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Tagged: American economy, American Pastors, American Youth, California, coronavirus, coronavirus quarantine, Distress of nations, Divine intervention, Donald Trump, end time prophecy, false Christians, false prophets, False teachings, Gavin Newsom, Gloom and doom preaching, Judgement of God on America, King David, Las Vegas, Living Proof Tent Crusade, Living Proof Tent Crusades, Mainstream Media, Mario Murillo, Mario Murillo Ministries, Mario Murillo's blog | URL: https://wp.me/p1vrzp-7e7, martial law, Signs and wonders, Ziglag | Categories: American church
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
Ron McGatlin.
April 15, 2020 at 4:31 pm #18221
Ron McGatlin
Posted on by mariomurilloministriesWe cannot deny our lives have been disrupted to an extreme that Americans have not experienced since the Second World War.
Suddenly, we have been plunged into a world that we had previously only seen in disaster movies. All the professional sports that most Americans worship are gone. California’s children will stay home probably until the fall. Las Vegas has been shut down. Sin City’s credo was, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” but now it’s, “Nothing is happening here.”
We have no idea what will ultimately happen to our economy. We are huddled in our homes trying to figure out the best way to ride this out—hoping the doomsday voices are wrong.
What bothers me the most is the behavior of so-called Christians on social media. I have never seen so much self-promotion. Videos infest the internet with “words from God.” Some say this will turn out to be nothing. Others tell us it is the end. They gargle with gunpowder and then shoot their mouths off. They dispense silliness in the name of God. All they really crave is attention. You should document their predictions and hold them accountable for false prophecy when this is all over.
There is only one reason I am writing this and there is only one group I am writing it to. I am writing this to you because God has done an epic miracle in my soul, and this is a message for the remnant of God who have been hidden until this very moment. They are in this crisis by design. They are in for an amazing surprise.
This is not for the carnal Christian. If that’s you, you still need one more lap around reality before you will have a heart for the Glory that God will reveal in His core believers. So here goes…a message to God’s hidden people who are groping for answers for what to do during this quarantine and pandemic.
Like you, I had to deal with the sudden and shocking change brought about by the coronavirus quarantine. There are many who are going through things far worse than I am. But what I went through was still pretty bad.
A week ago, I felt as if I had lost everything. The coronavirus scare closed down our tent crusades. For me and for our team it is a devastating loss. I am not exaggerating: I truly collapsed before God from sheer sorrow.
Out of it, God led me to nine words that David spoke. He said nine words that tell the prophetic core exactly what to do in this crisis. I present to you what every pastor, leader, business person, parent, and young person who is under a heavy call of God needs to do right now.
You will find the answer in the 30th chapter of 1 Samuel. When David lost everything and his men were ready to stone him, he did something remarkable. The Bible says, “He encouraged himself in the Lord.” That is amazing enough, but it’s what he did next that’s even more amazing.
To get anything out of these words, you must first grasp the utter despair that David felt before he spoke them. Remember, David was a man who had been anointed and over whom prophecy had been spoken that he would be King, but in an instant, he became as poor as a slave.
Here’s the picture: 1 Samuel 30:3 “So David and his men came to the city, and there it was, burned with fire; and their wives, their sons, and their daughters had been taken captive. Then David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept, until they had no more power to weep.” Filled with despair, David’s own men were about to kill him.
The nine words I am going to show you were the greatest psalm David ever spoke. In this ‘accidental psalm,’ David glorified God like he had never glorified God before.
Here are the nine words: “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?”
Don’t let their simplicity fool you! David glorified God in what he did not say, as much as in what he did say. Even though he felt rage and grief he did not insult God’s character. He did not rail against his circumstances. David did not sin with his mouth. There was no, “Why did you let this happen to me?” Or, “How can I trust you when you can’t even protect my family?”
David was practicing what he preached in Psalm 19:9, “The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”
From David’s example, I knew better than to waste valuable time rehearsing the disastrous effects of the coronavirus on our ministry. I needed something else. And so do you.
David did not torture himself by dwelling on why it had gotten so bad. He knew the goodness, mercy and wisdom of God. He didn’t even ask for comfort. Think of that!
No, he knew he needed to ask for something else. Can you guess what that is? He needed direction. DIRECTION! And that, my friend, is what you need most.
Take Mario Murillo Ministries for an example. We are in deep prayer about what to do next. My concern is not the tent crusades. When the lock down is lifted we will be ready. We will move with all the force of the pent up zeal and fire in our bones!
No, my real concern is what God would have us do in the meantime. Somehow, I believe God is about to reveal to us an amazing method and an idea that will launch us to harvest souls in a way we never imagined.
Yes, in the natural, this is a terrifying situation. Cities have shut down. Businesses are being destroyed, and people are dying. Still, nothing could be worse than wringing our hands and wallowing in vain imaginations about why this happened, and what may happen next.
The Holy Spirit is waiting to give us marching orders. He wants to give us the wisdom necessary to not only stay safe, but to exploit this crisis for the Glory of God.
God answered David and gave him a promise: “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all” (1 Samuel 30:8).
That was all David needed to launch out and go attack the enemy. He didn’t know how it would happen but he did not let his men slow him down. He ordered them to mount up and ride! When his men saw David on his horse, it reminded them of all the past victories that came from following David into battle.
David sat high and looked at them with a look that spoke volumes, it said, in essence, “Do you want to kill me or do you want to get your wives and kids back?” They followed David, rode after the enemy, miraculously found them, and got back everything and more besides.
You need to talk to your soul and ask yourself, “Do you want to sit here paralyzed by fear or do you want to get up and follow God into total restoration of everything the devil has stolen?”
As far as Mario Murillo Ministries is concerned we will win souls! No matter what. I solemnly promise you that the enemy will pay. This crisis will not lessen our soul winning—in the end it will increase it!
This is what Paul said in Philippians 1:12-14, “I want to report to you, friends, that my imprisonment here has had the opposite of its intended effect. Instead of being squelched, the Message has actually prospered.”
We all need to follow David’s example to get two things: direction and a promise. You will learn how to suppress fear and confusion. You will have no doubt that God is with you and your loved ones, to protect and provide.
You will realize that you have been secretly undergoing preparation for this very moment. Expect to hear from Jesus! Expect to know exactly what to do and how to do it.
This virus is going to pass. But the damage we will live with if we give in to fear and hesitation will not go away. You will look back on this for the rest of your life and thank God you did not give in to fear or disobey the deep work of the Holy Spirit
All it took in David’s case was nine simple words, and an impossible situation was turned into an epic victory: and the body of Christ in America is also going to experience another epic victory! Hallelujah!
Let us put this weapon in your hand. A Powerful new book by Mario Murillo. It’s about the breed of soldier that God is creating to turn America back to God.
Mario’s new book will awaken you to your assignment in God’s work to save America. It’s $15 each or $12 for ten or more. Get a signed copy plus free shipping by clicking here. https://mariomurillo.org/product/vessels-of-fire-glory/
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