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Tagged: abundance, authority, brighter day, ebrace the new, foothills, forward, let go past, mountains, new day, situation, tie, vision, word
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by
Ron McGatlin.
December 5, 2019 at 11:47 am #17120
Ron McGatlin
Keymaster“Let Go of Past Expectations and Embrace the New Day!”Russ Walden, Green Valley, ArizonaThe Father says, “Today you are moving forward and not backward in this season and at this time. You have seen victories, and you know what it is to experience My greatness in the most difficult of circumstances.
“My declaration to you is that the highest mountains you have conquered in life thus far are only foothills of minor accomplishments for where I am taking you.
“Fret not when things appear to fall apart and you find yourself seemingly starting over after years of effort and toil. I do not count days, months, and years the way mortal men do, and I don’t want you to do so either.
“Listen carefully,” says the Father. “Because I have time, you have time. Time is not running out. Time is not a tyrant taking precious days from you; it is your servant obeying My command to bless you and put you over in every situation.
Let His Word Define Your Situation
“You have been in a learning curve that is now shifting. The gains you have made and the lessons you have learned you will now teach others, even though you have yet to bring in the full harvest of what obedience looked like in the past.
“Let My Word define the situation you are in and not the voice of doubt or unbelief. Set aside the counsel of unenlightened minds that never look further than the seeing of their eyes or the hearing of their ears for wisdom that will never change things for them – neither will it change things for you.
“Listen to My voice and do what I say,” says God. “Things will shift and the earth will move under your feet, bringing you to a brighter day and an outcome of abundance and blessing beyond anything you have desired or believed for.
Let Go of Past Expectations and Embrace the New Day
“Let go of the shredded dreams of past expectations,” says the Father. “Clinging to the past and keeping lost probabilities on life support is draining all your energy for the outcome I am about to bring to pass in your life. Hold everything loosely.
“Let go of and release what is passing away, for a new day is emerging defined by My intervention in your situation to bring miracles and wonders and signs that will cause those around you to be amazed at the favor I have bestowed upon you, and the goodness of My mercy that is bringing you up out of the miry clay of yesterday’s failures and into a new place of entitlement, authority and new vision.
“For I call you ‘My beloved,’ and upon you I will thoroughly pour out My goodness this day in extreme measure.”
Russ Walden
Father’s Heart Ministry
Email: russellwalden@gmail.com
Website: http://www.fathersheartministry.netRuss Walden is a prophet and marketplace minister with over 30 years of service in the Kingdom of God. Russ and Kitty founded Father’s Heart Ministry in 2007 and since then have prophesied to thousands in 78 countries and all seven continents. In the early 90’s he assisted in the oversight of a group of 400 churches before founding an IT business in the Mid-west. Russ and Kitty converted the business to a marketplace ministry model and out of that Father’s Heart Ministry was born.
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