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- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by
Ron McGatlin.
April 21, 2017 at 1:53 pm #3591
Ron McGatlin
KeymasterPrayer Alert Issue 16-2017
ISSUE 16-2017
Dear Ron,
The prayer of faith. Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. (James 5:13)
We are pleased to enclose this week`s edition of Prayer Alert.
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Thank you again for standing with us in prayer over the nations.
David Fletcher – For the Prayer Alert Team
Praise Reports
British Isles and Ireland
During Theresa Mays Easter message, she talked about religious freedom and said people should be able to talk freely about their faith, including their faith in Jesus Christ. She urged everyone to uphold the country’s strong tradition of religious tolerance and freedom of speech. We must continue to ensure that people feel able to speak about their faith, and that absolutely includes their faith in Christ. We must be mindful of Christians and religious minorities around the world who do not enjoy these same freedoms, but who practise their religion in secret and often in fear. She added, People should be confident about Christianity’s role in the country. Alastair Campbell, editor-at-large of the New European, said the prime minister should be careful about merging her faith with her politics.
God that we have some politicians who do not hide their Christian light under a bushel. (Mt. 5:14)
Wednesday was a historic day for Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW). After an eight-year wait, its application for accreditation by the United Nations was finally granted. CSW, an organisation supporting Christians around the world living under pressure because of their faith, will now have independent access to key UN human rights advocacy platforms, and the ability to organise side-events independently at fora such as the UN Human Rights Council and General Assembly. CSWs application had been supported by such dignitaries as Nobel laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Jose Ramos-Horta, the former President of Timor Leste, and also by all five UN Special Rapporteurs.
God for this breakthrough, which also acknowledges the importance of NGO contributions to the UN’s work. (1 Tim. 5:25)
Our workplaces provide a unique opportunity to build relationships with nonbelievers. Every day they see the difference our faith makes to how we work, the way we relate, our resilience under pressure, and our attitude to success or failure. We need Gods wisdom and timing to talk Jesus to our colleagues. So, like Paul, lets ask for both words and courage. (written by Bev Shepherd, LICC PrayerWorks)
Heavenly Father, thank You for our work and for those we meet through it. We pray for those in authority in our workplaces. Help us to witness to You through the way we work and relate to our colleagues. We ask for Your guidance as to when to speak, what to say, and when to stay silent. Amen. (Eph. 6: 5,9)
The day after Theresa May called a snap election, a declaration was posted on the website passionforthenation.uk. The following prayer is based on that declaration: We decree that in every constituency, Gods purpose and Gods plans will be fulfilled. We come into agreement with Gods Word in Daniel 2: 21: He (God) changes the times and the seasons, He removes kings and raises up kings, He gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those who have understanding. We pray in Jesuss name and declare that in the new Parliament, those and only those appointed by God will lead this nation. May they sound a distinct call, demonstrating vision, skill, and godly wisdom and understanding that others will follow. Proverbs 24:6 says, You need guidance to wage war, and victory is won through many advisers.
for the next Parliament to be united behind the Prime Minister and work for Kingdom purposes, with people fused together by Gods wise and capable hands leading them on secure paths. (Jer. 29:11)
Britains national newspapers are full of opinions, reports and analysis. The Daily Mail has an air of menace, the Sun and Telegraph proclaim Tory triumph, the Times and Guardian see bids for political strength. Some fear another general election will create instability in the country. Many voters already have election fatigue. Sources say Theresa May’s manifesto will draw on inspiration from Thatcher’s in 1979 – it will be short and ‘tell a story’; Jeremy Corbyn said he will not play by the election rules, Nigel Farage is considering another bid to become an MP, and 750,000 people who turned 18 since the last election are now able to vote. Much prayer is needed for all who are canvassing to be men and women of wisdom and truth, for the voting public to hear the voices of wisdom above the clamour of half-truths and for the outcome on 8 June to be in line with Gods will for a United Kingdom.
for every debate in the coming weeks to be under Gods authority, for our politicians to be marked out by Gods grace, and for the media to avoid self-serving agendas. (Is. 1:26, CSB)
A neurodegenerative disease causes the cells of the brain and spinal cord to be lost. The functions of these cells include decision-making and control of movements. Damaged and lost cells are not easily regenerated, so the effects of diseases are devastating for the sufferers of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and Huntington’s. Sufferers pay the price of both emotional and physical pain. Caring for a relative with a neurodegenerative disease can be challenging and difficult, draining emotions and causing stress. However, scientists now believe they have found a drug to stop certain neurodegenerative brain diseases. In 2013 they stopped brain cells dying in an animal for the first time, but it was unsuitable for people. Now two similar drugs have been found which should have the same effect on peoples brains. Clinical trials are expected to start soon, and within two or three years we will know if they are effective and safe.
