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  • #24594
    Yolanda Ballard

    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    In various times and seasons many of My people have fallen wayside to the traditions of man and fables brought about by those who are into schemes and tactics to make one rich, but this must not be. My people must stay discerning to know My ways and not the ways that are of the world.

    My people will know My voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow. Be ye separate and be the people I called you to be. For yes, you are My remnant, My bride, and you alone will walk close by My side. You know not to partake of those things that are not of My spirit. You are a unique and peculiar people and many do not understand nor want to partake of your ways.

    Many feel that they have to do the things of the world so they find ways to justify it to make it look like it is of Me, but My people who are called by My name will know the true from the counterfeit. They will be content to partake of the simplicity of knowing My word and to know that I am God and that My grace is sufficient. They will draw close to Me when many others are partaking of the party. They don’t need the tinsel and the lights; all they truly delight in is the fire of My love and My presence.

    Yes, this is the season I will pour out My love and the light of My glory. My joy will be your strength when others are trying to stir up a joy that is not real. For yes, you have the true glory within and nothing else will suffice.

    Yes, this is the day of My glory and My love poured out for you. Do not settle for less; press in for the best. Follow after the star that leads you to My Son. Do not get tripped up with the lights that blind you from seeing Me and knowing who I AM.

    For yes, I AM a God of glory and light and truth and power and might. I am a God who builds up and not tears down a Kingdom that will last forever. I am not a God of a mixture of true and false ways. Yes, I am a God of love poured out for you.

    Yes, I have a Son who was poured out so that you would have life and that abundantly. Let His life burst forth through you this season. Let others see who He is through you. Be the window others will see and be drawn forth to His love. Yes, allow My life and My glory flow forth through you this season.

    May this be the greatest display of My love ever.

    Think about it. What is an evergreen but a symbol of a life that endured through the hardest of times with roots that go very deep, an everlasting life; and what happens when you cut it down, deck it up and put tinsel and lights upon it? It dies!

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