Home › Forums › VOICE OF PROPHECY – Kingdom of God Prophetic Words › Prepare For A Greater Wave Of Unrest & Violence. – By Kevin Barrett
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
Kevin Barrett.
June 29, 2020 at 10:47 am #18847
Kevin Barrett
ParticipantWord from our Heavenly Father:
My dearest ones, I come to you today as your loving Father in heaven with words of instruction and comfort for the perilous time you find yourselves in. Have I not given you ample warnings to prepare for the chaos and turmoils coming upon your nations? So then, do not be alarmed, for I have allowed this for a season.
However, that season is not over yet. Even though the present unrest may seem to diminish over time, prepare for a second wave with more intensity. For there are those behind closed doors, even in your governments, who are conspiring and orchestrating greater unrest and violence for the United States and other nations.
Howbeit, My people can greatly diminish and shorten this second wave with prayer. Take your authority in Me and pray against the darkness that is seeking to divide and destroy civilization in your nations. Many will be running to and fro seeking shelter and safety from what is coming next. However, it is both My desire and My intention for My people to be hidden under a canopy of My protection.
Therefore, prepare yourselves both spiritually and in the natural. Be sure to have plenty of food, water, and necessities stored up. But in all this, do not get into fear, but instead, get into My presence. For I am allowing this to continue for now to cause My people to awaken, rise up, and take their rightful place in Me. My people have been in a spiritual slumber for too long and I must shake My people awake as I have warned of before.
But know this; I am not allowing this shaking so that you may be harmed. On the contrary, I am allowing it so you may awaken and rise and shine. Therefore, by the power of My Spirit, you must shake off all sin and weights that so easily beset you and set your face like flint to seek after Me and My righteousness.
Now then, even though you may witness more unrest and violence coming, do not allow yourselves to join the voices that shout out there demands. Even though there may be injustices in diverse places, your justice along with your provision is always by My hand and in My timing. Do not join the carnal fights with there demands. And above all, always walk in My love forgiving one another. Now is the time to be walking in My truth and love at all times so that you may have My protection in times of trouble.
However, even though more racial conflict, unrest, and violence may come, it can be defeated in places if My people continue to pray against it. Now is the time for My people to shine like never before. If you would seek Me and hide yourselves in My love while always walking in My ways, then I shall use you to do miracles in this time of shaking and you shall turn many hearts to Me.
I love you all so deeply and care for each one of you. And not one of you shall lose even a hair on your head from the violence, provided you stay close to Me and obey My voice. For this is imperative for your safety. You never know what is hiding just around the corner, but I do, and you need to be able to hear My still small voice telling you which way to go in order to avoid any traps of the enemy.
My dearest ones, I have told you of good days to come and this is true. However, you will only find those good days as you hide yourselves in Me and pray against this darkness of fear, hate, and unrest. For I am about to do something big in this nation of the United States and across the world. I am bringing such a move of My Spirit that this world has never seen before. Get ready for the last days outpouring of My Spirit that shall be greater than the early days of Pentecost.
But know this; shakings shall continue, even in your economies and provisions, and darkness shall increase as men’s hearts grow cold. But as for you, My lovely ones, even in the midst of all this you shall arise and shine bright with My glory and prosper in all your ways if you obey Me.
Now then, as I have said, you can greatly diminish and shorten this second wave of trouble with your prayers….for the enemy has plans to immobilize President Trump so that he is rendered helpless from restoring law and order. Pray against the attacks of the enemy on this president. It is imperative that he remains in power so that much of what has been planned may be thwarted. There are even plans for foreign troops to march upon American soil in the United States, but this too can be thwarted with your prayers.
Oh, how I love you all so much….and it is not My desire that any should perish. But I must allow this shaking for now so that My people may wake up from their slumber. I tell you the truth, most of My people are NOT prepared for the coming gross darkness. If you fear now, you will not endure what is coming with such a lack of faith.
Get into My presence often and seek My face. I am not far away that I cannot be found. But I am near, and I am your refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.
Hear Me, My dear ones, I love you so much that I cannot allow you to go on with business as usual knowing that most of you are not ready for the coming gross darkness. Therefore, out of My love, I MUST shake My people awake that they may prepare themselves.
So then, do as I say and all will be well with you.
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Ron McGatlin.
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