulfilled.

    The land is evil within. No wall can protect us from it. It will only shut us up within the evil that has already taken over the land. Yes, the evil is already taken over with hordes of demonic entities that have possessed the multitudes.

    Be blind no longer. Open up your ears to hear the truth! Do not listen to the naysayers that say there is no hope at all for I have a remnant bride that has made herself ready for this day with Me at her side and we will ride through this land upon white horses and along with troops of angelic messenger armies that will overthrow the evil, and we will set up the Kingdom of the King of all kings.

    Yes, but we must ride with Him and overthrow the false hopes. We must look to Him as king and not the false prince of peace over the nation. We must cast down and repent of listening to the false hopes over the nation because it is only blinding us of the truth of the condition of this nation.

    The things of this earth are coming down. God is doing a new thing. A new creation has to take place for a true godly kingdom to take place. All things have to be done away in order for the new things to take over.

    We must not trust in the natural temporal realm. Our treasures are to be in heaven. We are just passing through. We must pull up our stakes and move on to bigger and better things that God has for us. We are citizens of heaven and are just passing through so we must totally let go and allow God to take over. His kingdom comes and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    The church needs a shaking to bring on an awakening! In 1 Corinthians 5:5 the apostles turned over a man caught in incest to satan for the destruction of his flesh so that his soul would be saved. Do we really believe Father God would give the church peace in the land when we need a shaking? All that would do is to lull the church into a deeper sleep, complacency and to indulge in more self-destruction.

    God knows what the church needs. He is a good God and we must trust in His plans and not our plans of what we think we need. Our ways are usually the opposite of His. Many are holding on to what He will tear down.

    Yes, we must let go of our preconceived notions of how to set up His kingdom and to seek to know how to come in agreement with His plans!


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