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Tagged: end times, gathering into Israel
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Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.info.
June 19, 2021 at 1:02 am #21776
Bruce McKerras Website: www.logostelos.info
ParticipantIt is obvious to anyone who looks at the situation in the Middle East, that there is nothing man can do that will resolve the critical issues there.
God will use people’s actions and His creation to achieve His purposes, as in the past, so according to Bible prophesy: at the point of attack onto Israel, God will intervene with an explosion of the suns surface, Isaiah 30:26, Psalms 50:1-3, that will affect all the world, but in particular all the area of the holy Land. Deuteronomy 32:43
It is clear, from all the prophesied graphic descriptions: that this will be a terrible devastation by fire, earthquakes, storms and tsunamis and the result will virtually depopulate the entire Middle East. Ezekiel 30:2-5, Jeremiah 10:18
This event is the great and terrible Day of the Lords vengeance and wrath. Isaiah 63:1-6, Isaiah 66:15-16, Zephaniah 1: 14-18 & 3:8, Amos 1 & 2:1-5
Malachi 4:1 The Day comes, burning like a furnace. All evildoers will be as stubble.
Isaiah 66:15-16 The Lord coming in fire… many will be slain by Him.
Isaiah 9:18 The land is scorched by the Lord, the people are fuel for the fire.
Ezekiel 29:45-48, Hebrews 10:27, 2 Peter 3:7 It is also the Sixth Seal judgement as described in Revelation 6:12-17, Jeremiah 4:25-29, Isaiah 2:12-22
Many prophecies tell of the final judgement of Judah: Jeremiah 7:20 I will pour out My anger on Judah, man and beast, trees and crops, they will burn unquenched. Ezekiel 21:1-7, Isaiah 22:14
Psalm 83:1-18 describes very well how the State of Israel’s enemies plot against them, and what will happen to them. Micah 4:11-12 A remnant of Jewish believers will survive in Jerusalem. Isaiah 4:3, Isaiah 6:11-12, Zechariah 13:8-9
After that: Ezekiel 36:8 But you, Land of Israel, put forth your branches and yield fruit for My people, Righteous Israel, for their homecoming is near. Zechariah 8:11-13, Amos 9:13-15
All of the Lord’s people will be gathered into the holy Land. Isaiah 66:18-21, Ezekiel 34:11-31 The Lord will then judge His people and only the righteous Christian believers will settle in the Promised Land.
They will establish the new nation of Beulah. Isaiah 62:1-5, Isaiah 66:7-14
Ezekiel 20:35-38 I shall make you pass under the rod of Judgement…..those who revolt and rebel will not enter the holy Land.
Isaiah 1:25-28.Once again, I shall act against you, to purge away all your impurities. Gods people, [the Christian Israel of God, Galatians 6:16], will settle and become prosperous in a blessed and fertile land. Isaiah 35:1-10, Ezekiel 34:11-31
Ezekiel 39:25-29 The Lord says; now I shall restore the fortunes of Jacob. [Who are now spiritual Israel, people qualified by faith, not by ethnicity. Galatians 3:26-29]
They will forget their shame and unfaithfulness when they live once more safely in their inheritance. [Romans 8:14-17] When I gather them from all the lands, they will be an example to the nations of My Holiness. They will acknowledge Me as their God, when they all live in their heritage; the Promised Land. I will no longer hide Myself from them, I who have poured out My Spirit upon them.
After a few years, God will motivate the leader of a Northern alliance to prepare for war and attack Israel. God will destroy the entire army with fire, earthquakes and causing them to fight each other. Ezekiel 38 & 39, the Gog from Magog attack.
Joel 2:20 I shall remove the Northern peril far from you and banish them into the desert. Half of the army: by the Mediterranean and the other half by the Dead Sea.
The stench and foul smell from them will rise up. He has done great things!
This He will do in order to; Ezekiel 39:21-22 … display My glory to the nations… From that day forward, the Israelites will know that I am the Lord their God
Note; that the Lord will make Himself known by His actions to His righteous people, and to the world, but not by His presence until His Return in glory at the commencement of His Millennial reign. After the armies of this Northern alliance are destroyed, the people of Beulah [Isaiah 62:1-5] will send out teams to collect the dead. They will be buried in the valley of Wadi al Mawjib, East of the Dead Sea. This will take seven months, then seven years is needed to finally clear up all the debris of the army. This tremendous defeat of a very large and well equipped army, will have dramatic repercussions. On top of the already huge disruptions caused by the previous worldwide devastation – food and oil shortages, economic crisis, refugee problems, etc. The world’s leaders will meet and the most logical way to address all the issues, is to form a One World government. Daniel 7:23-24, Rev 17:12-13. Initially ten rulers will share the authority, but after a short while, they will confer their power onto one man. The President of this World Alliance will be a charismatic and strong leader, he will quickly take dictatorial powers over it. Daniel 11:21
Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, construction of the Third Temple will be completed, Zech. 6:15, Revelation 11:1, and the Shekinah glory of God will enter it. Ezekiel 43:2
12,000 missionaries will be selected from each of the 12 divisions of Beulah and they will go out in pairs to every people group in the world to preach the gospel of Gods Kingdom to come. Isaiah 66:19, Revelation 7:3-8 As was done previously: Luke 10:1-10
Beulah will not join the One World government, but in order to maintain peaceful relations, Beulah will sign a seven year peace treaty with them. Daniel 9:27
After 3½ years, the world leader will be assassinated, but his body will be taken over by Satan. Revelation 13:3-4 He will come in force to Beulah, Zechariah 14:1-2, and establish worship of himself in the Temple. Matthew 24:15 So, when you see the ‘abomination of desolation’ standing in the Holy place as prophesied by Daniel 7:25…
He will defy the Most High and will persecute the holy people of God. They will be in his power for 3½ years. Rev 13:9-10.
In Rev 12:6, it says that there will be a place of safety for some of Gods people, those who stood firm in their faith. Daniel 11:32b, Matthew 24:15-21.
During this last 3½ year period, the Great Tribulation of the Seven Trumpets and the Seven Bowls of God’s wrath poured upon the earth will cause terrible destruction and deaths to the ungodly peoples. Matthew 24:21-22, Revelation 16:11
It all culminates in the Battle of Armageddon – Revelation 16:16. That is when the Lord Jesus will return to the earth in His glory and destroys those armies in His mighty power. Rev. 19:15 & Zechariah 14:3-5. Lucifer (Satan) will be chained and imprisoned and Jesus will rule the world for 1000 years. Then, Satan will be released for a short time. He will seduce the nations and will muster them for war, a vast army from all around the world. They will lay siege to Gods City. Fire comes down from heaven and cremates them all. Satan is thrown into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:7-9.
After that is the Great White Throne judgement of all people and the angels. Revelation 20:11-14, Daniel 7:9-10
THEN comes Eternity, a Spiritual realm where all who enter it will be immortal and will live with God forever.
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