for this exciting development to continue to receive adequate funding, and for the success of the human clinical trials. (Pr. 11:25)
The Evangelical Alliance (EA) has called on Christians to ‘fully engage’ in the general election and speak hopefully with vision for the future. They will release resources to help churches discuss the opportunities and challenges facing society, structured around the themes of love, freedom, justice and truth. Steve Clifford, EAs general director, said that this election provides a chance for Christians to take part in debating the future of our society. Its a chance for us to speak hope into a society that is so often searching for meaning. Between now and 8 June we can consider what the political parties are proposing, and the vision they are offering for our society. We can have a society that is more loving than it is now, we can live in greater freedom than we currently know, we can see justice as a lifestyle and not a soundbite, and rediscover the power of truth as the basis of a society working for the common good.
for those in political parties who demonstrate the above virtues in their policies. (Col. 3:14)
The Church of England’s representative in Parliament has suggested Brexit could resolve ‘inconsistencies’ in the recent ruling on religious symbols. Last month the European Court said that the banning of any political, philosophical or religious sign in the workplace does not constitute direct discrimination (the test case regarded the wearing of a Muslim veil in Belgium). Caroline Spelman, Conservative MP for Meriden, said the CofE was very concerned by this decision. She said, The ban conflicts with the pre-existing rulings of the Court of Human Rights. Presumably by leaving the European Union, we stand some chance of resolving these inconsistencies. Last month, PM Theresa May also questioned the European Court’s ruling.
that the UK will never have to legislate on womens rights to choose how they dress. (1 Cor. 10:29b)
A convincing win would strengthen the Governments negotiating hand in the minds of European leaders who determine the terms offered post Brexit. Theresa May will expect another five years in power despite challenges on economic and social policies, fighting the election on a Brexit platform. Labour will say Conservatives are wrecking Britain with austerity measures and will campaign on NHS, social care and schools. Liberal Democrats want the softest Brexit and Scottish Nationalists want a majority as grounds for a second independence referendum. What part does loving our neighbours play in UK government and politics? We can pray for more evidence of Godly values in the election campaign and its outcome, and for local candidates to be quizzed more on where they stand on moral and spiritual issues.
for more politicians to be asked how they balance self-interest with cooperation with our neighbours, and for God to inspire Christian politicians with His answers in all debates. (Jn. 8:47a)
Irelands health minister said he is determined to shut down a pro-life crisis pregnancy centre run by Human Life International (HLI) after an undercover video sting by The Times of Ireland found pro-life counsellors linking abortion to trauma, breast cancer, and long-term regret. I have been very clear that I want to see these agencies shut down. It makes me sick to the pit of my stomach. Its not even false or misleading, its just wrong and disgusting so-called information being presented to women in extremely vulnerable situations. he told reporters. Another group, the Catholic Support Service (which is not connected to HLI), was also featured in the video. The outrage expressed by The Times and the health minister is interesting given that the majority of the claims made by the counsellors are true. Common sexually transmitted diseases that cause death if left untreated include AIDS, syphilis, and hepatitis. Three different pro-life centres, each run by different organisations, are now in the government’s crosshairs.
for Ireland to recognise the sacredness of human life and societys duty of care to mothers, fathers, and their unborn children. (Ps. 139:18)
If elected, Marine Le Pen will suspend all legal immigration to France. Polls suggest she is neck and neck with Emmanuel Macron, ahead of Sunday’s first round of voting. However, in a world of alternative facts shared by the Russian-state-funded news operation Sputnik, François Fillon is leading in the polls. A very loud voice comes from farmers protesting about the difficulties of the agricultural industry. 600 committed suicide last year, but little has been done to address French farmings deepest crisis since World War II. The hidden tragedy is European, and across Europe farmers have been protesting on the streets at ever-increasing intervals to highlight poor market returns for their produce. A fortnight ago members of the agriculture committee of the European Parliament held a minute’s silence for those farmers who had committed suicide as a result of the ongoing crisis in agricultural markets. French farmers will be voting for Marine Le Pen. See also
for people to recognise fake news for what it is, and for years of injustice within the ministry of agriculture to be addressed as a result of the final outcome of the French election. (Ps. 102:2)
Donald Trump said the US would consider any lever, diplomatic, economic or military, to forestall North Koreas nuclear ambitions and tweeted, North Korea is looking for trouble. But experts say Pyongyangs latest missile launch has underlined the futility of his efforts to bully Kim Jong-un into abandoning his nuclear ambitions. There is a problem with playing the military threat card with North Korea because they are inclined to call the bluff, said John Delury, a North Korea expert in Seoul. Im not saying they tested because of the threats. But bringing a naval strike group doesnt help if your goal is to put off a test. If anything you are increasing the odds. Delury added that sabre-rattling rhetoric and erratic use of force would only strengthen Kims determination to develop a nuclear deterrent to spare him the fate of Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi.
