“New Kingdom Encounters and Visitations in the Month of May” Jo Ellen Stevens

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    Ron McGatlin

    “New Kingdom Encounters and Visitations in the Month of May”

    Jo Ellen Stevens, Connersville, IN

    As I was reading on the morning of 5/4/2020, the Lord began to highlight several things to me that I believe have a significance for the days leading up to Pentecost. I believe He is speaking to many right now and giving them dreams, visions, encounters, and revelations unlike anything they have ever experienced. One of the reasons for this is because we are in a very revelatory season; we are about to transition into this new Kingdom age that we have been seeing and praying for for years and, for many of us, decades! All that God has shown us is about to begin to come to pass!

    God also spoke some things to me out of the first chapter of Acts. He said, “This will be a pattern for what you are about to encounter in the days ahead!” The first thing that stood out to me as He highlighted this was this verse:

    Acts 1:3 (NKJV), “…to whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.”

    Visitations for the Transition and the Reset

    First, during the forty days after His resurrection, He showed Himself alive. The Lord spoke to me and said that in the next forty days from Pentecost, many in the Church will be getting a visitation from Him. And there is a reason for that…because He wants to speak to you about things pertaining to the Kingdom! (Photo via Unsplash)

    This month we are in a season like the apostles were; a day of uncertainty about what will happen to our countries, our states, our households, our families, our children and our ministries. In many cases, we are shut in, and like the apostles of old, fear has gripped our hearts! But God is saying, “I have seen all that you are going through right now, but I want you to know that I am about to do something amazing in your day! This is only a transition and a reset!”

    In these next days leading up to Pentecost, there will be visitations if you will be still and know that He is trying to speak to you about things pertaining to the Kingdom! He will be in your midst and many will have visitations from the Lord, because He wants to speak to you about Kingdom matters in the earth, what this new era will look like, and what your part in it will be. He also wants to speak to many church leaders about how to transition from church as usual to the mobile, triumphant Church! He wants to speak to many about how to transition out of the OLD and MUNDANE and into the NEW, ALIVE CHURCH! He wants to speak to many about new ways of getting His Gospel out in the most expedient, economical ways, and how to use the tools that are in the earth to do that.

    He kind of laughed when He spoke to me about this and said, “Many of My ministers have been preaching against the internet, but I created it for My end time purposes.” He said, “I want to come and talk to them about the many ways that I want My people to take over media outlets, and many systems of this world that are now being controlled by the enemy!

    “It is time to root up and then begin to plant. So this pause has been an uprooting, but this Pentecost will begin to be a Kingdom planting! Stop fighting the shift and watch for your visitation! I want to speak to you of things pertaining to the Kingdom! Wait for the promise of the Father for power to do this thing!”

    The Lord says that He understands your hearts are anxious; He has seen the zeal of many, and like Peter, many have wanted to slash some ears and fight their way out of this. But He is saying that “these next days in May will be a time of visitation, as you have been in isolation, and the reward of this will be NEW REVELATION for the Kingdom to come on Earth as it is in Heaven!”

    “Wait for Me”

    He began to speak about this passage in the same book of Acts:

    Acts 1:4-8 (NKJV), “And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, ‘which,’ He said, ‘you have heard from Me; for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.’ Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, ‘Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?’ And He said to them, ‘It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.'” (Photo via Unsplash)

    I heard Him say, “Do not go forth without My plan and My power! Do not go forward without Me empowering you from on high! Do not go out half way and go back to your same old way. Wait for Me to give you new assignments and new alignments! You will only be able to face the giants in the land as you are equipped and empowered by Me, and you have had your marching orders from headquarters!

    “These next few days are a time of waiting on Me and a time of Me wanting to equip you and speak to you about things pertaining to the Kingdom! But on Pentecost there is about to be an empowering of My people who have waited, and this empowering will not be by might nor by your power, but it will only be by My Spirit,” says the Lord!

    “This Pentecost I am going to begin to pour out My spirit upon all flesh! Your Sons and daughters will come running because of their hunger and desire for the truth and for the Living God! For the weak will become strong through My Spirit and the outpouring, and you will know that I am the God who is about to do wonders among you! So I say to you: wait for Me and you will see, on Pentecost, the glory of your God!

    Jo Ellen Stevens
    TCIC Ministries

    Email: jostevensariseshine@gmail.com
    Website: dstevens7.wix.com/tcic

    Jo Ellen Stevens is a prophetic speaker, author, worship leader, and intercessor from Connersville, Indiana. She has ministered with her husband for 23 years, pastoring, teaching, and leading prophetic worship. She operates in a prophetic anointing with words of knowledge and words of wisdom. She believes that every Believer should be hearing the Lord’s voice and resounding His heart out of their intimate relationship with Him. She also believes God called her many years ago to encourage the Body of Christ to arise and shine with the glory of the Lord for such a time as this, no matter what their age, background, or social status! She believes that God has given us each a platform to use the gifts and talents that He has given us to bring those who do not know the Lord out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God, and that social media will play a great part in covering the earth with His glory!

    Source: http://elijahlist.com/

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Ron McGatlin.
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