petition to the most high court

Home Forums VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words petition to the most high court

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    Father, I petition the court, the high court, the court of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth, that ____(name)_______ is missing . Father, I request as a Son of God, a daughter of Abraham, follower and believer in Christ, that you send your officers of the court of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords to go out and bring __(name)__________ in. At this time, the time of the festival of lights, let your light spot her out and arrest in the spirit and bring __(name)__________ in. Without spot or wrinkle, nothing missing, nothing broken, whole body, soul and spirit, as only you can. _____(name)________ belongs in this kingdom of God and the family of God! The gates of hell shall not prevail in this situation. The most high God, possessor of heaven and earth already has prevailed. It is finished!!! Father if you have found favor in me and I know that you have because of your son Christ, I pray you grant this petition. I thank you Father, for I know all good things come from above. You are a righteous judge and all vengeance and recompense belongs to you. I thank you Father for favor in this matter and I am expecting this to be done speedily. Thank you Jesus! * fill in blank with whom you are praying for

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