for declarations of military might by both parties to end. Pray that the relationships between the USA and China will develop and create avenues for new negotiations that ease the tensions. (Pr. 8:20)
Russia has invested politically and militarily into Syria; many believe their primary concern is less President Assad than the power and prestige of maintaining their position. Any plan to move Moscow from this stance needs to involve a face-saving mechanism that Putin could package as win-win internationally, and in Russias best interest domestically. Many strongly believe that if Assad were to go, the Syrian Christians would be history, and like Iraq and Libya before, Syria would descend into jihadist chaos. The BBCs correspondent Robert Pigott said, If he goes, IS and Al-Nusra will be fighting it out on the streets of Damascus. Also, Assad is the leader of the Alawites. The Alawites are Shiite Muslims centred in Syria who have older beliefs that predate Islam. Unless the Syrian Alawites themselves make a change in their leadership they will back Assad. Any initiative that omits Syrias Alawites will be a diplomatic failure and lead to more deaths.
for God to have mercy on Syrias various communities, and cause the leaders involved in this diplomatic dilemma to negotiate a way forward that does not include violence and death. (Pr. 18:5)
Half of Turkey is celebrating a win in a national referendum, the rest demand a recount. President Erdogan has claimed victory and sweeping new powers as head of government, head of state and head of the ruling party. He will have power to appoint cabinet ministers, propose budgets, appoint judicial bodies and issue decrees without safe counterweight mechanisms that exist in democratic countries such as the USA. The opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) cited voting irregularities, including using unstamped ballot papers. The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe said the referendum had an unlevel playing field, as the Yes campaign had unlimited media advertising, while the No campaign was allowed virtually none. There was misuse of state resources by the Yes campaign organisers, and obstruction of No campaign events. Big cities did not back Erdogan or his changes. The win has caused both celebrations and protests across the country. See also:
for peace on the streets as the referendum result is digested. Pray for President Erdogan to do the best for Turkey without any totalitarian, oppressive regime changes. (Pr. 29:2)
Although perhaps millions have been affected by it, few in the Northern Hemisphere have heard of the South African revival. The current movement is drawing huge crowds, especially men, to Christ. It is that there is a correlation between this move of the Spirit and a general understanding and support of Israel, to whom many Christians are indelibly attached. Churches across South Africa (black, white, English- and Afrikaans-speaking) are bursting with new life in a counter-cultural provocation to secularists, humanists and a corrupt government opposed to Israel and virtually cutting off diplomatic ties with the Jewish state. Angus Buchan stands out among the many leaders of this movement: a humble farmer / evangelist whom God called to focus on men, inviting both young and old men to weekend camps for seven consecutive years.
for increased recognition by the nation and the government of their Judaic roots. (Ro.11:17)
The food crisis in East Africa is escalating. Women and children are dying in South Sudan. The number of Kenyans needing emergency food has doubled in the past three months and could soon reach four million. Food prices are spiralling. Many people, weak with hunger, have to make long journeys just to find water. But the last months before the hoped-for harvest in June will be the hardest to bear. All food stocks were exhausted long ago. Most of the livestock are dead, and the crops are not yet fully grown. This is the period when people die. But a good harvest needs rainfall. The March-May rains in Kenya started late this year. In Uganda the rains started early but have been erratic – some areas getting too much and others too little. Mission agencies are giving support during this prolonged drought that has caused the death of livestock and people, but they need more help from the public as the crisis grows.
for God to continue blessing people with hearts of kindness and generosity so that food aid is extended to a further 200,000 people. Pray for good rains, so that the June harvest does not fail. (Job 20:34)
Known as Europe’s last dictatorship, Belarus does not tolerate protest or dissent. Yet thousands protested in the streets over a controversial tax. These protests have gained significant momentum, even though 400+ have been detained and many beaten. A brewing conflict over the relationship between Belarus and Russia is spiraling downward, as the country moves away from Russia. Belarus is fragile and vulnerable at a pivotal moment in its history. But most importantly, increasing numbers of Belarusians are turning to Christ, even amid tight controls and increased persecution (source: Prayercast). In America Donald Trump hit back at tax protesters, asking who funded their demonstrations. English newspapers report the tide turning on the streets of the worlds capital cities. Hundreds of peaceful protesters were arrested in Moscow and St Petersburg, after unsanctioned demonstrations against corruption. Half a million Romanians forced their government to abandon a law pardoning corrupt officials after taking to the streets.
for many to come to the certainty and hope of Jesus Christ in uncertain times. (Ps. 5:2)
Dr Mark Christian, a former prominent Egyptian Muslim (his great uncle was co-founder of Muslim Brotherhood), is a Christian lecturer who warns people of the impact of Islam on the world today. In a webinar hosted by the American Pastors Network, Christian explained how he began questioning Islam as a 23-year-old imam and later left the religion. He argues that organisations such as the Muslim Students’ Association, the North American Islamic Trust, and the Islamic Society of North America are funded heavily by Muslim Brotherhood members in Egypt, Pakistan and other countries, who are attempting to persuade the American public to accept the Islamic agenda and even try to lure Christians into denying Jesus Christ.
for the message of the Easter story to strengthen all those who are uncertain in their Christian faith. (Heb.11:1)
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Prayer Alert is produced in partnership with The World Prayer Centre, Cornerstone House, 5 Ethel Street, Birmingham, B2 4BG, England.
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