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- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
Kevin Barrett.
February 2, 2020 at 3:07 pm #17655
Kevin Barrett
ParticipantWord from the Father:
My people, listen to your heavenly Father this day. Have I not declared unto you that this is a new day? So then, it is imperative that you take to heart what I would say to you now.
Many great things are coming to those who will wholeheartedly seek after Me and My righteousness. However, the enemy of your soul already has his plans to cause you to fall away or turn aside from the narrow path which I have laid before each of you.
Therefore, listen well. My Son has already gone before you to make a way of escape when the enemy would try to tempt or deceive you into getting off the narrow path. Therefore, stay close to the light of Christ, My Spirit within, and follow Him. Do NOT use your own earthly wisdom or understanding regarding which path to take in these last days. For this is a new day and none of you have gone this way before (Isaiah 42:16, Joshua 3:3-4).
Know that I will never leave you or forsake you. But do not listen to the voices of reason from others who have not gone this way before either. For they will lead you away from My desire for your lives and ministries.
Therefore, listen carefully to what the Spirit would say each time you must make a choice in a matter. He will be a voice behind you telling you which way you should go (Isaiah 30:21). You would do well to listen to Him.
If you would do this and continue to follow My Son wherever He leads you, then you shall soon find yourself in a place of abundance. Not necessarily an abundance of material things, yet an abundance of My Spirit and the riches of My kingdom, of which I desire so much for each of you.
Now then, know that in the short days ahead you shall witness more shakings and upheaval in the governments of men. For I am shaking all that can be shaken, both within and without the hearts of man. And soon you shall witness many get exposed, both in your political arenas and within the churches of man.
For the governments of man shall not endure forever…and this includes the religious governments of man. Yes, I am speaking of ministries and churches. Whatever is not of Me will not endure the fire that I shall soon breathe upon the face of the earth.
Get ready, My children. For your redeemer is coming…and He shall burn up the chaff, and many shall be purified and made white and tried as precious stones. But the wicked shall continue to do wickedly and will not understand the path taken by those seeking to be purified, but the wise shall understand.
Howbeit, many shall reject the coming last days move of MY Spirit and call it “works” that are contrary to grace. But I tell you the truth, the church at large does not truly understand what My grace really is. For My grace is not Me overlooking your sin or doing your works of righteousness for you. My changing grace is My power working in you to both will and do My good pleasure. My grace teaches you to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and how to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present evil world. For any work, no matter how good it may seem on the outside or done in My name, shall be burned up if it was done outside of My grace and not by the Power of My Spirit.
So then, knowing that this earth and all that is in it shall be burned up at the last, what manner of persons should you be in all holy conduct and godliness?
My people, you will NOT find true holiness and your destiny in Christ by following man. I speak of the blind guides who have made themselves leaders in church and ministry. They cannot lead you into My kingdom, for they themselves have not entered in.
But if you would heed to that still small voice within, He shall guide you into all truth and show you which way you should go.
Don’t think it strange that I am telling you these things. For many who are called by My name have the false belief that their church leaders are leading them in the way that I would have them to go. Not necessarily so, My little ones. If your church leaders are not teaching and equipping you to deny ungodliness and become holy as I am holy by the power of My Spirit, then they are only keeping you as their religious slave to help further their own kingdom.
But if your church leaders are teaching you to lean on Me and above all other things to seek My righteousness and the kingdom of God within, then they are truly one after My own heart…for they seek to please Me and not themselves (Matt. 6:33).
However, soon churches shall change from the way that you now know them. And those churches that refuse this change shall no longer carry My light. And they shall be filled with all kinds of unclean spirits instead.
But for those churches that do choose to follow My Son and change as My heart desires, they shall be a light in a time of great darkness. And My Spirit shall be mightily in their midst to set men free. I do not speak of the small measure of freedom that many have come to know, but I speak of true freedom from all that is of the flesh, the devil, and the world.
And many shall become holy just as I am holy. And many shall enter into My house to never go out again. And with these, I shall build My house that is built without the hands of man. And the Lord whom you seek shall come and fill His temple. And the enemy shall quake in fear when he sees this. For he shall know that the coming of the Lord to his temple shall signal the end of him and his kingdom of darkness within mankind.
And My remnant with My Spirit upon them without measure shall go out unto the ends of the earth preaching and teaching the kingdom of God with a great demonstration of My power and My love for mankind. And ONLY after all have witnessed this and made their choice of either My light or the darkness of the world, only then shall the end come.
But know this, before My kingdom is revealed to the world, many great woes shall come upon the land. And many who have called themselves by My name shall turn away from Me to the lawless one. And these ones shall lament in great turmoil when it is revealed to them which god they have chosen.
But even though there shall be many to fall away, I shall have pity on them and give them space to repent before it is too late. But even then, many will not repent and will take the mark upon themselves that shall seal their doom.
So then, knowing the dangers of the time that you live in, how do you think you should conduct yourselves? I tell you, cast off every weight and sin that so easily besets you, and strengthen what is weak and feeble and be strong and mighty in the Lord your God. For I shall not turn away anyone who would choose to seek after Me with a whole heart.
And if you each would choose to do this, then get ready for a great outpouring of My grace to strengthen you for your journey.
Does this not excite you, My little ones? For truly I tell you that it excites Me to know that soon My house made of lively stones shall finally be built and give Me and My Son a resting place within the hearts of man.
I love you all with an everlasting love and it is My greatest desire that you all enter into the fullness of what I have for each of you. So then, take these words to heart and do as I say, and it shall be well with you.
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