Many are caught in a religious snare – Lyn McSweeny

Home Forums VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words Many are caught in a religious snare – Lyn McSweeny

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    Ron McGatlin

    Many are caught in a religious snare, they do not understand that they have been led astray from the narrow path that we are meant to be following.
    Jesus is the way the truth and the light, we need to be listening to the Holy Spirit and obeying.
    If we are not walking in the light we cannot see the things that may lead us on a different path to that which God means us to walk.

    If we are not hearing God we tend to follow what man is telling us and if that happens who are they listening to??
    We are not meant to be religious we are meant to be sons and daughters of God which means we are filled with the Holy Spirit!
    Religion is outside the veil which Jesus tore! He made the way for all to enter in to God!
    Gods Kingdom comes to earth as in heaven because it lives within those who surrender all to HIM!

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